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Beside a full size bed,
full of destiny and dream,
a corpse dressed up
to fit among
the living, softly sleeps.

Carving sAl(i)vAtiOn in black
marker on the walls,
recounting upset memories,
I stick the landing.
I didn't plan to stay

In this depressive state,
but I'm fully equipped.
Adaptable to necessity,
without trying to fit.
I may be sad, reclusive,
virulent at my worst --

When will you
come to terms with this curse?
When will you learn
it's best
you be
who you

When will you
fall in love with this curse?

When will you learn,
there's plenty room
for the misfit?
It was impossible, it seemed to me,
that twilight came so swiftly;
And with it coolness of the night,
and relief from restless drifting.

Wrapped in a towel of perspiration,
I lay on the desert's mounds of sand;
The crescent moon became my friend,
while watching it curve just like my hand.

But whispering wraiths arrived to haunt,
my vivid dreams of black and white;
Exposed to the darkness up above,
where nothing appeared quite right.

The moon dissolved in silent tears,
while shedding its silver sheen;
And with a touch of Merlin's wand,
gathered waters so clear and clean.

The desert rain fell with intent,
to wash away my mortal dread;
Dripping down from the crescent's mirror,
to reflect upon my earthly bed.

When I awoke it was eerily quiet,
the towel around me had dried;
No longer alone in a desert world,
I reached up and touched the sky.
The things you
see are not
exactly the
way they are.
You are far
away from the
hustle and bustle
of the world,
let the heart back
to the memory
of the deepest.
You can feel
it's heat in
far away places
and look at
the flames
around it as if
to melt you.
If u don't heal
what hurts you,
you will bleed
on people who
didn't cut you.
There are so
many beautiful things
inside the ocean
creating beauty if
you can view it.
Beautiful sunrise is
the moment when
everything is about
to put on color.
©2019,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
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