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 Nov 2015 Yorkobi
Crooked Youth
I resent the fact that my life seems to have become a constant struggle against Repetition.

I resent the fact that my life seems to have become a constant struggle against Repetition.

I resent the fact that my life seems to have become a constant struggle against Repetition.

Dont let it consume you.
You've simply got to spice it up a little.
 Nov 2015 Yorkobi
Nana kofi
For You
 Nov 2015 Yorkobi
Nana kofi
Deep with theres a pain inside
A clock ticking day and night
Seeking your return
only to sit here
And listen to songs about you
Its draining
Crippled in solitude
You got me this way
And i hope you return
 Nov 2015 Yorkobi
Look at me
My skin
Has dealt with a lot

                         I have lived through
                         Tumors and attacks
                         Cuts and bruises from me
                         Bruises from him

My poor skin
In the end
This damage is
All for naught

                            *"Scars are only **** on guys..."
I don't know whether to hate myself or you more right now.
Everything is so confusing I could cry.
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