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Riane Nov 2018
It's about us
But is us in my brain?
Did I imagine those times our eyes met and didn't say goodbye?
Did I dream about your laugh?
Was that dimple in you cheak meant only for me?
Cause it felt like it was....
Cause I wished it was...
But is this real ?
Or just in my head?.
Riane Nov 2018
I'm tired
I'm tired of feeling so much
I'm tired of feeling so deeply
My body aches
Aches in my chest
Aches in my belly
Aches in my mind
I'm sick of thinking
I'm sick of the constant feelings of doubt
Of fear
Of pain
I just want to feel nothing
Just let me feel nothing
Riane Nov 2018
I'm angry
With myself,
With the people around me,
I'm frustrated about my situation.
My mind turmoils over problems I can't fix,
And tires over thinking about them a thousand times.
Each angle seems futile ,
Coz my brain draws a blank.
My fingers itch to rip written paper to shreds.
They fumble over texts,
Misspelled, misunderstood, misused.
I want to break things.
Hear the crashing of glass on marble floors,
I want to fling things across the room like they're weightless.
My destructive side comes out,
Pushing people away.
Building walls and breaking bridges.
My shoulders tense,
I can hear my heart beat pounding in my head.
I need help.
But I've pushed everyone away,
And I'm too proud to ask for it.
Riane Nov 2018
The clock is ticking,
I feel every second in my chest,
My heart pounding in tune .
My lungs are taking in so much air,
But I'm still suffocating.
I'm on an adrenaline high ,
Riding the waves.
Tensing for a fight,
Ready for flight.
my eyes dart across the room,
Looking for an escape
And then to my watch.
Just when I felt time was speeding up,
It slowed down to a crawl.
My palms are sweaty.
I itch to bring my fingers to my mouth,
To bite off my already vanishing nails.
All the while the clock ticks away calmly,
Tik Tok, Tik Tok, Tik Tok.
Hey guys , this is my first post. Please show me some love. I'm open to any criticism or suggestions.

— The End —