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Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2018
I was lynched
In the rainbow of interpretations
In your ravages of prism
I was pelted
In the abaddon of reckless expectations
In your worst of nightmares
I collided with your sooty clouds
Knocked off my heat
As you beat drums
At my crooked harvests
Though rainstorms wounded me
Who knew your gallantry was contagious?
Soaked feet dropped daunting drops
Who knew your blew- out sufferings
At me poured strength?
I was poised
In the rainbow of possibilities
In your gleaming prism..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2020
Every now and then
To put my soar eyes to rest
I feel the cedars and pines
Attempting to capture them all
In the cameras of my eyes
I long to sledge deeper inside
To witness the wonders of their world
The world of worms and woodpeckers
They say not to touch flowers
But I caress them captivated by their brightness
I grin as I gaze them with proudness
How he was nearly slashed, morphed
It made my skin crawl
But Papa tied a rope around like a bandage to the wounded
And caged him to keep away the wicked
I thought the story was over
But he rewrote it
Smooth healing made him hale and hearty
And even today, every now and then
To put my soar eyes to rest
I feel the huge cedars and pines
Attempting to capture them all
In the cameras of my eyes
With every rustle
As they lean on to each other
Singing and Swinging
My heart cherish when they are alive and kicking.
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2018
When shallow clouds poured
Gunnies of grey raindrops
When eclipse's darkness swinged over head
You wore your wide worn-out grin
That unbelievably ruined my picket fences
And I staggered at that omniscience
Even end of the eclipse and grey raindrops
Harshest stones and farthest skies
Bawled out
Momentary deflections waved in my heart
But the candles blew out
With a storm of wind
As you were nowhere to be seen
Even worn-out seemed attractive..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2019
The wreckage flow unhindered
Knots wrenching it in the pit of stomach
Of embarrassing truth, infuriating intuitions
Mystical feelings, trash emotions
Choking thick clouds of filth and dirt
In my disguised demeanour
In external floric attire
Seclusion, salt on the wound
Blazes in an impressive bonfire..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2021
Autumn sneaked in
I was singing hymns from a playbook
An upside-down playbook as it was
Your red flush was like the leaves outside
The wind blew the drums of our windows
I shook and shrank
You gushed and it was an elixir
"Soon, those ripe apples would fall."
I eye the apples with liveliness
Your eyes gleamed at my pure innocence
Sun is rusting like the leaves outside
Your lullabies were warm like your affection
I slept as sweet as your smile...
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2017
Fascinated by beauty of her face,
Remarked by dimples on cheeks.
Killer smile and silky locks,
Amongst the shining green trees.
Her face was beating the brightness of the Sun,
Glowing and attracting strongly.
Observed by everyone,
Her every style and sense was lovely.
The way you made your cute eyes up,
Gave me fits of giddiness.
I was in a great dilemma,
To call you my Moon or Sun.
But, like them, you didn't give me feeling of loneliness.
Yeah! You are my Star.
You filled every light in my heart,
But, now, you are very far.
But still, your memories enlighten my heart.

Surbhi Dadhich.
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2017
You had forgotten that even if you hide your secrets
Sufferings, sorrows and mysteries
I get to know about them
By staring hard in your eyes.
It's not your mouth that speaks the truth
It's your eyes that reveal the actual fact
And , this is why, sometimes I wonder by the blush
Of your framed and colossal eyes
Even if you have rimmed spectacles
I can see everything
You think this like a mysterious miracle
But, what should I say
Your eyes are as pure as a temple
With smashed sorrows under a cover
A cover of hopes and happiness, just my prediction
Where you are at an edge of life which is miles away from frustration and depression..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
इस अंधेरी रात में दिए की एक लौ ही काफी है
जिन्दगी जीने के लिए आशा की एक वजह ही काफी है
जब तक तेरा साथ है जिन्दगी हसीन है
तेरे बिना मेरे कर्म कर्महीन हैं
जिन्दगी पूरी होते हुए भी अधूरी है
सुलझे डोर भी अनसुलझी पहेली है
इस अंधेरी निशा में मेरी दामिनी
मेरी जिन्दगी का वो खिलता गुलाब का फूल
जिसके न कोई साथी न शूल।
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
ओ मानव , तू शूरवीर नहीं
तू तो परमार्थ का ढोंग मंचन
तू कल्याणकारी नहीं
क्रूरता का बुज़दिल उदाहरण
तू तो वह विद्रोहमयी ज्वाला
जो भूल सा गया हैं मानव परिभाषा
कभी स्वयं से तूने हैं पूछा
की क्या जि़न्दगी का तात्पर्य महज जीना
या फिर सफलता-असफलता?
क्या तूने कभी खुले नेत्रों से देखा
इस धरा की नैसर्गिक सुंदरता
जिन्दगी कृत्रिमता नहीं
मोह-माया भी नहीं
यह तो स्वर्ग का दूसरा नाम हैं।
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2017
यह चमकता ब्रह्मांड
जिसका न कोई आरंभ न अंत
न कोई आयु, न कोई कष्ट
हर पल चमकता
हर पल प्यारी सी मुस्कान देता
चुम्बकीय हिलोरें लेता
यह नटखट ब्रह्मांड
जिद्दी ग्रहों को गोद में भरता
नाचते तारे-सितारों को सहलाता
देख, दूर कोने में
क्यों बैठा वह आग का गोला अकेला
क्या जंजीरों ने घेरा उसे
शायद इसलिए भूल गया शीतलता
इस श्वेत हृदय पर कैसा ये कलंक
बुराइयों ने एेसा क्या जकड़ा इसे
या यह गिरफ्त में आ गया
किसी जहरीले सॉप के फन में
आज दिन तो कल रात
कभी उदय तो कभी अस्त
इस ब्रह्मांड की गोद में....

— The End —