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Kay Nov 2018
Here's the thing about AVERAGE: its average
I wanted to reach higher
to be stronger,
i wanted to show every one that i am MORE.
So i became more,
I trained HARDER,  i pushed for more, and in return...
i couldn't love myself because i was never enough,
i forgot the feeling of a smile,
i became empty, because i forgot who i was,
and eventually i stopped trying to be more.
Because, was Average really that bad?

If average is yourself than maybe you should strive for average.
After the Fall
Kay Aug 2018
We will walk off thousands of cliffs,
but not all of us hit bottom,
some will learn how to fly,
others will lose themselves in the fall,
and the rest will wait until the cliff finally ends.
which are you?
Kay Mar 2018
What are we doing?
We as people have to expand the bounds,
we have to see and breath under water,
we have to adapt to quench the the thirst to break ourselves,
yet we do.
Why fear death if we are it?
We **** ourselves every day and one day it won't be enough.
Push the bounds till there are none left,
push your body to the point where you don't have one,
break yourself, tear your self apart then, stitch it back together so you can do it again.
Don't think "who cares,"
we will watch with enthusiasm yelling  "jump!"
And you will as you plummet to the ground we will watch....
We have no bounds,
and yet as you are falling you think,
"Why doesn't anyone care?"
And you don't know why, but it hurts more then the fall...
The End
Just a bunch of random stuff bunched together...
The world today
Kay Mar 2018
If they call the good part of you,
or the good little voice a conscience,
then what do they call the war?
What do they call the turmoil inside,
the little voice that tells you you're worthless.
The part that pulls you down to a place,
where light does not exist...
I've called that place my home,
I've listened to that voice.
You tell yourself its wrong,
but you can't help to lean in a little more,
to ask "What am I worth?"
You'll wait for the answer to come,
but you will wait forever...
The voice is gone...
The silence will never answer,
because it can't lie...
"shhh im listening..."
Kay Feb 2018
Shes afraid to see her reflection, the mirror that tells the truth.
The mirror that shows the hidden scars on her arms,
and the newly sewn stitches.
She tried and failed to stop the feelings ,
the newly fallen streaks of salt and fear staining her face.
The mirror that tells her that shes not good enough,
she doesn't have the strength to deny it any more.
The mirror that shows the girl who cries behind closed doors,
and that screams in her dreams where no one will hear.
Will no one help her, has the world turn its back on her?
Will she go out silently into the night?
No, be the one that stands up and shatters those mirrors, pick those people up and show them that they would be missed. Be the ones to show the real truths.
Kay Dec 2017
What is art, from the words I say,
to the things I paint...
What do my words mean, they flow and they haunt,
but do they tell the truth?
What is facade but a word said in a nicer way.
The truth spread thin.
What is real in you eyes, may not be in mine,
and lies are too easily said for me to believe you,
or your actions.
The paint from your brush tells a story,
of grief and deceit.
Paint me a life with no more pain,with no more lies...
Would you call that art, or the art of disguise?
If you where then an artist and you died,
would it be a beautiful death, or a sad reunion?
We may be all different colors, none the same,
but that never stops you from trying to look the same.
If I were to tell you to look closer, to look at their faces,
would you notice the mask they ware?
The tears have left scars on their wrists,
and words have left burns on their hearts.
Are the words we say just scrips to please the crowd?
I'm telling you now, make your own art,
one that's never been seen before...
Words can hurt...
Kay Dec 2017
I really do care for you,
but these feelings you make me feel.
They are painful, they frustrate me, and slowly crush me.
When you smile, my heart skips beats.
Why cant you just hold me, please love me?
You speak but I can't listen.
Look at my actions, cant you see, i need you...
I'll breath but I feel like i'm drowning,
your word keep me afloat now,
but later, other words can drown me.
My emotions that i buried bubble and fester,
they tell me i'm not good enough for you.
When you look at other girls i cant help but hurt,
i'm sorry if i'm annoying you, i cant help it.....
I've fallen in love.
But if i love you, then why does some part of me hate you?
At one point you have to ask yourself, "Is he really worth it?"
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