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 May 2018 NA
Jo Barber
On a Whim
 May 2018 NA
Jo Barber
My favorite people
were met on a whim.
My favorite memories
were made on a whim.

The most splendid castles,
the most magnificent sunsets,
the sweetest kisses;
all were had and done and seen
on whims.

Don't tell me that I'm silly
for following my heart
and permitting my life
to blow along with the wind.

My life was made on a whim,
and it'll likely end the same way.
 Apr 2018 NA
Melissa S
Lucky 13
 Apr 2018 NA
Melissa S
Beware of the thirteenth
landing on a Friday??

Nah....that's just bullhockey

The thirteenth has always been
lucky for me...
My sweet boy was born that day
for the world to see :)
 Apr 2018 NA
Willobi Kome
With tears of joy in her eyes
She saw you come to life
For the very first time
While you cried,she smiled

You were placed on her arms
She wiped the trickle of tear by her eye
Clamped by her hands,
Inexplicable was the joy in her heart

Then you grew into a toddler
You won her heart like its your birth right
She would have sleepless nights
Just to ensure you were alright

Changed your diapers every six hours
Understood all your gestures
Tried her best to stop your cries
Cautioned your plays
She'll clean up your mess in the presence of her friends with no shame

Years went by
You grew to be a teenager
And she's still nearby
Heeding to your complain and inner cries

Even though she reprimands
She fands to meet your daily demands
Guides you on your next path

In years to come
She'll still be by your side
Teaching you the secret of live
But she won't be forever
So appreciate her while she's still nearby
 Mar 2018 NA
Donall Dempsey

the water

in a deep

the water

of rain writing itself
upon its face

the water
wears a moon

until human voices
wake it

and it drowns
in everyday reality.

— The End —