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Thebeau Jan 2020
I looked into your eyes and I saw the future.
You sparkled of joy and happiness and,
Everything that I wanted from life was here,

But suddenly soon it had dissappeared,
Memories and love had cleared,
When love itself had ceased to appear,
I knew right then that pain was near,

You'd look into MY EYES and say,
That you were happy nothing's changed,
But nothing wasn't nothing dear,
Nothing then was something to fear,

But I was caught up and deeper I dug,
Between all of the kisses and hugs,
My love for you was my only drug,
The only song I'd ever sung,

Soon I began to notice the distance,
At the stop signs, no longer kisses,
Nothing had changed of whom I adored,
Were you the risk and not the reward?

The next part happened all too fast,
When into depression my mind relapsed,
When I couldn't remember who I was,
Any of the reasons why or because,

You left me stranded oh so alone,
This house stopped feeling like a home,
You only loved me at convenience to you,
So now I wonder, was any of it true?
Thebeau Dec 2019
I'm convinced I'll spend the rest of my life looking.

Looking for someone who will love me the way I thought you did.
Thebeau Nov 2019
And in the moment that she needed you most.
You tore her down and destroyed her
You turned around and abandoned her
She looked to you for strength and you betrayed her
You took her peace and comfort
But you never even found your own with it
Tell me now,
When you look at your reflection
Do you see perfection?
Thebeau Jul 2019
What's wrong?
Oh nothing. It's nothing. Just ignore it.

What's wrong?
Well, I'm convinced my father just killed himself and my last words to him were that I hate him. But... It's nothing. Just ignore it.

What's wrong?
I think I'm being cheated on? This is middle school. Who would do that in middle school? It's nothing. Just ignore it.

What's wrong?
Well, I'm still getting picked on. The kids here are really... REALLY mean sometimes. They like to hate on me for being smart. It's nothing. Just ignore it.

What's wrong?
Am I too scared to swallow all of these pills? Probably? Am I gonna do it anyways? Well... What other choice do I have? It's nothing. Just ignore it.

What's wrong?
My mom stands over my gravesite. Crying.

She didn't know that anything was wrong to begin with.

It's nothing. Just ignore it.
Thebeau Dec 2018
I pack the last box onto the truck,
from a half empty house,
that no longer feels like a home

We only see each other in passing,
even though we live a room apart,

We start to grow apart,
We barely even see each other anymore,
much less, talk to each other,

Maybe one day we can get over this and move on,
It'll take some growing up for me,
and we will need to be there for each other to do it,

I stand under a tree in a field sprinkled with snow,
I've already thrown my backpack as far as I can in anger,
I've already heard the 3 words you've cried to me as we both got home,
"Tyler, Daddy's dead."

There's a new development in our house,
a hole in the wall the size of a fist,
You gather your things and walk down the street,
not even sober enough to drive,
but you're back at the house the next morning

My mother sips the word
her mouth curls at the taste
like it burns going down.
She's tired of the fighting.

I've come up with this theory that my father started drinking again
because maybe I'm such a disappointment in his eyes,

Like if he could make everything else blurry,
maybe somehow I'd look normal.

My father sits in a bathtub all day,
doing his own method of detox,
my mother tends to him,
we all support him,
maybe the third time is the charm,

I blame myself.

My mother blames herself.

My brother blames my father.

The only things I notice in the house are the PlayStation and my other toys,
My family is happy, and that makes me happy.

My father doesn't drink as much
as the rest of my aunts and uncles at Christmas and Thanksgiving,
It doesn't mean anything to me,
I just know
we don't even think about it.



I wanna be Spiderman.
Or my dad.
They're kinda the same thing.



I have a nightmare.  
I get into Mommy and Daddy's bed,
Stuffed animal in hand.
Daddy isn't there,
I get up to go look for him,
Daddy's standing in his underwear
silhouetted by the refrigerator light.
He raises a bottle to his lips.



When my mother was pregnant with me
I wonder if she hoped,
like so many mothers do,
that her baby boy
would grow up to be

Thebeau Dec 2018
Believe me,
I wish that I didn't have to tell you,
Anymore than you didn't want to hear it,
Telling you that I had attempts on my life,
Telling you that your son had those thoughts,
You didn't want to believe me,
You started crying,

It had been 5 years since the first attempt,
But I was just now telling you that something was wrong,
On the norm, you looked at me with love and care,
I would look back with a smile,
but that was not the case today,

I burnt my tounge on the painful words that I had to deliver to you,
I deprived them from continuing their life of secrecy,

I couldn't live with that bubbling inside anymore.


Are you looking for a happy ending?
Thebeau Aug 2018
I would see your eyes glimmer...

I would see your smile,
How can you tell me now that it wasn't real,
when I could see how real it was?

Why did it feel like a punishment to go without speaking to you,
when now it has become the norm?
But it means less now, doesn't it?

How could you scold me for saying "I love you" too much,
when all I am is a mess that needs to be accepted and comforted too?
That alone should've tipped me off.. that it was time to go...

..And that the glimmering stopped in your eyes.

But now, she sees my smile,

She sees how much I care,
and she cares back just the same, maybe even more,
and I can see how real it is,

She hates our time apart,
it is frequent, but it amplifies the time we do have together,
and it means even more,

She reminds me every chance she gets that she loves me,
Because she wants to hear it from me too, and we both need the unnecessary reassurance,
and that's our confirmation that we belong where we are...

...And it amplifies both her smile and mine.
This one means a lot to me, for its deeper underlying meaning and false sense of happiness in major implication throughout the entirety of the poem. But ultimately, it ends with that happiness as a reality.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
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