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 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Dr Strange
I am a man no, I am a black man
I walk these streets with a cursed mark upon my hands
The white man trys told me in these restraints
But I laugh, look him in the eyes and say

You don't control me
This ain't slavery no more
God granted me free will
So who are you to question the gifts god give

It's funny really
When you look at my kind all you see sin
As if we're monsters created by satan
But please keep thinking that way, it's only making us stronger

The thing is this is a new world
A world were the swords between our races no longer need to be drawn
But still you haven't given up
Even after seeing what our kind can do

I admire that though
It shows that you're strong
But you see you're fighting the wrong war
It's no longer this or that

Instead, it's can we survive
Yesterday we fought each other to the death
But today we need to fight side by side
So that we can even see a tomorrow

Can't you understand that
Yeah sure I'm black
And so what you're white
But this is not about that

Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. once said he had a dream
And his dream was to see our kinds live in peace and harmony
That one day the world won't see it as being black or white  
But instead see it as equal living beings

Have you ever thought he was right
You're trying to wage war against us
And we're simply trying to end it
But I guess that is asking too much

So many have died trying to keep us separated
But enough is enough
What if it was your grandma, brother or sister
Would you finally end it then

Why wait when it's too late
Why **** anymore who don't deserve to die
On both sides we have lost so much
So let's compromise

We don't ask to be on top
We just simply wanted to be treated as equals
Because we were all born in this world survivors
But what's the point of surviving just to walk into another fight

We're simply exhausted
So please let's end it here
Let's be friends
And survive to see tomorrow
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Dr Strange
I feel like a loser stuck on the same level of life
Dying on the same exact part time after time again
Retry retry retry
I remember retry more fluently than my own name
Just wanted to be someone
Mean "special" in another's heart
Instead I received a dagger in my own
As the blood spills in circle around me
Forming a barrier I cannot cross
I stand, because I don't believe I deserve to sit
Absorbing the hatred towards myself
For becoming this being that I am not
What was I thinking when I decided to follow through with this plan
I realized it was wrong so long ago but it was a simpler time
Back than I was ignorant to the fact on what life really was
That it wasn't about being liked
It wasn't about being everyone's favorite
Now that I know the truth nothing is the same
I look upon my hands screaming fake at the top my lungs
I am fake, this is not who I am
It's too late for me though
Cause though I realize that this not who I am it is too late turn back
Not that there is a back to turn to
All I see is a trail of ashes because I burnt the real me out of existence
I don't even remember what I look like behind the mask
How could of been so blind
Now I cry in my sleep as attempt to remove the mask
Knowing that it is permanently glued to my face
For it is now my face
Because my true face has dissolved to waste
Thank you quin and all who have gave suggestions
I've had days. I've had back room, bare faced, broken days.
I mark them on my calendar with silver stars. And 2013 is starting to look like the night sky
On a crystal canvas.
Beauty from pain. Bitter cliches.
Cliches are cliches for a reason. And not because they're applicable.
Because they are vague.
Because to you it means a Phoenix. A girl reborn.
But to me it means blood that fell on the snow so perfectly
That the drops turned to petals and you saw a rose.
All I saw was red.
I don't know my own mind. Sometimes I feel we haven't met yet.
That she passes me by on the street corners with a smile and a nod but
She doesn't know my bones.
All she's learned to see is cellulite and blood.
I tell her to look at the bone.
The pure inside we have both forgotten.

I've had days. Pill bottle, smoke cloud, red nosed days.
Days that smell like cold fingers. Days that feel like cigarette mittens.
Days that belong next to the fire place with a warm mug.
I've found my eyes lost in ember and the cackle of the flames.
I've felt mocked by the dead and inanimate. But somehow my head stays in place.
I continue on a course of blatant sanity.
I guess I have met my mind. But we don't get along.
She runs fast but tires quickly.  And one of us always lags behind the other.
Like an inconstant tide.

I've had days. Pale faced, smoky eyed, purging days.
Days that sit on street corners hungry. Days that lost their weight.
Days when I wanted to crawl out of my skin to see how it looks from the outside.
It occurs to me that I haven't met my eyes face to face.
I've seen their likeness in glass but never their glow as they caught the ember and filled with tears.
I will never understand my mind or shake her hand and that's fine.
But maybe just once I'd like to meet my eyes.

I've had days. Sun window, pink cheeked, puffy coat days. Days when I remember spring.
Days when I thaw.
Days when my mind and eyes and bones can hold contented hands and understand each other.
I think I'm learning. Learning to meet myself in every mirror glance, every blushing touch, every tear, each awkward giggle.
Perhaps I will be able to face them.
To know my mind without formal introduction.
To meet by bones without seeing their white.
See my eyes face to face without leaving my skin.
And there will be days when I can't.
I've had those days. I've had many days.
Dark room days, glazed eye haze days, cold white winter wet days, warm window welcome days. That's the funny thing about days.
They too never meet.
They pass each other on street corners with a nod and a smile. Forgotten from time and the mind that they
Never met.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Just Melz
Nature has no poverty, wanton destruction or hatred
For she is nature
Man rips out the beating heart
With every saw cut and bite of Axe
With ever searing brand
That lights the fire of mans destruction

Humans, with their materialistic ways
Slowly draining away my beauty
It's almost the end of my days
Can't they see,
What every flower, river and tree,
Means to me?
I'm the mother of all nature
And my loves flows pure
But soon my love for life
Will no longer endure

You are the rain forest
The beating heart of life
And yet how long can you take the wounds
Caused by my lust and greed
Your heart, your beaten bleeding heart
For every drop of your precious blood
Humanity must die

You purposely destroy me
Use me
Cut out my heart, bleed me dry
Leaving me bare
Then walk away as I cry
Without a care
This is not new to me
Been happening for centuries
I think I've had enough now
I'm bringing a flood to watch you drown
Then a hurricane to bury you underground

Nature was placed here to serve me
You are neither master nor lord
And you serve in humility for the betterment of man
But I, I'VE
Chosen to use and abuse what you offer
It's not for me, the delicate surgeons cut
More the slash and hack
Of the untrained butcher
Me, oh me who drains the life blood from this earth

You deserve no more of what I can offer,
I will rain hail of fury upon my precious ground
Simply to watch you suffer
With all living things, I'm naturally bound
But I will destroy the soul of me
Just to watch you die with no mercy
You will fear me
Bow down to me
Respect me
Care for me
Or you WILL all DIE in misery
Maybe next time, humanity,
You will choose how you treat me more carefully.
Wow, Joe Cole!
What. An. Amazing. Experience!
I truly feel blessed he'd want to collaborate with me.
Hope you all enjoy mother nature's wrath.
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