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Samreena Lodhi
F/Pakistan    I love to draw. I write whatever comes in my mind and Whatever I feel. New writings are available at Sweek also.
She Writes
31/F/NE    My first collection is available now in both paperback and ebook format! “She Writes” by Niya Grey. I will drop the link below. I appreciate ...
Mary Velarde
20/F    Instagram: @thoughtvomit_
Strangled Wildflower
I'm Sumekha. Thank you for finding me.
18/M/Singapore    Hey, nice to meet you! I am Joshua from Singapore, and I will be writing poetry and proses etc about God, my encounters, and my ...
Leah Faye
18/M/Canada    Poetry is a way of expressing my life. Everything that I write has been a reality for me at one point, and I find that ...
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. ...
24/F    I hope my exes never come across this. Instagram: thediaryofmyalterego
119/M31    Poetry I probably should’ve left in English class
Mellow waves
19/F/Lebanon    Poetry and violin stole my heart from the very start! Also i’m a thalassophile.
30/F/Dakar    Words live on
19/M/Illinois    My name is Corey. I am a male in the wrong body, but in the right mind to be me. I LOVE MUSIC! Yep...
20/F/Earth    "We've got stories to tell, we've got words to say. And, I'm right here to voice out mine. Everything is genuine, all from my mind ...
F/Ireland    Poetess, mum,lover, witch, nan,some would say over expressive,I would say, passionate about love and life...

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