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  Sep 2014 The Black Raven
come explore the universe with me-
i want to dance among the stars with you
The Black Raven Sep 2014
Feeling useless,
ugly hues
colouring in,
yellowing bruise
happy days
thoughts are wistful
mirrors lie
bitter fistful
saddened eyes
in ghost camera shots
wanted: ‘beautiful’
connect the dots
minds a scramble
at mirrors perception
feeling lonely
life's deception.
of affection
can’t comprehend
seek perfection
take a breath
smile and hide
the bottled fear
you keep inside
life is short
accept the flaws
love yourself
Retract the claws.
  Sep 2014 The Black Raven
Soft as a feather
your kiss comes to me
Here ever after
I long it to be
Tight on my lips
so perfect and pure
Yours is the kiss
I've come to adore

Warm as the springtime
your touch I can feel
Holding me close
I know it is real
Constant like tides
caressing the shore
Yours is the touch
I've come to adore

This side of heaven
your love calls my name
Eternal my dream
igniting the flame
A beautiful light
to shine evermore
Yours is the love
I love to adore
The Black Raven Sep 2014
I’m in a dream
could this be real?
close your eyes
let the darkness
seep into your lids,
now open them slowly.
Is it still the same?
pinch your arm harshly
hold onto the skin
for a little longer that necessary.
Is it still the same?
Then it must be real.
But i still can’t help feeling that
I’m in a dream.
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