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 Apr 2023 Serendipity
To us as gifts were
given 12 metal keys
the rustiest
is forgiveness
it's grace got blessed
by the giver of life.
I admire your strength
And your refusal to be a victim
But at the same time
You are a victim
Refusing to accept yourself
For what you are
There is no shame to acknowledge
You’ve had it tough
I never worry that you’ll become one to
Lean on it
And trot out your scars
For anything other than to show another
Their scars can be
Like roots of a tree
That grow up
Instead of down
I see that in you
The beauty of your “only you”  blue
And scars wore like a crown
Teaches you to value silence,
And listen to the melody of nature.
blackbird alighted on a branch,
frosted branch,
     deepest winter,
setting free the accumulated snow,
which fell,
     like flour through a sifter,
and in one descending
     we are,
a universe apart,
reflecting briefly in the dark.
the waitress
at Town diner

wants to be a model
or a nun,
tells me she's a poet

we're sitting on
a couch in her apartment.
molly takes a poem from
a foot high stack
on the end table,
hands me a poem,
"FIRST BRA," by Molly C.
it's about buying
her first bra at 12.
"i was big.
i needed a bra at 11,"
she smiles.

she doesn't wear bras.

she tells me
rod mckuen
is the most read
in America.

"what about walt,
hughes?" i asked.

she says,
"mckuen is the MOST
popular poet
in American history,
the greatest American poet."

molly loves rod mckuen.

i love molly.

"if the public loves
rod mckuen,"
i tell her,
you've got a shot.
you could be the  female version
of rod mckuen."

molly smiles
takes me by the hand
and leads
me up the stairs
to the loft.

she takes the ribbon
from her hair.

i lay her down
on the bed

and bang the hell
out of
the next
most read
American poet
Katie Taylor stood alone in
The middle of the ring and
She fights like a warrior
Every night and she's so
Hard to beat and
She's the best there is
And best there ever will be
And she never let's her
Guard down and she
Always has a smile on her
Face and never a frown and
She'll leave
You black n' blue and ****** to
And when
That bell rings it
Means it's good night for you
And as you know
She'll never bite off
More than she can chew
But just remember one thing
When you get in the ring
With our Katie she's
Going to beat you.
Irish Champion Katie Taylor.
a desire to erase,
to stay away forever.

an opportunity to transfigure,
to sit on the floor and wait for storms.

a line to cross, a lion at dusk,
a catastrophist.

a pen filled with acid,
a book of theories full of holes.

once this begins, there are only endings.
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