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Dec 2019 · 104
Por Qué Me Gusta el Haiku
Victor D López Dec 2019
Captura el significado,
Del tapiz fluido de la vida,
Interpretado en un fotograma.
Dec 2019 · 132
La Vida
Victor D López Dec 2019
Las arenas del tiempo fluyen,
Cayendo hacia el olvido,
dejando algo atrás.
translated from my haiku "Life"
Dec 2019 · 128
El Velo Levantado
Victor D López Dec 2019
Tus ojos vidriados me miraban,
Sin reconocimiento,
Pero ahora lo ves todo.
Victor D López Dec 2019
He sembrado palabras en tierra fértil,
Los regué con sudor y lágrimas,
Fertilizados con sueños muertos,
Y crecieron, florecieron y prosperaron.

Una rica cosecha tengo ahora,
Cestas repletas de hojas muertas y prensadas,
Encuadernadas en coloridas cubiertas,
Que otros puedan repasar a voluntad.

Me brindan recompensas y algo de alegría,
Me sobrevivirán, aunque no mucho,
Y ayudaran a otros a aprender,
Y quizás a mejorar sus vidas.

Ojalá hubiera sembrado menos palabras,
Cosechado menos fanegas de hojas,
Y elegido sembrar otras semillas,
Que habrían florecido en almas.

En un instante intercambiaría
Celemines de bonitas hojas muertas,
Por una hija mía,
Amada mediante toda mi vida.

Lo hecho no se puede deshacer,
Aunque senderos no tomados me llamen todavía,
Al menos sé que cuándo me vaya,
Las hojas muertas nunca llorarán.
Translated from my poem, "As We Sow, Thus Do We Reap"
Dec 2019 · 115
As We Sow Thus Do We Reap
Victor D López Dec 2019
I’ve sown words on fertile ground,
Watered them with sweat and tears,
Fertilized them with dead dreams,
And they grew, flowered and thrived.

A rich harvest have I now,
Bushels full of dead, pressed leaves,
Bound in colorful covers,
That others may thumb at will.

They bring rewards and some joy,
Will survive me, if not long,
And help others still to learn,
And I hope help improve lives.

Wish though I’d sown fewer words,
Reaped fewer bushels of leaves,
Chosen to sow other seeds,
That would have bloomed into souls.

In a heartbeat I’d exchange,
Bushels of pretty dead leaves,
For a daughter of my own,
To have loved through all my years.

Choices cannot be undone,
Roads not taken beckon still,
At least I know when I’m gone,
Dead leaves will never cry tears.
Nov 2019 · 137
Perky Pachyderm
Victor D López Nov 2019
Little, cuddly, smart,
And in the fullness of time,
He will move mountains.
Nov 2019 · 146
Sobre la Crianza de Cuervos
Victor D López Nov 2019
Ala rota,
Cuidadosamente alimentado,
Saludable otra vez.
Alas Vantablack,
Poderosamente batiendo,
Propulsándolo hacia el cielo,
Alimentado por,
Los ojos del benefactor.
Translation of my free verse poem "On raising Crows"
Nov 2019 · 168
Parque Central
Victor D López Nov 2019
Flores florecen junto a latas de Pepsi oxidadas,
Regadas por la saliva de los traficantes de cocaína,
Y el ***** y el fluido vaginal,
De amantes en celo manoseándose bajo mantas,
Bajo estrellas débilmente brillando a través de niebla tóxica.

Refugio en la oscuridad para asaltantes, violadores, y otros maleantes,
Cuyo aliento profana las misma especies,
Que tan mal representan,
Degeneran la definición Platónica del hombre,
En pollos muertos, desplumados.

Abominación. Horrible no en sí mismo, si no en el uso que se le pone:
Un hueso lanzado a perros que nunca han probado un bistec,
Y se conforman en festejar,
Los trozos de carne fétida,
Restantes en huesos bien roídos.

Parque Central, el hueso que debemos roer,
Sonriendo complacientemente al ver los rascacielos,
Crecientes a diario donde las flores podrían haber brotado,
Nuestra humanidad hundiéndose en proporción,
A las alturas que alcanzan.

Si parezco ser de mente estrecha y cruel,
O ciego a la belleza de "Central Park",
Es porque he caminado en tierra virgen,
En verano, invierno, otoño y principios de primavera,
Y no puedo llevarme a amar a una puta.
Mi translation of mi early blank verse poem, "Central Park".
Nov 2019 · 103
Victor D López Nov 2019
Today I give thanks,
For the unbridled joy shared,
With those here and gone.
Nov 2019 · 169
El Tren Subterráneo
Victor D López Nov 2019
Estoy solo en la oscura estación de metro de Fulton Street,
Respirando el aire con olor a orina,
Exhalando nubes de vapor,
Un tren subterráneo se precipita a lo largo del anden,
No se detiene,
Muerde mis tímpanos,
Con la percusión dolorosa,
De miles de personas,
Gritando en silencio,

Yo no quiero ver,
     Yo no quiero ver,
          Yo no quiero ver,

El aire avivado por cada vagón de metro,
Me empuja,
Propulsa el ozono y el olor de frenos quemados,
En mis fosas nasales,
Junto con el aire,
Introducido a través de las rejillas de hierro,
A lo largo de kilómetros de las aceras de Brooklyn,
Llevando el olor de las llagas supurantes de una prostituta,
Y los gritos de un niño hambriento, sin padre en pañales sucios,
Y el gemido ronco de un concejal de la ciudad educando a un paje joven,
Y el perfume barato de una niña de catorce años de edad fugitiva,
Vendiendo su cuerpo por $20 en un callejón,
Oliendo de comida china rancia y perros humedos,
Y . . .

Yo no quiero ver,
     Yo no quiero ver,
          Yo no quiero ver,

. . . el olor de la sopa de repollo podrida,
Y los restos rancios de un perrito caliente enterrado en chucrut,
Y lirios putrefactos acostados en una alcantarilla,
Todos agrediéndome, obligándome hacia atrás,
Hasta que mi espalda presiona contra,
Las una vez blancas baldosas sucias, que queman fríamente sus grafitis en mi columna vertebral:

Dios está muerto,
Asa a un judío,
Los blancos chupan,
Mata a los negros,

Yo no quiero ver,
     Yo no quiero ver,
          Yo no quiero ver,

El tren finalmente pasa,
Sus ojos rojos retrocediendo en el túnel,
Húmedo y oscuro más allá de la plataforma,
Los gritos y chillidos lentamente mueren,
Sus ecos aspirando detrás de ellos,
El olor,
De mi,
Spanish translation of my free verse poem "The Subway"
Nov 2019 · 387
El Amor Conquista Todo
Victor D López Nov 2019
¿Existe el verdadero amor,
O simplemente lo soñamos,
Para llenar vidas vacías?

Y si es real,
¿Lo vemos con nuestros corazones,
O sólo con nuestros ojos?

¿Podemos distinguir,
El autoengaño del amor verdadero?
¿Y importa?

¿No debemos abrazar,
una oportunidad para compartir la alegría cuando se encuentra,
Si no hace ningún daño?

Cree en el amor verdadero,
Mantén la esperanza y sueña y lucha por ello,
si aún no es tuyo.

Da sentido a la vida,
hace que todo nuestro dolor sea soportable,
mantiene lejos la desesperación.
Spanish translation of my original linked haikus "Love Conquers All"
Nov 2019 · 149
A Sueños Fracturados
Victor D López Nov 2019
Los recuerdos asaltan mi mente,
Y me hacen beber un trago de oscuridad muy propio,
Los rincones de mi mente una vez llenos están vacíos ahora,
Y aunque acompañado, estoy solo.

He dado todo lo que tenía para perseguir un sueño,
Que me atormentó durante demasiado tiempo,
Fragmentos de la realidad ahora cortan los estribillos vacíos de lo que pudo haber sido,
De verdades destrozadas y sueños que han salido mal.

Busco con el hambre de un alma moribunda,
Y soy recompensado por mi insensatez,
Con un vacío sin fin donde el único significado que puedo percibir,
Es la sombra proyectada por mi mente moribunda.

¿Qué hay de Don Quijote y su fiel Sancho Panza,
Cuando los dragones comienzan a tomar su verdadera forma y aparecen molinos de viento? Lucha para aferrarse al sueño y al no poder no hacerlo,
Muere por el peso aplastante de su realidad.

Cuando me despierte, voy a enrojecer profusamente,
Y deshacerme de mi lanza deshilachada,
Para tomar mi lugar legítimo,
Junto a los grandes idiotas de nuestro tiempo.

Sin embargo, todavía duermo, aunque conozco la inquietud de la vigilia incipiente,
Me aferro al sueño, conociéndolo un sueño,
Porque en su dulce promesa se encuentra la única verdad que puedo aceptar,
Mi única esperanza, el ensueño evanescente de una mente inmadura.
Spanish translation of my poem, "On Shattered Dreams"
Nov 2019 · 106
A sueños que se desvanecen
Victor D López Nov 2019
¿Por qué me han dejado, dulces viejos sueños de mi juventud?
Me esforcé tanto por mantenerlos en mi corazón,
¿Dónde han huido, la fe, honestidad y verdad?
¿O eran sólo visiones desde el principio?

¿Escucho música en lo más profundo de mi alma?
¿O burlantes ecos de un tiempo pasado?
Las ascuas aún resplandecen, aunque estoy envejeciendo,
Pero se oscurecen y se enfrían, al igual que mi rima.

Cada momento que pasa desgasta mi esperanza,
Al igual que las arenas en el viento la piedra del desierto,
Sinfonías que se desvanecen a una sola nota,
Dejándome vacío, amargado y solo.

No me apena mi vida; Tengo más sentido común,
Lamento una pérdida mucho mayor, mi inocencia.
Translation of my sonnet "On Fading Dreams"
Nov 2019 · 142
El Mundo Es Mi Ostra
Victor D López Nov 2019
El mundo es mi ostra,
Aunque muerta hace tres dias,
Ataúd maloliente,
Forrado en madre perla,
Ocultando ningún tesoro,
No una perla grande y perfecta,
Sólo mis huesos cubiertos de carne,
Y los sueños que una vez soñé,
Que murieron mientras yo vivía,
Con esperanza que nacieran.
Spanish translation from my English original, "The World is My Oyster"
Sep 2019 · 485
My Summer Vacation
Victor D López Sep 2019
Two textbooks finished,
Two instructor's manuals,
Two test banks as well.

Two papers on law,
Submitted to two journals,
Soon to be published.

A new appointment,
As Distinguished Professor,
Welcomed news as well.

Research conducted,
For a new course developed,
(Immigration Law).

But all at a price:
Not enough time with my wife,
No real vacation.

All friends far away,
The same true of family,
Parents in heaven.

Nose pressed to grind stone,
The sands of time drift away,
Is this all there is?
Aug 2019 · 153
The World Is My Oyster
Victor D López Aug 2019
The world is my oyster,
Though it is three days dead,
Malodorous coffin,
Lined in mother of pearl,
Concealing no treasure,
Not a perfect large pearl,
Just my flesh-covered bones,
And the dreams I once dreamed,
That died while yet I lived,
And hoped they might be born.
Aug 2019 · 137
On Fading Dreams
Victor D López Aug 2019
Why have you left me, sweet old dreams of youth?
I tried so hard to hold you in my heart,
Where have they fled, faith, honesty and truth,
Or were they only visions from the start?

Do I hear music deep within my soul,
Or mocking echoes of a bygone time?
Embers still glow, though I am growing old,
But they grow dark and cold, as does my rhyme.

Each passing moment wears away my hope,
As does the blowing sand the desert stone,
Symphonies fading to a single note,
Leaving me empty, bitter and alone.

I grieve not for my life; I have more sense,
I grieve far greater loss, my innocence.

[You can access my reading of this poem at]
Aug 2019 · 160
Central Park
Victor D López Aug 2019
[To hear my reading of this poem, you can visit]

Flowers bloom next to rusting Pepsi cans,
Watered by the spit of ******* dealers,
And the ***** and vaginal fluid,
Of hot lovers groping under blankets,
Under stars faintly glowing through acrid smog.

After dark haven for muggers, rapists, other fiends,
Whose breath profanes the very species
They so poorly represent,
Degenerating Platonic men and women,
Into dead, plucked chickens.

Abomination. Horrid not in itself, but for the use it’s put to:
A bone thrown to dogs who’ve never tasted steak,
And are only too pleased to feast,
Upon the remnants of fetid meat,
Clinging to well-gnawed bones.

Central Park, the bone we are to chew,
While smiling complacently at skyscrapers,
Daily rising where flowers might have grown,
Our humanity sinking in proportion,
To the heights they reach.

If I seem narrow minded and unkind,
Or blind to the brighter side of Central Park,
It is because I’ve stood on ****** ground,
In summer, winter, fall and early spring,
And cannot bring myself to love a *****.
Aug 2019 · 226
On Shattered Dreams
Victor D López Aug 2019
Memories assault my mind,
And make me drink a draft of darkness all my own,
The once-filled corners of my mind are empty now,
And though accompanied, I am alone.

I’ve given all I had to chase a dream,
Which haunted me for much too long a time,
Shards of reality now cut the empty refrains of what might have been,
Of shattered truths and dreams gone awry.

I seek with the hunger of a dying soul,
And am rewarded for my foolishness,
With an endless void where the only meaning to be gleaned,
Is from the shadow cast by my dying mind.

What of Don Quixote and his faithful Sancho Panza,
When the dragons begin to take their true form and windmills appear?
He fights to hold on to the dream and failing to do so,
Dies from the crushing weight of his reality.

When I wake, I will redden profusely,
And put down my ragged lance,
To take my rightful place,
Beside the great dolts of our time.

Yet still I sleep, though I know the uneasiness of incipient wakefulness,
I cling on to the dream, knowing it a dream,
For in its sweet promise lies the only truth I can accept,
My only hope, the evanescent reverie of an immature mind.
If you'd like to hear my reading of this poem, you can visit
Jul 2019 · 139
Love Conquers All
Victor D López Jul 2019
Does true love exist,
Or do we simply dream it,
To fill empty lives?

And if it is real,
Do we see it with our hearts,
Or just with our eyes?

Can we ever tell,
Self-delusion from true love,
And does it matter?

Should we not embrace,
A chance for shared joy when found,
If it does no harm?

Believe in true love,
Hope and dream and strive for it,
If it's not yet yours.

It gives life meaning,
Makes all our pain bearable,
Keeps away despair.
These linked haikus are also a takeoff on my short story "Amor Vincit Omnia" that deals with humor with a very serious topic--the need to be understood and loved with our faults and the mind's rebellion against real or perceived incompatibility with our mates that can lead to some unusual consequences. Can the quest for true love lead to a path of self delusion and madness, or can the universe however strangely or unlikely bring two well-matched, lonely souls together? If we find true love, be it in madness, self delusion or reality, does it fundamentally matter at all?
Jul 2019 · 170
Unplug, Reboot, Live Again
Victor D López Jul 2019
Put away your phones,
Tablets, laptops, smart TVs,
Visit, hug a friend.
In my shortest dystopian short story, "Justice", I envision a future of a fully interconnected world with a single communal mind where disconnecting from the neural nets is a crime. We're not there yet, thank heaven, but I fear we are moving down that path to a communal, zombie-like existence where group think is strictly imposed, dissent becomes unthinkable and individuality becomes the only deviance acknowledged and universally strictly punished. I'm not a Luddite--quite the contrary, I fully embrace technology and have all my life. But it's a dual edge sword--as are all tools. Woe to all of us when it completely displaces our humanity and the ability to connect and communicate with others in the flesh in real time.
Jul 2019 · 462
Amor Vincit Omnia
Victor D López Jul 2019
If you find true love,
Grab it with both of your hands,
Never let it go.

It comes only once,
And that if you are lucky,
Never to return.

Do not question it,
Or **** it to dissect it,
Take it as it comes.

Whether in fair form,
Or worn and riddled with scars,
It will bring you bliss.

Look not with your eyes,
They will always deceive you,
See it with your heart.

Its beauty won't fade,
It will be forever new,
As long as you live.

However it comes,
No matter how strange its form,
Give it half a chance.

It will change your world,
Fill all the empty places,
In your dormant soul.

And it will ripple,
Throughout the known universe,
To outlast the stars.
Inspired by my new short story by the same title that deals with humor with a very serious subject--the ability of true love to fulfill empty lives across any gap among sentient, intelligent species.
Victor D López Jul 2019
Hace de dos seres un alma completa,
Ignora por completo la lógica estéril,
Brinda calor en el mas frio invierno,
Y reemplaza la desesperación con la esperanza.

Alimenta el espíritu mas que el manjar mas exquisito,
Sacia la sed mejor que un manantial en el desierto,
Forma una isla celestial en el infierno terrestre.

Discierne la belleza pura no con los ojos sino con el corazón,
Hace que uno aspire a ser mejor de lo que es,
Une a todos los seres conscientes en el universo,
Nacidos del polvo estelar de estrellas fallecidas.

Los que tienen la dicha de encontrar este don celestial,
Despiertan de la eterna pesadilla que es la vida sin llegar a conocer,
El verdadero propósito de la existencia.

True Love

It makes from two beings a complete soul,
It completely ignores sterile logic,
It provides warmth in the coldest winter,
And replaces despair with hope.

It Feeds the spirit more than the most exquisite delicacy,
It sates thirst better than a spring in the desert,
And forms a celestial island in a terrestrial hell.

It discerns true beauty not with the eyes but with the heart,
It makes us aspire to be better than we are,
It unites all sentient beings in the universe,
Born from the stardust of dead stars.

Those who are fortunate enough to find this precious heavenly gift,
Wake up from the eternal nightmare of a life without knowing,
The true purpose of our existence.
After writing this poem I wrote a new speculative fiction short story about the power of love and our absolute need to find it in whatever form we can. I wrote the short story in English and then translated and released it in Spanish with the Latin title "Amor Vincit Omnia" (Love Conquers All). I will eventually release the original still in draft form in English. Spanish speakers can preview the Spanish language version at No human being is truly complete until she/he finds true love. For some to whom it is denied, a beloved pet may fill the spiritual need temporarily. But what if it could be found in a spiritual connection in an apparently inanimate object? Can love truly transcend inter-species barriers, or is the need for love so critically important that a person bereft of it can manufacture it and find find solace in madness? Readers will have to make up their own minds.
Jun 2019 · 553
Búsqueda Eterna
Victor D López Jun 2019
Por que buscamos
Verdad donde no vive

Debiendo saber
Que solo se encuentra
En el corazón

Vidas perdidas
En búsqueda de algo
Que ya se tiene

Nos damos cuenta
Cuando ya es muy tarde
De nuestro error

No busques verdad
Escrita en hojas muertas

Puedes leerla
En ojos de quien amas
Estúdiala bien
Comencé hoy un proyecto secundario para este verano de traducir los cuentos que publique en ingles en previos libros, incluyendo el ultimo, Mindscapes: Ten Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction Short Stories. El primer cuento ya esta disponible en Amazon y Smashwords desde hace unos minutos y este poema de haikus enlazados se relaciona al primer cuento, Búsqueda Eterna (Eternal Quest) que es uno de los primeros que escribí cuando estaba en la universidad en Queen College a los 18 o 19 anos. No se si es una tragedia o un dote, pero por bien o mal no a cambiado mucho mi opinión básica en relación a lo que verdaderamente importa en este mundo, y se hoy igual que aquel hombre muy joven para quien todo en la vida aun era posible que no hay peor tragedia que malgastar una vida persiguiendo ciegamente sabiduría o el tratar de descifrar el la razón de ser. Seres humanos mucho mas capaces que yo en la literatura y vida real han tropezado con esa piedra y malgastaron sus vidas en búsqueda de sabiduría o del sentido de la vida en todos los sitios que menos se encuentran, completamente ciegos que la respuesta estaba muy cerca de sus manos. Este corto poema que lleva el mismo nombre de ese cuento--aun mi preferido de todos los que escribí hasta el momento--toca el mismo tema en breve.
Jun 2019 · 223
The River of Life 2
Victor D López Jun 2019
The river of life,
Flows for just a little while,
Before it runs dry.

Watch it from the shore,
From the safety of firm ground,
And you'll never drown.

But if you dive in,
Ride the rapids, risk the falls,
Float on placid bends.

You will know the joy,
Of ever-changing landscapes,
More than worth the risk.

You'll be scraped by rocks,
Find no shade against the sun,
Little time for rest.

When waters run dry,
And you reach your journey's end,
You'll have truly lived.
haiku, linked haikus
Jun 2019 · 341
Tuning Out
Victor D López Jun 2019
Turning off the IDIOT BOX.

Can’t stand the inane WISHY-WASHY CHIT CHAT,
Or the HANKY PANKY of extremists on the left and right,
Who ladle out FAKE NEWS-laced Kool-Aid,
To their ZONKED-OUT viewers who gleefully consume it,
While nodding through glazed eyes.

It’s OPEN SEASON on the truth by DIRT BAGS,
With journalism degrees inventing rather than reporting the news.

Bring back old-school broadcasters like Cronkite and Brinkley,
Who personally leaned left and right but reported the news.

When news and commentary are no longer indistinguishable,
In all the networks, I’ll tune back in.

I posted this today at in response to a ten-double-word challenge where a poem had to be written using all ten double-words capitalized in the poem. Did not take much thought . . . :)
Jun 2019 · 131
On Raising Ravens
Victor D López Jun 2019
Broken wing,
Carefully nursed,
Healthy again,
Vantablack wings,
Powerfully beating,
Propelled skyward,
Fueled by,
Benefactor's eyes.
Jun 2019 · 299
The River of Life
Victor D López Jun 2019
Placid waters flow,
Lazily this summer's day,
But I hear the falls.
Jun 2019 · 754
Fading to Black
Victor D López Jun 2019
Walking into the final sunset,
My shadow stretches far behind,
Touching all I've done,
Has it been enough?
Victor D López May 2019
Freedom is your legacy,
Paid for with your precious life,
Far from home and family,
In wars both wise and unwise.

I walk in light thanks to you,
Teach, write, speak, think without fear,
And our flag flies proud and true,
Beacon of hope through the years.

I stand proudly for our flag,
Hand over heart as I sing,
Our Anthem whene’r it plays,
As my voice cracks and eyes tear.

Emotions run high for me,
Not from empty foolish pride,
But because in her I see,
Your most poignant sacrifice.

Freedom comes not from its wish,
Nor peace from prayers on their own,
They come from soldiers like you,
Who selflessly gave their all.

I carry you in my heart,
Every day of every year,
The debt I owe you cannot,
Be repaid in words or tears.

Rest in peace, beloved dead,
May God grant you honors due,
Today I will fly our flag,
And in it always see you.
May 2019 · 144
Why I Like Haikus
Victor D López May 2019
Capturing meaning,
From life's flowing tapestry,
Rendered in one frame.
May 2019 · 156
Choose Wisely
Victor D López May 2019
Evil seduces,
Good uplifts you to fly free,
Will you soar or fall?
May 2019 · 131
Death has no meaning
Victor D López May 2019
Death has no meaning,
For those who have sown good seeds,
That will bear sweet fruit.
May 2019 · 263
On Good and Evil
Victor D López May 2019
Standing at death's door,
Evil can only despair,
Good smiles marching through.
May 2019 · 151
Assessing Fault
Victor D López May 2019
When assessing fault,
Find your eyes in a mirror,
Then say who's to blame.
May 2019 · 250
Common Ground
Victor D López May 2019
People of good will,
Work hard to find common ground,
To unite us all.

People of ill will,
Demonize to polarize,
And keep us apart.
May 2019 · 206
Victor D López May 2019
Life's not meaningless,
There's no reason to despair,
The meaning's in us.
May 2019 · 120
Why I Write
Victor D López May 2019
I do not write for money,
And even less for fame,
I write because I have to,
It's simply who I am.

I'm a jack of many trades,
And the master of a few,
But they do not define me,
They are just the things I do.

What I write will not endure,
Much of it will not be read,
Little of all I publish,
Will survive long once I'm dead.

I'd write if no one read me,
In ink, on sand or in blood,
As long as reason abides,
I know that I will not stop.

It is so for all of us,
Who are writers at our core,
Writing is our very essence,
It is who we are, no more.
Apr 2019 · 1.9k
Venezuela: Enough is Enough!
Victor D López Apr 2019
Starving his people so that they eat off dumpsters is not enough;

Causing more than 3,000,000 of the best and brightest to emigrate is not enough;

An annual inflation rate of 60,324% today (source: Forbes) is not enough;

Rejecting at gun point foreign food and medicine to aid the sick and starving at the borders is not enough;

Trampling on the Constitution and establishing a dictatorship is not enough;

Billions of dollars stolen from the Venezuelan people by cronies is not enough;

Destroying hope, progress, and a leading world economy is not enough;

Today government thugs are literally running over protesters in armored vehicles.

A small group of rabid-left apologists in the U.S. telling us to ignore the man behind the curtain in an insane attempt to defend the indefensible must face reality.

Maduro must go.

His Marxist dystopia must be dismantled.

The Venezuelan people must regain the right of self determination through free and fair elections--not the sham elections all Communist nations use to show close to 100% approval of the ruling tyrant.

Enough is enough!
Apr 2019 · 140
Victor D López Apr 2019
It is hard to soar,
When one's wings are soaked in tears,
But this too shall pass.
Apr 2019 · 103
Victor D López Apr 2019
January 6
Three Kings
Balthasar, Melchior and Gaspar
Bearing gifts for He who would become
The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
God  made  flesh
To redeem our sins
Through His great
This poem was posted earlier today in response to a one word challenge (the word was Epiphany) at
Apr 2019 · 241
Bad Ideas
Victor D López Apr 2019
Bad ideas don't die,
They thrive like mold in darkness,
Uproot them with light.
Apr 2019 · 137
Stand Up to Evil
Victor D López Apr 2019
Evil will triumph,
When we foolishly refuse,
To call it by name.
Apr 2019 · 265
Writer's Block
Victor D López Apr 2019
Cursor blinks in vain,
Awaiting inspiration,
Giggling from afar.
Apr 2019 · 172
Change the World
Victor D López Apr 2019
Change one person's life,
For the better through your works,
And you change the world.
Apr 2019 · 139
Positive Change
Victor D López Apr 2019
You won't change the world,
Regardless how hard you try,
Work to change yourself.
Apr 2019 · 393
Worst Failure
Victor D López Apr 2019
Of all the failure,
We can know in life the worst,
Is failing to try.
Apr 2019 · 226
Victor D López Apr 2019
Thank you, oh sweet Lord,
For your selfless sacrifice,
To expiate sin.

Unworthy we are,
Yet you love us still, each one,
Died that we may live.

You are risen, Lord,
That our souls might rise as well,
Beyond death's dark veil.
Apr 2019 · 215
Victor D López Apr 2019
Like sands in strong winds,
Experience wears away,
Sweet youth's innocence.
Apr 2019 · 184
Gangrenous is Greed
Victor D López Apr 2019
Gangrenous is greed,
It corrupts the heart and mind,
Unless it's excised.
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