No one.
mistaken one
hello friend in the lost pages
hello friend in the archives
with a careful pen
and soft fingers
do me a great favor
remember these bits
remember this:
"Ye, the ancient ones
in sifting dirt, do decay--
their words, their words,
the same grey
which told the tale of
a future you
stuck behind the window
caught within the sill
the rain
that makes you feel the same"
as that lonely peasant boy,
by the callous night
and obeyed
the command--
the soldier
the sword
the bullet
the bolt--
Zeus, even which at highest worship
could not consume--
even Apollo, which better thinker than I
decided to draw the universe through
and Dionys
the chaotic hue
the uncomfortable ache
to every truth
you will know the dialectic
you will know the dichotomous
you will know poetry
you will know truth
Give to me in ancient song
give to them me in my truth
give to them the imperfection
give to them the nasty
the fake
the lost
the snake
the pain
the world
the whole