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Jul 2022 · 578
Please forgive my attitude
And if it seems I'm being rude
All my actions get misconstrued
I guess it's me and never you
Jul 2022 · 292
I look soft and sweet
but I'm tough as nails
It's not that I win
but know how to fail.
Jul 2022 · 195
Sundays smell of intimacy
The initial easing in
The slow meandering journey to x marks the spot
Round and round
Anticipation building
Bodies sweating
Momentum heaving
The right timing
The right configurations
Jockeying positions
Hands grip and pull
Finding and riding the sweet spots
Exertion. Discipline. Determination.
My compass rose

Another salty Sunday sailboat race
Jul 2022 · 193
Her spirit was tousled,
unbuttoned and daring; brazen,
speaking in a wild language.
Jul 2022 · 163
Every interaction
another opportunity to tell me
how much I hurt you.
How loving me
makes you a fool.
Please forgive me
for not being swept off my feet
and allowing you
to plunder my depths.
Jul 2022 · 164
If ever I start to baah and bleet
And start to turn into a sheep
Slap me good and slap me hard
Keep me out of the farm yard
Bring to light the mindless plight
And remind me that I howl at night.
Jul 2022 · 177
Unidentifiable nomads
Dancing rootless, lean and hard
In the rhythm of now
Jul 2022 · 99
Dear Future,
I see you sitting there. Plying at my mind all the time. Undecided. You want something concrete. Security. Only you you don't understand my heart is not on the same page. It's not on the page at all. It is soaring. Riding the wind. The currents. I must be in motion. Always in between arriving and leaving. This is where I thrive. In this breath. The one I'm currently breathing. It is truly all I have and that is everything. I know you don't understand. how could you? You are the future. Ever ahead. Always the horizon. All I can say is one day I will inevitably meet you, upon my death, and o the stories I will have to tell.
Jul 2022 · 128
It's ignorant
to pray for someone else
to be delivered
from their ignorance
so that they can conform
to your ignorance
Jul 2022 · 114
When awake in the morning without you next to me
disappointment settles like a thick fog.
You are the first thing I want to see when I open my eyes
and the last thing I want to see when I close them.
When t hose do not occur it throws me in to a wobble.
It reminds me of the lyrics you like so much... "To love is to hate"
I hate when the space next to me is not filled with you.
Jul 2022 · 101
You turned ME
upside down
          into a WE
A beautiful reflection of the both of us
Jul 2022 · 125
So close
Skin of your teeth
By a nose
A hair's breadth
A stone's throw
Not quite
Don't I know
The duality of too much and not enough. I have heard both often. I'm too kind. I don't stand up for myself enough. I'm too sassy. Too friendly. Talk too much or not enough. Too smart. Too dumb. It goes on and on.
Everyone is individually a work of art and as any artist knows if you show a work you created there will always be a critique of what can be changed. It is a never ending cycle and it will never be perfect enough to suit everyone. So be unapologetically you. Be brave. Confidence in yourself is one of the most attractive things.
Jul 2022 · 120
It's not an argument if your opinion doesn't matter.
Jul 2022 · 143
SELFISH acronym
S ingular
E go
L iving
F or
I nstant
S elf
H appiness
Jul 2022 · 99
Give me sunshine and wind and I'm as beautiful and carefree as a dandelion wish.
True story
Jul 2022 · 141
Crash Course
You move through my mind like a gorilla on rollerskates
Jul 2022 · 116
ETC acronym
E verything
T hat's
C omparable
Jul 2022 · 93
UGH acronym
U ttered
G ruff
H arumph
Jul 2022 · 118
haiku 16
Windchime halyards
Swaying in tune with the tides
Night time lullaby
Jul 2022 · 887
SMILE acronym
S tretched
M outh
I lluminating
L ifes
E njoyment
Jul 2022 · 106
LOVE acronym
L etting
O urselves
V alue
E achother
Jul 2022 · 104
You already have me all figured out.
All my answers.
All my beliefs and actions.
You have me decided
and that is blinding you.
Blinding you to who I truly am.
You don't see me.
You see who you think I am.
Who you expect me to be.
I am so much more
than the narrowness of your view.
Jul 2022 · 373
There sits an empty dresser drawer
once full but now it's not.
Everything that I love
has up and left that spot.
To see it now you sure would think
it's empty as can be.
And to you that might be true
but not so much for me.
It used to house my sons clothes
and treasures he would keep.
Like gems, coins, hot wheel cars,
and toys that whirl and beep.
But now he lives off with his dad
declaring that it's awesome.
While I sit here staring at
my empty drawer coffin.
Tempting me to climb on in
until my tears do cease.
Laying down in all it's not
May I rest in peace.
I could have had full custody hands down but that would not have been best for our son. I chose to be the weekend parent to ease tensions in the future. My father taught me that if you see the problem you are the one responsible for fixing it. To have fought over my son with my ex would have been bad for his growth and healing. It was the hardest decision I have  had to make.
Jul 2022 · 107
Rain Maker
Breaker of toys
Dasher of dreams
Pull all apart
Right at the seams
Demanding all time
Just to cause grief
You lecherous fool
You fun stealing thief
Mine you can't have
Mine aren't for keeps
I've taken them back
Mine can't be reached
I know all your tricks
I know your true name
I know what you are
A peddler of blame
Jul 2022 · 556
Glass confessions
Fragile honesty
Entrusted to your
Choking squeeze
Bursting glass candor
Insulated confetti asphyxiation
Defiant Resistance
Mis-paced and misplaced jealously took every midnight confession or moment of deeply persoal sharing and twisted it, squeezed it until it shattered. Then when it was most convenient you slung those pieces as weapons while I was left choking on the glass dust particles of pulverized trust.

You underestimated the power of my lungs.
Jul 2022 · 973
We are repeating yet fleeting,
estranged remnants,
together alone.
It was the strangest feeling.
To be married.
To be  chosen.
To share life.
The one place
you are supposed to matter most
only to become a ghost.
To be forgotten.
To disappear
into the wallpaper and tapestry,
not in a woven way
but in a painted to look like it way.
And if you stay long enough,
no longer reflected in their eyes,
you will forget yourself too.
The dissolution of my geography.
My fault lines slowly became riddled with fissures
until one day the area between my *******
collapsed in to a sink hole.
I try to make a point in any relationship not to call names or threaten the relationship. I feel like if something occurs that makes you feel bad then you should talk about it. Things left unsaid create resentment. There are ways to communicate without having to make the other person feel like less. When respect and care are not given it chips away slowly at the other person.
Sep 2019 · 274
I will not conform
I will not obey
I will not submit
I'll play my way
I will not give in
I will not retreat
I will not sit by
I'm fast on my feet
Sep 2019 · 239
Three Pirates
Pirate 1. "Pirate 3 is my prodigy"
Pirate 2. "You teaching him the ways?"
Pirate 3. "No, he is teaching me the sways."
Sep 2019 · 330
Sitting under the pecan tree
Relaxing in the shade
The breeze she came and played with me
Cavorting through the glade
Until the ants from firetown
Marched up my legs post haste
And made it to my midsection
To bite upon my waist!
Jump I did and slap myself
For what else can you do
When colonies of fireants
Are taking over you?
Sep 2019 · 191
I caught myself a Leprechaun!
It took two and seven years
More with wit than with brawn
and a variety of beers.
He is a little son-of-a-gun.
Fast on his feet is he.
He is a little wild one.
But not w-i-l-y as me
Now three wishes I do get
but need them I do not.
For anything I'd ever want
Is right here in this spot
Sep 2019 · 193
A Gift
I awoke to a dull thud upon my face. The hand of your left arm haplessly flung as you slept. The thud must have alerted you as well because I heard you catch your breath and hold it while quickly turning to see what was amiss. And as you comprehended you let out a very soft "Oh!" and then quietly declared with the absolute wonderment and surprise of a child come Christmas morning "A Human Being!" and promptly went back to sleep.
I was sent on the most urgent mission to rescue the tea!

It was the most dire of situations. The package of tea, having finally arrived after a very long journey from overseas, sat defenseless on the porch. It rested peacefully, waiting for the eager owner to run forth with open arms, tears streaming, and proclaiming such holy gratitude that all of the church doves in all of the world flutter in to flight the moment her heart rings like a bell at seeing said package.

And as it rested peacefully the most ominous form loomed on the horizon. A sight more terrifying than babies eating pickles and bears with no hair. The darkest, most heavies, most deep blue clouds were building ever bigger, and coming ever closer. So pregnant with rain that at any moment that saddest shade of blue was going to color the very town the package was waiting in and color the heart of the owner, that very same shade, unless I could possibly make it in time.

The story of the mission itself and the actual said rescue of the tea is entirely another story which just so happens to be titled "I was somewhere else, but I wasn't, but I was" which is part of the continuing chronicles: The Misguided Adventure of Stumblebum Fumbletongue. Out on sale next yesterday.
Sep 2019 · 168
Self Care
You are my time for myself
Sep 2019 · 186
There once was a girl named Sally
Who liked to dilly-dally
On the bed she did stay
All night and all day
Instead of cleaning the galley

Dreaming of days long gone
When witches would ride upon
Her family and friends
Through the wends and the bends
In between dusk and dawn
Sep 2019 · 155
I can't
get enough
of the art
that you are
Sep 2019 · 205
Shimmy Shimmy Shake
That thump
and that bump
on my ****
as you twirl
and you pump
-Spin Cycle
Sep 2019 · 267
I try to creep from the bed
but instead you grab my head
and pull me back to you.
Back so you may pet my hair.
Deep asleep you still care
and melt I promptly do
Sep 2019 · 143
I'll hold you tight enough
that you still feel like
you can run away
Sep 2019 · 179
I Chew
I chew, I chew, I chew, I chew
That's not a sneeze
That is the sound of me
eating my enemies.
Sep 2019 · 253
Reality Roulette
Reality roulette
Which one, which one will you get?
One that's cam and mostly mellow?
Or one that's white or brown or yellow?
One that's red or full of rage?
One where you can't see the cage?
One that's filled with deep regret?
Which one, which one will you get?
One where you hold all the cards?
Or one where you're on constant guard?
One where love is all around?
Or one where love is never found?
All these choices for you to see
But which one, which one will it be?
The thing is you actively choose
In every little thing you do
You determine what you get
In the game of reality roulette
Sep 2019 · 127
How easily blinded
by my own emotions
that I became the liar.
How easily deafened
by my own heartbeats
that I set myself on fire.
Sep 2019 · 138
Long Exsposure
We are full of joy
thought you never see
30 seconds ******
statued devotee
No smile for your eyes
No movement in our limbs
No expression can we wear
except the one of grim.
Sep 2019 · 139
The sail is billowed out.
The mast is standing high.
The moon, the stars, and the sea,
reflected in my eyes.
What great a thing it is
to be given such a gift
of mother natures beauty
on a night such as this.
I feel like I am home
beneath wide and open skies
and everything I'll ever need
is wind so I can fly.
Sep 2019 · 138
Organic days of zig-zag light
Shadows deep as my resilience
She-wolf howls in the dark of night
Illuminating silent brilliance
Sep 2019 · 154
For who shall tell me now or near
what it is my heart does fear?
Not them, or they, or you, or thee
It is I, and only me.
Sep 2019 · 143
Ensemble sound drifts
Instrumental melodies
Singing their hearts out
Sep 2019 · 154
Ugly Hat
"That's not a good hat
for a fine looking man.
That's a go to hell hat."
I said "I don't understand."
Steve piped on up
"Man, I'm trying to sell that."
To which Bob retorted
"It's a god awful hat!
When it is donned
and someone does yell
that it's ugly and fugly
you say go to hell."
So I bought two right then
and put one of them on.
Walked to the door and
before I was gone
I turned and I smiled
It was not a hard sell
"Well gentleman thank you
now go to hell!"
Sep 2019 · 144
Duck, duck, goose!|
Now I'm on the loose
Chasing you in hot pursuit
From the spot you're tryin' ta loot
Yet I fail, there's no excuse
Now round I go, Duck, Duck, Goose!
Sep 2019 · 141
Begging me to sit
Even for a little bit
Needing nothing more
Calmly sitting to explore
How I choose to fit
Jul 2019 · 337
I got the call, it just came in
It's time to grab the gig again
Years I've waited, paced the floor
Now my *** is out the door
Among the darkness, we do flock
To piers, beaches, and old boat docks
We gaze in wonder at waters edge
For breath of air their lives are pledged
Eels, flounder, shrimp, and crab
Are all the things we get to grab
And place them in to buckets near
Then cook and eat them with a beer
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