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I saw everything in her eyes
The darkness of grief,
The faith and beliefs
Her mothers smile, her fathers dreams
Yet she asks why would anyone love her.
I asked ever saw your eyes?
She kept asking what that means
I replied Bother your slumber some day and look in the mirror,
She kept smiling since.
She's been through a lot
Once two Lawyers Mr.A and B stood,
Arguing loudly, as hard as they could!
Hands were waving, voices high,
Objections were flying to the sky!

The judge just smiled & shook his head,
"Why fight so much?" he calmly said.
"O Sirs, Sit together, have some tea,
and Solve your troubles peacefully!"

Mr. A shook his head and sighed,
"Tea, My Lord? I’d sleep inside!
I need my coffee, dark and strong,
Or my arguments won’t last long!"

Mr. B just laughed and said with glee,
"Nothing is better than warm, smooth tea!
It calms my mind, and helps me win,
A better drink, where have you been?"

The judge then laughed ,clapped his hands,
"Oh, yeah now I finally understand!
This is not just law, just case at war,
It’s tea and coffee—fighting so far!"

Mr. A crossed his arms and frowned,
"Tea is weak, it brings me down!
It makes me yawn, I fall asleep,
It’s no good when the case is deep!"

Mr. B rolled his eyes and said,
"And his coffee? Oh, it’s bad!
So bitter, strong, and way too harsh,
I may ***** in court, if drink, at last!"

The judge just laughed and gave a cheer,
"Let’s stop this fight—it’s very clear!
Until you both , learn to agree,
Stick to water! No Tea Vs. Coffee!"

By Advocate Ajay Amitabh Suman
Patent and Trademark Attorney, High Court of Delhi
In a courtroom , two lawyers A and B were not just arguing about the case but also fighting over tea and coffee! As their arguments got heated, the judge understood that this was not just a legal fight—it was a battle of Ego! Seeing tempers rise, he gave his final decision: "Drink only water!" But the big question remains—will the fight between tea and coffee ever stop?
The ground is my home
I am nothing but the dirt
Underneath your feet
coffee tastes better,
instead of being bitter
when we share a cup
Colors fall
laughter rises.
Pink, green, yellow, red
then a hug.

Hands, cheeks, hearts,
all the same,
we find unity
in the mess.

A day to cherish,
crafting memories
that never fade.
Holi is a festival that comes from an old Hindu story about Prince Prahlad and his evil aunt, Holika. Prahlad, a devoted follower of Lord Vishnu, was saved from a fire by divine intervention, while his evil aunt, Holika, perished in those flames. This symbolizes the victory of good over evil. It also marks the arrival of spring. A lot of delicioussss snacks and dishes are prepared (my fav part of this festival... hehehe)
Well, let us live in harmony, spreading peace and happiness. Happy Holi to all my HP friends!!!!!
Decided to become that version—
Heartless. Ruthless.
No place for love.

No emotions dictating,
Only silence, always calculating.
No chances taken,
Nothing to hurt, no pain to endure.

But then it dawned—
Even this was emotion dictating.
Just a bargain with time,
To postpone the pain.

No one is invulnerable.
No one is unstoppable.
No one can escape,
When love decides to pay a visit.

No one can escape
The joy that it brings,
And the dreaded pain that follows
Depressing situations force us to abandon our love and care;
become something different.
Abandon what gives us unimaginable pain.
But love is eternal.
No one can escape the joy and the dreaded pain that follows.
Each morning grows a little longer,
with the courage of sleepy animals
waking up from their rest,
as March begins to
rouse nature awake
and everything once dormant
is now about to bloom.

The Snowdrops bow in peaceful prayer
like tiny prophets dressed in white,
offering a blessed hope
of a brighter tomorrow.
We begin to trust in growth,
and in the sure promise
of new buds unfurling
into cheerful green leaves.

Even the rain falls differently,
like a pattering rhythm,
unlike the sodden grey downpour
of a cold day in mourning.
The Sun begins to smile upon puddles
and changes them into
mirrors revealing
the cloudy bluing sky.

The air softens,
and the chill no longer bites
instead, it carries a fresh
breeze of new life
and so many possibilities.
March will bring something
so very beautiful,
and I cannot wait
to feel alive again.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Optimistically, I am happy to greet this new month with positive thoughts.
The only thing that makes me grumpy about March is the daylight saving when the clocks go forward and we loose an hour in bed on British Mothering Sunday of all days, but I think that I still deserve an extra hour in bed.

Bring on the Spring!! 🙂
for me

when the story starts and ends with
we'll be okay
how do we know when it truly ends?

while we watch under the slide,
waiting for the world to pass us by,
as the monsters under our beds yell
and hit

when we need our friends more than ever,
but we pull away
because we can't be a burden
why must the story keep going?

when we are the seeds in the ground,
the trampled underfoot,
when we shatter and are glued back
over and over and over
why do we always have to be fixed
when we were never broken?

when we dangle by a threadbare knot over a bottomless pit,
how do we keep from falling?

how do we know they'll catch us?

how do we know that when we feed the dirt,
our story ends?
how do we know where our story takes us,
when neither of us are even protagonists
in our own stories?
how do we know we won't fade into the endless crowd
of blurred faces and silent whispers
waiting on the banks of the river styx?

why do stories have endings?

why can't we live a life worth living?
Pristine waters along the new morning
Eating away at the shore’s lips
Licking the grains of sand that stray
Into the dark ocean
Crystals of colour floating in the sea
Aligning upon foamy waves
Never unmoving, forever free
Have you ever seen a pelican?
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