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Apr 2018 · 396
My Life
Pragya Ranjan Apr 2018
It's my life,
It's not an outcome of anyone's slavery.
And that's enough to tell the world that..
I'll LIVE my life at my own expenses,
Why to dwell on other's way?
I'll LIVE it with my own decisions,
Why to listen what other's say?
My life is my own Kingdom,
And in this Kingdom..
I'm the Queen of my own self.
Mar 2018 · 419
Pragya Ranjan Mar 2018
Today, was kinda special day for me,
I had a meeting with death, I was filled with glee.
It was for the first time I felt it's presence,
A peaceful sleep in solitude is it's essence.

With the shadows of grief when I was left alone,
Giving painful memories happy era had been gone
Then was the time I was in a serious need of rest,
And therefore my meeting with death happened at its best.

It was dominant over me,
I appreciated it's company.
From the noisy light to the silent dark,
This journey for me is quite necessary to remark.

Exhausted, when I went rolling down the steep *****,
The exhaustion as a result of broken dreams and shattered hopes
With the pills of depression then my body went numb,
All these stuffs left me a puppet deaf and dumb.

The chains of helplessness had held me so tight,
My wrecked and weeping self had lost the fight.
My craving soul longed to be a member of the crew
Fascinated by dark, the death angels and zombies a few.
Nov 2017 · 300
Pragya Ranjan Nov 2017
Today, when again I'm awarded with the crown of sorrow,
I'm left quite confused and distressed for what would happen tomorrow.
Were those aches and disappointment less yesterday?
That a more sack full of them I'm facing today.
The days of happiness are very few,
And finally a conclusion is all that I drew.
Life is a game,
Life is pain
Life is dancing out in winter rain.
Life is a valley of tears,
Life is to love the fears
Life is a mask of happiness which majority wears.
But whatever be the circumstances, the world says,
Life is to live, Life is to enjoy and compile your happy days.

— The End —