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Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2019
The cloak turned over
The cloak that clouds it all
A shield against the authenticity
Last night turned over deliberately
The words with indifference
The face with unmindfulness
Shook them at the core
Yet their own hidden delusion
Struck them the most
Cruel they found inauthenticity
Critical I discovered the irony
Surbhi Dadhich May 2019
From pillar to post
Rebelled she for a musty coin
Unhanded the swindler
Her left over crumplings
Scratches, bump swelled her forehead
As she wept bitterly
An evil sweeper swept over her hair
Suppressed her very existence,
Her willingness to win or live
The other side of the coin
Adored her , caressed her
Satiated her desires
Cherished soul was she
Under venerable canopy
Cheese or chalk
She was a bundle of contradictions
Suffering a 'thing'
No one could coin.
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2020
"His old father might be domineering, cruel and incisive", she opined
As she applied pain reliever on the fresh wounds of the limp body of that innocent infant
"but...", she finished with bleak content
More to herself
"Am I guilty of my grievous injuries if I whole- heartedly trusted his false claims and fat lies?"

I am time, the testimony of gritty ordeals of billions of the souls of the feminine receptive energy ...
Surbhi Dadhich May 2018
Life would have showered me
Success, riches, fame
Though breaking the glass ceilings
I never obsessed over the desires that I crave
Life would have pretty adored me
However hard I tripped
Though I never was in a great haste
But I thought of dislikes and disgrace
Life would have satiated my desires
Affirmations and content
Though hard work pays off
All I pursued was past's lament
Life would have surmounted me
The willingness to win
Cherished soul was I
Still always dreamt to perish
Little did I know
I was beating a hollow drum
I intended to be a plum pudding
Without a plum..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2018
When we were elating pearls
Under the umbrellas of shells
Exquisite calmness lingered
Endeared our ******* hearts
That was pathetically ' the last prestige'
When we were engrossed in moonlit night
Elaborated fine-tuned lives
Empathy trickled, sensations sympathasised
Warm potion circulated in hearts
That was pathetically 'the last prestige'
Until now and then that had been
The miserable' last prestige'..
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
In that algal bloom marshland
Lived a frog with his wife once
Feeding his wife every day
The frog was now tired and tedious
"Oh! My beloved, I can't feed you much
For I'm already old and broken"
His beloved was no longer in delight
As she was in a frenzy of fright
"We can't leave our birthplace
We're not in a great haste
Let us gobble up anything
A twig, a bug or a little fish
Let's settle up our lives
For we have to thrive"
Slowly and steadily
The marsh was empty
All it own was dump like a bin
No pathogens, no bug, no fish
Except two souls counting days till death
As they worked hard with their breath
The marshland was now the property
Of a government official at duty
He called for drainage cleaners
To build there shopping centres
To disappear the marshland
In the crystals of water vapour
As workers dug deep inner
All they unearthed was algae
Nothing more than that
Nothing less than this..
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2019
Between two extremes,
Two poles of universe
Heaven and Earth
The void is the messaging conduit
The breathe which retains
Middle of breathe in and breathe out
The void is the calm realism
The subtle connectedness of love
The gentle glory of balance
The void fills it all..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
They have a different gala,
They have different life's preferences.
They search delight in every dilemma,
And that has made all the differences.
The way they look is far more advanced,
They are all fine and smart.
They know the perfect arguments,
When they make a mistake by chance.
These stars don't know that they are the reasons for someone's wide smile,
They don't know that they are blessed with the greatest joy of their life.
But still, therein lies the rampageousness
And an ability to fight all the ill fate and illness..

Surbhi Dadhich
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
The Sigh of Heart sea
Pouring in tears
From cloudy eyes on the worthless prayers
To cultivate sorrows
With tragedy as a seed
To cultivate wounds
With joy as a ****
To bear fruits
Of stress and melancholy
Gobbled up by soul
To destroy every aspect of charity
Stored in the heart
With locks of veins and arteries
Stored in the mind
As a souvenir
To destroy my mankind...
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
Mohit! Why the hell is this plastic still here?
You're like unconscious every moment
Don't fade away your funds, stocks and shares
I'm the lord and you're unfortunately a slave
Mohit is a boy among thousands
Who still hears the melancholy of machines
He's also suffering from the only cash
Since childhood till now he's a teen
A boy with chronic and seasonal hunger
A boy deprived of love and education
Just a skeleton sticking to malnutrition
He's still now involved in some substitution
"Oh my sweetie! Would you tell me where you live?"
Asked a kind cop after seizing the factory
"I...I.....I Sir..." Unable to speak
Mohit is now in orphanage
He's uncomfortable with other teenagers of his age
Couples came and observed him
Who would adopt an unfair, shabby child like him?
People passed by
Years passed by
Time slipped away
Mohit was lost in his own grief and pain
Checking his behaviour
Officials transferred him to the mental hospital
His sight is most common weeping and sobbing under curtains and behind rolled carpets..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
The thirst of these stones
Never end
Still near the seas, rivers and lakes
Leaving a melancholous strain.
Their mother river moulds them
From sharp to smooth ends
With a faded colour
They shine amongst the lust of sunbeam, brighter and brighter.
Their journey never ends
Even when they want
For the world is like a hell
Where people just know how to grab.
Many footprints hurt them
But, still they always remain what they are
And this is the rule of life,
Be proud on what you have and what you are..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
I plundered
Out of sight, out of mind
Neglecting the unknown reality
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder"
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2019
Lurking somewhere in the middle
With a cloud of steam hovering
Stood a non-kempt hut
Surrounded by no existence or streets
Incompleteness of demolished pavements
Moon tarnishing jubilant memories
Caught the eye of a noble bishop
As he shook electrically with bees
Stumbled he to the rusty door ****
Succeeding jarring, rattling sound
As he insisted for a slight knock
The dust on his shoes scattered around
Darkness dispersed, a shadow peeked out
"I have no sole basis to live
Though dawn always breaks
Yet spring never carves its way
Hope, happiness twists my heart
This, I convey with pride
For I ain't a braggart"
The noble soul, a beauteous carnation
Showering divinity and sympathetic grace
" Richly blessed is how I feel
Oh troubled soul, to solve your mystery, I acclaim
As pristine, peaceful as subtle winds
As ecstatic as the ray of moonlight
As sombre-hearted as a poised hind
As respiting as warm soil's delight
An insightful, dynamic impulse
Painted were you on the Supreme Personality of Godhead's pallette
The warm sunshine and the spring carves it's way"
Grey shadow lingered, sparkling silvery shades
His unwavering faith was quite shaken and mistaken
The bishop saw him unfolding into seven colours
Embellishing nature's evermore divine rainbow..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
They say that every night has an end
Every morning brings something new and fresh
But I must confess
It's nothing fact it just ruins my head
They say that Nothing bad stay
But the rain of divinity has gone
And I must confess
Nothing gold stay...
They say that I've something missing
Being an introvert and all
They say that I just require a rude awakening
I don't know what they want
Nor they hell ya tell me
I'm in a great dilemma
And I just don't know how to get out of this...
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
Puffed souls with vain gallantry
Puffed minds with vain wisdom
Let them crack their sentimental sarcasms
Let them giggle at their own astounding laughs
Discover their bitter truth of forgiveness
Let them mould in and around mess
Till they corporate themselves with sighs of apologies
Till they make themselves ambitiously exotic..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
I think of talking you
But you're already asleep
Today too
I think of giggling you
Every time
But you're out there
I know you're tired of my
Meet you some day
Since that grateful event
But I promise
I'll finally meet you
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
Nothing seems giantly huge
When your toothless grin eludes
My chronic adversities
After iconic, clownish endeavor
Our curtains, veils shattered
You anticipated me with lionese furore
I reckon it's highly due still
I prospered, pay due honour
Against the backdrop of your highly- awaited grin
Nothing truly seems monstrous huge
When your jawlines extend
Douse off my chronic inconsideration
My chronic adversities
While you shower herculean ecstasy..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2018
Mornings blow essence when
You drool over warm coffee
Stars twinkle radiant when
You wear graceful glare in eyes
Nectar pours in varied flowers when
You reflect knight in my shining armour
Atmosphere embellished when
I was engrossed in our little rendezvous
We are blatantly delicate
Though troops of intuitions blaze
What if it is the tranquility before hurricane?
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
This is just an appetizer
Like the nectar for butterflies
This is just a mixture
Of your dreams to reach new heights.

I am your soul
You are me
I am the shadow
Of your trinity.
One for you
One for me
And..the other is someone
Who is the most important of all three.
That one is the light of Almighty
In every human being
Who destroys all your illusions and desires
Realises you that you are nothing, except a bare- handed pious.
To solve the mystery
Ya. We have to wait for a stage of life
When we'll be away from our desires of prosperity
And devote ourselves to someone who actually regulates our life..
And..this is the trinity..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
Saffron blonde autumn twilight
Sparkle of sharp sunbeams
Shadows of the ardent desires
Yawning in the insatiable deeds
Saffron blonde autumn twilight
Splitting the rays of sharp sunbeams
Warmth of patterns glowing
The gold moment will soon come..
Sunset point:)
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
To the east paves insurmountable demons
To the west leads on to inevitable legends
To the right bows the fierceful battles
To the left lies the darkest lands
Roosters crying , ghosts staring
Lava erupting, devils bursting
No bridges, no aids
No ridges, no helping hands
From east to west
Right or left
A miserable life
On a barren tract
And there exits and entrances
Of worriers and warriors
There lies guesses and chances
And both tigers and terrors
Oh Sis! Now you sign an accord
Of success or failures
Cause the time has come
Blow out the unrecognized potential
Step in a world
Where you're the lord
And you're the only angel
.......Gosh! A havoc foot is itching
To flunk you down
But you're a warrior enough
Dump it out of your town
There..just 2 steps more
Your success with an overwhelming tribute
Just 2 steps more..
Wrote ...for my sweet sis ...****! She had drafted(even completed) all my school projects..She's wonderful and fond of her failures..I regret cursing her sometimes..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
Who's there?
Gang of wild hounds
Babbling furiously
By leaps and bounds
Framing objectives
Are they suspicions?
Guess not
Prepare for the investigation
Right now
Are they altogether?
No..they're the birds of the same feather
Should we arrest?
You silly ***..just leave
I'll do the rest
But Sir..
Just leave!!!
Sir..they're in your relationship

What!! Are you sure of this?
Perfectly Sure
Oh!! You're so eccentric..It's late..Good night...
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
As the corner of my eye
Widened, gasped at the glinting Sun
Highest, above disfigured illusions
The infinite stretch of innumerable sighs
Yet closest twirls slinky eyelashes
The (in)visible identity seems to hide
As human denies vehemently
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead"
Flinching faith leads to unanswered revelations
Unflinching demoniac while innocent is shot
Yet unflinching faith in a barber
While he holds a razor against the throat
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
Ah! The most awaited moment
Now, approaching by degrees"
Chanted a gullible girl
As she breathed the blow of breeze
From a severely punished window
In a junk rusty vehicle
She enchanted her heavy heart
With the happiness at the highest pinnacle
She was anonymous in that mob
Without advices and unworthy suggestions
The overstrain upon her brain
Urged her to leap onto actions
Her dreadful years of shackled confinement
And her teary eyes weeping with lashes
Lack of love, lack of leisure
Just for the attainment of cash
It has been only four hours
Since she fled away
With some cash and brawn
Her way was prepared to pave
As she rejoiced her heart
With liberty, love and leisure
The gullible girl was engulfed by the cult
Of a chauffeur driving an unknown vehicle
The rusty vehicle burnt into flames
And so the gullible girl
Her first journey became her disastrous departure
Unrecognized of the heartshaking return
Of her innocence
The ashes carried a soul
Unfulfilled and unquenched..
Still confused why God always helps power and pelf ....those who're honest and skilled work as labourers and lead miserable lives..
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2018
This ghastly night grappling mercy
Of the frolicksome crescent moon
The rusty clock accelerated hours
The stars glossed in the milky troop
The crackling ultrasound of crooked fan
Strands of hair viz soles of feet lamed
When eyelashes sensed warmth and rest
Droolworthy images flashed...
A white gracious unicorn was staring
His soothing eyes strengthened me
And I engrossed in a lavish sleep...
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
Precipitating the crisis of one's barren tract
Curing the audacious ailments of one's suspicions
Adoring the starvation to a luminous beauty
Unseen by all but yet deserved for posterity
Scarcity can sometimes round the destiny
Quenching the thirst never relieved
Unrecognized by all but yet a true model of admiration and dignity..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2018
I thought of that guy
Who had no reason to smile and talk
He's just gravely idle
In that cheerful crowd
Never dared to join in the conversation
Decency showering from the graceful grin
And those horn- rimmed spectacles
Sharpened with blowing thin cheeks
Retinas that watch world with a peculiar vision
Heart that filters the impurity
Soul trickling rare satisfaction
An ideal of peace certainly..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
We'll sink in the books
Ban all our sports
Yeah! Close all our doors
Of joy and fun
Make us a machine
Make us a calculator
And why not?
An advanced animal of destruction
Put on censorship
Start rule of dictatorship
Without any emotions
Make us robots
We smiled
Cause we were under the camera..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
The perforated sheets of emotions
Are pouring your fresh tears
Into my hollow heart
Memories are faded, as it appears
Your tears then illuminate the brightest glow
Of my lustrous lighted heart
With wild shabby thorns
I cry, as they hurt
And now my tears are moulding with your garnets
With the hardness of diamonds
I have already got my companion
Cause I have made myself a hard still brittle peanut..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
Your dazzling desires are my crooked pastime
Your frantic benedictions are my graceful stand
Your attractive beauty lays no doubts
Blindly following you has been my topmost trend
I'm a free bird
You're wild and frail
Still I admire you, as always
Balance myself with your short-tempered traits
Cause I've not any other option left...
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
All my stubborn perditions
Are our concluded accord
You're the devil dominant
I'm your enslaved soul
I'm just your playing product
Still I can't do nothing
Those indirect consequences
Of my oppressive rebellion
Can't wash away from the rash
Floating In your every cursed direction
Has became a god- gift
Cause I've made my life just to experience your sins
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
Your goosebumps
Awakened heart
Brambling hiccups
Never depart
To your astonishment
This isn't a disease
This is an anonymous attachment
Of your soul to commit
I am a free bird
In your body
But I can go elsewhere
Even to others body..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
"I have been through the darkest of days
I have been through everything in a nutshell
I have been through whatever spirit
I have crossed every limit
Something is missing
Someone is still missing
Above the horizons of success
It's not divine
It's not any illusion
It's not my faith
Nor heart and soul's fusion
It'll always remain a matter of confusion.."
This is what my Granny said to me last night.
When I asked what she was talking about..She said that I am too young for that..
I am still urging her to tell me..
But, now I think I'll get to know about it on my own..may be.
I am tired of clearing stains
of my tears on my glasses.
Every time I clean them
with water droplets, I think of a new beginning. Yet, somehow the tears trickle into them and they make the world around me blurry and unclear. Yet I continue to wear them because I want to hide my tears behind them because I cannot cry my heart out in the world. So only my glasses know the frequency of my cries and I remove stains from them too.
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2018
I wish I were a bird
On the top of the world
Flickering my wings
Funding cushiony twigs
I wish I were a butterfly
On the sweetest petals I lie
******* the nectar
As I freely chatter
I wish I were a fish
Pedalling my fins
With fresh bubbles
And immortal fervour
I wish I were that innocuous kid
Rampageosly messing up barefeet
Denying distinctions via poor and rich
Indicating candid camaraderie
Towards his pals in poverty
Life would be pretty on the upswing...
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
As we rattled pages
Of our memories
That smiled as that same girl
'Us' used to be
Yours is laboured pain
Mine is lost joy
Glaring from youthful 'us'
In flimsy shades
In clumsy photograph
Lying barren
Vying attention
Smiling as that same girl
'Us' used to be..
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2018
My crooked eyes gleamed with the ecstatic rainbow
Spirals of a pinechord
Petals of a sunflower
Holes of a honeycomb
Grains on a maize cob
Dews in a dreary desert
Rose in the horde of thorns
The pearl at seashore
The angel in a folklore
Apples on mighty hills
Goosebumps in a chilled breeze
Seas in aquariums
Hues in mosses and ferns
Camaraderie in fauna
Coquettish uproar in flora
Immortal in seldom
I waded the silvery tears
"BEAUTY ..indeed ..lies in the EYES of the BEHOLDER"...
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2018
you were the scab comet
lingering past my conscience
my marshes baked to craters
tore them ablaze
craters as the enchanted trees
alongside the solitary riverbanks
solemn splashes of silvery water
eternity longs as I pour void
the gleaming stars that were shooting
Hordes of them
I'm entangled in  a destiny
of gleaming stars
in a cherished constellation..
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2018
Breathing in the cold showers
As I glared sky's divine diamonds
The stormy weather unbolted
The windows and the carpets
I gazed at the adjacent apartment
A solitary lady devoid of content
Struggling in stormy weather
Sobbing and weeping altogether
How surreal was it!
A lady with power and pelf
How devastating was it!
A lady trapped only in herself
A lady with brain and brawn
She wasn't contented and that was all
She might be cursed or sinned
Or was an accused
How her luxurious leisure life
Left her impossible to strive
Treasure may be her best companion
Till the very end
What a great pity was it!
She was well- off but what use was of money
When her boat of life was so heavy
With entertainment stuff unworthy
The boat is continuously drowning
Slowly and steadily
Someone warn her please....
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
I intend not to have the faintest idea
That no leaf has swept away
No stone remain unturned
No fire blazed of trepidation
I seem to encounter the sensation
Almost as well-concerned as a tigress
I might be timid, inconsiderate for you
But why not declutter your chest?
Unfogging the future is structuring a clumsy log
Negotiations over present can't be disfigured...
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2017
The annoying betrayal
As my stubborn acquaintance
Your cautious reminders and care
And my cursed reluctance
Super-intensity of your thoughts and actions
With a perfect paste of affection
Ignorance has bliss
Acknowledgement is the aspiration
And my infinite warm blessings
Cause my reluctance makes you willin'
My ends are your beginnings
And now
My once stubborn acquaintance
With infinite and warm blessin's
I'm now really willin'
You're also willin'
Let's blossom our fresh beginnin'
Of an anonymous relationship..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2019
When in September sunshine
The yellowing leaves mounded over our memories
Under the beautifully - painted tree
It made a noisy rustling
Humming sweet talks
When the world was still a magnificent dream...
Under the blanket shade  of date palms
Rosy sunshine rained on us back and forth
The seeds fell in harmony
The world was not yet awake
At the lustrous dawn
We slipped into each other's hearts..
I close my teary eyes leading to a vaulted tree
That world was a debilitating dream
The yellowed leaves and fallen seeds laid bare
As someone crushed the two ants parting  way
The tear trickled down my cheek..
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2018
Would it be a cascading speck of dirt
If I torment , puff and blast my heart?
Would it be the mystical death in graveyard
If I squirrel beyond your bars
Would it be a bitterly extravagant ash
If I coil our sweetner's scent
What if I erupt our volcanoes of memories
Would it still be igneous games of weights and measures?
Would you bless my scorching lava at eternal peace
Or crust'd roll down sheepishly
Forever eroding your imprints..
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
What's wrong with you?

I don't know
What's wrong in me
But I do know
What I aspire to be

What's wrong with you?

I don't know
What's wrong with me
But I do know
How to deal with it.
What's wrong with me
Is what I knew dearie
From my early girlhood
That I haven't ever tried to improve
Neither I dare
Nor I care
To challenge that stuff
And..I didn't ever repent
Not to be perfect
Sometimes, it seems really strange when a person who's never serious( not at least a bit with friends) talks of logic, the principles of life. My friend suddenly talked like this..
Then I patted lightly to check him..She was back real friend..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
When I migrated to your heart
Your soul refunded me
When I was going for a trip
To your brain
Your memories pushed me out
When I entered through your deep breath
Your lungs whined me
When I entered through radio waves
Your nerves locked me
When I entered as a fear
You shed me out
As tears
But I get it now
My soul
My memories
My tears
Are the reason
For your valour..
Then why don't you call back your departed soul...?
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
When I see the life's colours
The emotions in me rise
From the yellow Sun comes the warmth of love
Held open by the bluest skies

When I see life's illusions
Waves of fluttered doubts rise
Though the Almighty's sigh
Showers and clears them from the vast sky

When I think of life's wonder
Waves of Amazement in me rise
Let no man put asunder
The beauty that I find

When I see life's mad elements
Shimmering Craziness in me rise
From the gloomy heart's scent
Leaves no other choice

When I see life's gifts
Passionate charity moulds in me
From the heart of gold
With rejoice and fraternity

When I see life's foam
Bubble-like desires in me rise
With heavy and blissful tops
But still smashed like pies

When I see life's bonds
Desires for divine in me rise
Like ligaments and tendons
Waiting for the day to traumatize

When I see the whole universe in life
Willin' curiosity in me rise
To solve the unsolved
No one can summarise

When I see the downtrodden
The need in me does rise
To not forget the forgotten
As I look to the warm the Sun in the sky..
A collaboration with Mike Hauser..
This seems exciting when two different or same ideas combine and reshape to produce something new..
Enjoyed a lot..
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
Where are you searching me?
In racism or casteism?
I'm in every religion,  in secularism.
Where  are you searching me?
In your fate or in your destiny?
I'm in your every breath and in every need.
Where are you searching me?
In temples or in doing fasts?
Or in Hindu-Muslim sarcasms?
I am omnipresent,
In the heaven and hell
The need is just to realise
The fusion of your soul with me,
The mysterious power,  very kind
Blowing in breezes
With giggling leaves
Observing your way of life
To do something for mankind..

Surbhi Dadhich.
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2018
It's only at that precious moment
When winds were blowing
With a winsome velocity
Waves of water were rising
Beyond shrieking intensity
I realised that I was in your heart
Managing some statistics and figures
Of our cheers and affection
It took me a lot for consideration
Who I'd rather
My heart or yours??
But you're asking for fare
But I was disordered
And now I'm just an immigrant
Moving here and there
From one place to another.
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