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 Jun 2015 cwhite
January’s woman melts the snow.
February’s woman is good to go
March she blows like the wind
Aprils woman is sad then warmingly glad
May the shackles are off
June in bed till noon
July love on the beach
August same woman, roll on september
September’s woman is petite and coy
October is comfort and joy
November’s woman is fireworks, this is the one
December’s woman is ice cold, she’s just found out what  i've being doing for the last eleven months and wants a divorce.
Man asks questions
Therefore he thinks that he exists

No other animal asks questions
Therefore they do not exist

Existence is the question
That no one has the answer to .

God gave us the ability to ask questions
Let's not question our ability to answer too .
 Jun 2015 cwhite
Wisdom emerges, compassion transcends
Logic refuses to accept there's an end
Life seeks meaning, people seek love
It's all the way down and all the way up

Imagination stirs the ocean
Dreams surpass the sky
Words flow forever
Through a universal mind
Traveler Tim
Re 2017 Jan
The wicked whip of word
Lashes welps upon
The starved psyche
Of the errogenous mind

Indeed the moment rises
In smoke and indigo sheets
Of layered heat pressing down
Into the flesh of desired
Impunity , iniquity , liquidity

Happy is a framed stated stanza
Of thine behind plastic cups
Of wine in sheds
Of gray aged wooden shingle
From long long ago

Was it "Bored-dough" or "Shabby"
Time will consume
But the experience
Leaves you panting
Thirsty for more
 May 2015 cwhite
jeffrey robin
she is free
( do you know her ? )                                                                ­    

a Tree is growing in the desert

we were once strangers

( not anymore )


In bonds of  righteousness assembled


The Mighty Forces come to serve us

The waters of the world bend towards us


A Tree is growing in the desert

Righteous people !

( come YE strangers )

Everybody is surely welcome


Mighty Forces feed

The light now shining in the desert

We were strangers

Now we

Are a Mighty Force of righteousness

Growing stronger in the desert

Uniting all strangers in knowing embrace





The very seed that becomes the WORLD
 May 2015 cwhite
jeffrey robin



little the kid

Sitting in the mouth of the alleyway

What a FOOL !

                                                   ( wearing black skin )

what's he trying to prove , anyhow ? )

Here in the bowels of hell

( the hobgoblin country

Called AMERICA ! )


tiny poet eyes

seeking the true wisdom here


We wallow in the cesspool

Of infatuation

Pretending to be in love


We pay homage to images we have fabricated

From out our fearfulness

We trade our potential originality

For the sterility of the Poisoned Pen

That marks our claim to the bounty

of jealousy and

Of possessiveness


The little kid

Sitting in the mouth of the alleyway

the FOOL


( true poet boy )

we walk on by

We do not even see him there

Behind the veil of his black skin
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