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Apr 2024 · 138
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2024
I am tired of clearing stains
of my tears on my glasses.
Every time I clean them
with water droplets, I think of a new beginning. Yet, somehow the tears trickle into them and they make the world around me blurry and unclear. Yet I continue to wear them because I want to hide my tears behind them because I cannot cry my heart out in the world. So only my glasses know the frequency of my cries and I remove stains from them too.
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2021
Autumn sneaked in
I was singing hymns from a playbook
An upside-down playbook as it was
Your red flush was like the leaves outside
The wind blew the drums of our windows
I shook and shrank
You gushed and it was an elixir
"Soon, those ripe apples would fall."
I eye the apples with liveliness
Your eyes gleamed at my pure innocence
Sun is rusting like the leaves outside
Your lullabies were warm like your affection
I slept as sweet as your smile...
Oct 2020 · 294
The boat is sailing...
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2020
the shore is not visible and
the water is choppy
the sun is inflamed and
the boat keeps sailing...
Oct 2020 · 224
It's really hard to talk...
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2020
It's really hard to talk
You have to think in advance some interesting topics
And all effort is on stretching conversation somehow
The silence makes it awkward
It's really hard to talk
Deep down, you know this is not going anywhere
Both of you try to involve each other
Even if it is going nowhere
Behind that false, prolonged smile
It's really hard to just talk
I wish I could claim myself to be the person who just can talk to anyone
I wish I could just engage people
Talking to someone won't feel like a trouble
Surbhi Dadhich May 2020
Every now and then
To put my soar eyes to rest
I feel the cedars and pines
Attempting to capture them all
In the cameras of my eyes
I long to sledge deeper inside
To witness the wonders of their world
The world of worms and woodpeckers
They say not to touch flowers
But I caress them captivated by their brightness
I grin as I gaze them with proudness
How he was nearly slashed, morphed
It made my skin crawl
But Papa tied a rope around like a bandage to the wounded
And caged him to keep away the wicked
I thought the story was over
But he rewrote it
Smooth healing made him hale and hearty
And even today, every now and then
To put my soar eyes to rest
I feel the huge cedars and pines
Attempting to capture them all
In the cameras of my eyes
With every rustle
As they lean on to each other
Singing and Swinging
My heart cherish when they are alive and kicking.
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2020
I remember when I became gravely cold earlier
Your warmth of love melted it
To seek marginal doses of your affectionate hugs and humour
Yet, I think my desperation has been blunted by my avarice
For I comfort myself at the mere sight of your lipid face
Your dimpled cheek lost
Under the lining of dreadful covering
As you wave 'goodbyes' at me
'Goodbyes' that don't seem warm enough
For me to not reproach myself
And when I looked up, you seemed cold and distant
Miles and miles away...
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2020
"His old father might be domineering, cruel and incisive", she opined
As she applied pain reliever on the fresh wounds of the limp body of that innocent infant
"but...", she finished with bleak content
More to herself
"Am I guilty of my grievous injuries if I whole- heartedly trusted his false claims and fat lies?"

I am time, the testimony of gritty ordeals of billions of the souls of the feminine receptive energy ...
Feb 2020 · 170
For Grandma...
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2020
When the streaks of dawn enter the crevices of the windows
The eyes refuse for the emptiness to subside in
Although the sweet chirruping and rustling of the Neem's lave leaves
persevere to pose positivity yet
The loneliness, the vacuum subsides in

I chatter, sing songs of Hope and homecoming of warriors
Beating the wrinkled skins of old drums
Yet my heart rings no louder
My conscience seems shaken

When the sun sets in
Sets the Oblivion for 'they' return
With wide smiles and affectionate hugs
Howling joyously as they bid goodbyes

In the sunshine , solidarity Sparks everywhere now
As 'they' leave to be able to feed their malicious stomach
The bell chimes from the nearby temple
The pacing footsteps outside fail to rekindle

Loneliness subside in...
Dec 2019 · 198
Fret is unfair...
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2019
When she called me before the streak of dawn entered the crevices of our window
While he still roamed fearlessly with his friends circling around , chuckling
I desired to be an unmindful young boy who could delight under moonlit night
When she asked me to wear a colourful scarf that choked my natural breath
While he could gloriously flaunt with open arms or unsuitable body positions or devilish laugh
I envied of being a feisty , free soul that he is
As I suppressed my 'inappropriate' behavioural potential when she pointed fingers and put red flags
When he could be just whiling away precious resources while I would be precisely guided about management
As I bloom, I blossom more and more
Fret is unfair as it spreads out its arms as dismal failure...
Nov 2019 · 279
Specific Someone
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2019
Luckily, I happen to be rib-tickling someone
Reviving your rare smile as I fluster
Badly, I still happen to be specific someone
That you ponder over in closed quarters
Never paying dues for my undivided commitment
Astonishingly, I find delightful and pleasurable relief
That I am still your Someone
Someone you attribute as Specific...
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2019
Let the marginal tillers, handicrafters usher in prosperity
For life of labour and self-esteem sufficiency is worth living
Let the least and the lowest be granted affirmative action
For the good of an individual is in the good of all sections
Let us together structure mindsets, free of social evils
Showing extreme resilience against wrongdoings
Let us empower the exploited, weakest and oppressed
Let us eliminate hunger, brutalities and violence
Let the poorest ride on with humblest integrity
Let us all discard egocentrism and be sensitive
Let us savour the essence of hard produced fruits of labour
Let us groom faith and trusteeship in their abilities
Let us close the lid of past sufferings and hardships
Everyone will shine through integrated development
Sarvodaya shall welcome Universal Upliftment...
Nov 2019 · 353
Backwardness is upheld...
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2019
In the dark and deep interiors
Where harsh reality prevails
Where no state's aid knocks
A gruesome tale it entails
Where woman is a mother,
Sister, or a guileless daughter
Behind veils of ignorance
Where poor is beaten excruciatingly
For solely out of wantonness
A young girl writhing with pain
Fear, dysphoria of social shame
Where age-old myths are sacred
In their glum and gloated atmosphere
Where harsh reality prevails
Out of sophisticated, sedentary lifestyles
In the dark and deep interiors
Where backwardness is upheld...
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2019
The cloak turned over
The cloak that clouds it all
A shield against the authenticity
Last night turned over deliberately
The words with indifference
The face with unmindfulness
Shook them at the core
Yet their own hidden delusion
Struck them the most
Cruel they found inauthenticity
Critical I discovered the irony
Oct 2019 · 310
Our story...
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2019
Our story harbored a beauty
Like a lover's tale
Painting poetry and forest romance
Is to what it translates
Our story revived its charm
Elements of intrigue and calm
You don't just admire the long way
I also treasure our stumbling blocks
Our story was that babble of laughter
A land of expressive gestures
A land of overwhelming indulgence
Submerged in the rosy sunshine
Shoulders of unwavering faith
A lover's tale is to what it translates...
Oct 2019 · 199
Pull you out
Surbhi Dadhich Oct 2019
I see the exhilarating sunshine, refreshing rain
One among the little -known legacies of you
I see the pleasure gushing without thankfulness
I see laughter riots without happiness
I see different weather in your dreary desert
I see innocence in your indifference
I see you in the swamps of sticky roots
No legitimate force can pull you out
Except the wilfulness of your heart
Sep 2019 · 207
I could be you
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2019
I could be the river meandering the countryside
To flow with you with eternal brilliance
I could be the lovely home on a tree-shaded street
To be a part of your visual field
I could be the only mystifying rose among thorns
To caress your bleeding finger
I could be your muse , the moon
To shower you with poise and pleasure
I could be you, your forgiving soul
To mend your thousand hidden cuts
Surbhi Dadhich Sep 2019
When in September sunshine
The yellowing leaves mounded over our memories
Under the beautifully - painted tree
It made a noisy rustling
Humming sweet talks
When the world was still a magnificent dream...
Under the blanket shade  of date palms
Rosy sunshine rained on us back and forth
The seeds fell in harmony
The world was not yet awake
At the lustrous dawn
We slipped into each other's hearts..
I close my teary eyes leading to a vaulted tree
That world was a debilitating dream
The yellowed leaves and fallen seeds laid bare
As someone crushed the two ants parting  way
The tear trickled down my cheek..
Aug 2019 · 257
Shall I surrender..
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2019
I cultivate my soulful dreams
In dark, frozen hutments
In the tearshedding trauma
In the dignified sweat of labour
In repressive impairedness
Among intangible delights
Of a repaired lease
I penetrate into a blissful radiation
Radiation of ever-lasting candles
While dreaming an unsustainable dream
Among rags and foul trash
Poverty is a dying breath
A haunted house of lows and lows
A ladder's step wherein is a deceptive delusion
What I brazenly reap
What I surrender
When generosity will prevail
When coins be miniscule
Shall I bravely reap
Yet I surrender..
Aug 2019 · 526
The Middle Void..
Surbhi Dadhich Aug 2019
Between two extremes,
Two poles of universe
Heaven and Earth
The void is the messaging conduit
The breathe which retains
Middle of breathe in and breathe out
The void is the calm realism
The subtle connectedness of love
The gentle glory of balance
The void fills it all..
Jul 2019 · 449
End, a devastating one...
Surbhi Dadhich Jul 2019
An overladen birch
Roots of which stimulate,
Shake, with a stony breath
Under the carpet of wilderness
Stingy insects rushing their way
To the broken heart,
Shattered as much as twigs around
Crumbling of which rustle,
Rustle with sweeping breeze,
Breeze that marked the end
End, a devastating one
Under the hanging birch
As the beetles sung the death march
The paddling flocked together
Dancing in a monotone of calling,
The silence of which silenced them..
Jun 2019 · 364
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2019
Rains bring benevolence
Trickles to spurts
Blowing love and life
In that dead sun's blot
In the beautiful garden
Rains glitter the indigo blue
Harbouring the drainage
Invidious with stroke of brush
That never seem to suffice
Hands that rub jocular sunsets
The bounty of nature's fragrance
Are the hands that are crushed
Crushed into pieces by the creator..
Jun 2019 · 196
My time went backstage..
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2019
My little steps leisured my way
Under the enlightening moonlight
Basking and bathing
Under the neighbouring sun
A surging sweat outpoured from inside
I cradled along asteroids
Beaming with flashes of lighting
Puzzled with a deep void
While a hard stone hit me at the back
A pricking and piercing of needle
As I shivered , tangled in a constellation
Life was still full of mysterious magnificence
I collided and crushed against a wall
As my time went backstage..
A visit to a scary house turned out to be a visit to heaven like place..
Jun 2019 · 237
Surbhi Dadhich Jun 2019
******* is the claim heart says
Of soreness silence before us
While the world rushes aloof and apart
The silence that silences engulfs
A void, a vacuum of dreadful pitfalls
Our old photographs melted in the rain
In a raging storm that wrenches the heart
In a fury of sadness and pain
A storm clustered before silence
With us , parting apart and aloof
What 's been settled is unsettled dispute then
What's been engulfed has to be estranged again..
" It's no harm. Pay no attention to it".
Surbhi Dadhich May 2019
His eyes were the smearing of ink
On a deep scented, long love letter
His skin was the radiant tint
On a warm, lusted petal
His brilliance brimming was rock-hard
On my 'oh so delicate' heart
His hair were specks of love
In my darkest nightmares
His jawline wore the jewel
The magic key to endless treasure
His hands were generously stemming out
Escalating my earnestness to be a beggar
His physique was the far-sighted temple
Mere sight of which shakes the conscience
As I inched closer , with a racing heart
An illegible fire resisted, tempting me more
As I stepped back, frozen
Yet in his unnerving trap
Clouding him behind his back..
Thank you for reading.
May 2019 · 224
Homeless under moonlight..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2019
Mama shooed me off
Banging the door against my face
The creak cacophony pierced my heart
A homeless heart pouring at hearth
The floating moon in the dark sky
Flaunting flawlessly, mocked at me
Thirsty soul was I, thousand reasons to cry
Shivered barefeet on the thorny streets
Although umpteenth mornings came
Melodies to rejoice
Yet darkness tamed me devilishly
Unreasonably, piping no choice..
May 2019 · 176
The coin..
Surbhi Dadhich May 2019
From pillar to post
Rebelled she for a musty coin
Unhanded the swindler
Her left over crumplings
Scratches, bump swelled her forehead
As she wept bitterly
An evil sweeper swept over her hair
Suppressed her very existence,
Her willingness to win or live
The other side of the coin
Adored her , caressed her
Satiated her desires
Cherished soul was she
Under venerable canopy
Cheese or chalk
She was a bundle of contradictions
Suffering a 'thing'
No one could coin.
May 2019 · 215
barefeet us..(2)
Surbhi Dadhich May 2019
rolling back years and years
in that flimsy photograph
rolled from tethered corners
sparked memories sweet and sharp
barefeet were we as breeze blew
tugged solemnly,motionless
grievous grin, yet not so glum
sunshine blazed our freckles
a close look ,indicting
'' we could be a bit closer''
closer, at least for a span of a moment
span of years drifted us farther and further
your hiccoughs compelled me to lament..
Apr 2019 · 189
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
What if the gusty chirrupings ceased ?
Faded walls  echoed  frost laugh
The leaves halted, encased in dew
Lost eyes  suffered  lifeless existence
Fall came and went away without fragrance
A twig in the backyard knocked the treasure of nature
A social being devastated Earth's caricature
Knocked off pleasant , lively picture
Barred in sand..
Apr 2019 · 479
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
As we rattled pages
Of our memories
That smiled as that same girl
'Us' used to be
Yours is laboured pain
Mine is lost joy
Glaring from youthful 'us'
In flimsy shades
In clumsy photograph
Lying barren
Vying attention
Smiling as that same girl
'Us' used to be..
Apr 2019 · 211
Crumplings of heart..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
Stony chirruping cuddle my ears
I woke up with pent-up emotions
Shooed the stony chirruping
Yet stony silence broke my heart
Crumplings of which dove refused
The sweeper swept them..
Apr 2019 · 473
The unknown reality..
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
I plundered
Out of sight, out of mind
Neglecting the unknown reality
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder"
Apr 2019 · 215
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
Your inflicted memories
Lick my wound with tenderness
An established testimony
Nobody ever confess
How bereaving is to strive
When our souls deadlocked
They heaved alive..
Apr 2019 · 209
Surbhi Dadhich Apr 2019
Under the sober moonlit night
As her face grew starkly pale
A delicate moth lured in
As it's drawn to a flame
Shivered as she with a misty leaf
Sweat out poured rigorously
As she wept neglected, unseen
The fluttering moth flustered her
Wild fantasies lingered,  hovered
A shadow crept gleaming ecstasy
Caressed her back and feet
Rode her wavingly
Lulled,  rode her
As mystery, she mustered
Out,  she dwelled
Out of her brutal shell..
Mar 2019 · 338
Societal paralysis..
Surbhi Dadhich Mar 2019
What nips in a bud is novelty
Unconventional, perturbed
What skyrockets is conservatism
Stimulated by critical dissent
What inconsequentially bursts out
Is then societal haemorrhage and paralysis..
Feb 2019 · 269
Nothing lasts forever..
Surbhi Dadhich Feb 2019
Nothing lasts forever
Love collapses, hatred evaporates
Roses shrivel, darkness disappears
Nothing gold stay
Sun sets, glaciers melt
Time flies, reputation dies
Yet time stood still
Heart skipped to a halt
Senses shut down
Euphemerality sardonically bid farewell
As I was afluttered
You siphoned off my conscience
While grinning elegantly
At the flustered me..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2019
Lurking somewhere in the middle
With a cloud of steam hovering
Stood a non-kempt hut
Surrounded by no existence or streets
Incompleteness of demolished pavements
Moon tarnishing jubilant memories
Caught the eye of a noble bishop
As he shook electrically with bees
Stumbled he to the rusty door ****
Succeeding jarring, rattling sound
As he insisted for a slight knock
The dust on his shoes scattered around
Darkness dispersed, a shadow peeked out
"I have no sole basis to live
Though dawn always breaks
Yet spring never carves its way
Hope, happiness twists my heart
This, I convey with pride
For I ain't a braggart"
The noble soul, a beauteous carnation
Showering divinity and sympathetic grace
" Richly blessed is how I feel
Oh troubled soul, to solve your mystery, I acclaim
As pristine, peaceful as subtle winds
As ecstatic as the ray of moonlight
As sombre-hearted as a poised hind
As respiting as warm soil's delight
An insightful, dynamic impulse
Painted were you on the Supreme Personality of Godhead's pallette
The warm sunshine and the spring carves it's way"
Grey shadow lingered, sparkling silvery shades
His unwavering faith was quite shaken and mistaken
The bishop saw him unfolding into seven colours
Embellishing nature's evermore divine rainbow..
Jan 2019 · 258
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2019
You fenced your divine heart
Against old principles
I succumbed the reluctance
Yet flown over fences
Yet evaporated out of thin air
Yet mitigated the wall
With unsavoury remarks
Yet..away from your fenced territory..
We can't force our will, love, dominance over others..
From varied perspectives..
Jan 2019 · 552
Silvery shades..
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2019
A crown of oak leaves
Lopsided, adores her
Earnestness in her eyes
Sparkly, binds me
Torch of her wand
Weeds my conscience
I linger, knuckle
As she evaporates
With a fierce chuckle..
There is something magnetic about her..
Jan 2019 · 229
Wreckage ...
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2019
The wreckage flow unhindered
Knots wrenching it in the pit of stomach
Of embarrassing truth, infuriating intuitions
Mystical feelings, trash emotions
Choking thick clouds of filth and dirt
In my disguised demeanour
In external floric attire
Seclusion, salt on the wound
Blazes in an impressive bonfire..
Jan 2019 · 237
Lean in.
Surbhi Dadhich Jan 2019
I break in with the initial thought
That no part of me was wrong
Even though icy coldness drapes me in
Throwing splashes of regret and guilt
I shave off goosebumps, wet sweat
My forehead twinges as pre threat
Tears trickle down yet intactly
Am I still arrogant and haughty?
Everything of me was purely wrong
It's howsoever isn't a breakthrough
Frost nights can merely convey lesson
Let's not do it tomorrow
That lean in before it leaves..
Dec 2018 · 424
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
while the braggart toppings must brew
bestowed me sparkles your broils
as I lay boundless and bare
yet haughtily up to the brim..
Dec 2018 · 204
Guilt stricken..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
You cried, bellowed
I shook from miles
You howled, perturbed
I electrified, jostled
For tactless aid
You ,crooked and bruised
Faltered, while breathing at throat
Never did I flustered over
Yawned , propped in the corner
You shrieked , lungs slitting
I bragged of unkempt conducts
While you burst your nerve
I waved
You exploded..
Dec 2018 · 373
Remotest past..
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
Flowers blooming
Fruits ripening
Spring sweeping,
The fall of nature
Painting worthless imprints
While somewhere
In the remotest past
A shadow sweeps over
Wipes the stark glories
Quadrupling, surfacing
"The remotest past"
Back on the present pallette..
Dec 2018 · 233
How much?
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
How much water dribbles
With deafening thuds
How much dry sympathy
Heaves with a warm sigh
While glaring at immoral furore
Over scorging throats
Who'd be the reformist plumber
For countless ,crooked creatures
With leaking wisery
How much then water has dribbled
With deafening thuds
In drains and floods..
Dec 2018 · 581
A Ridiculous Dream
Surbhi Dadhich Dec 2018
shed in broad daylight, ablaze
shadows indignantly leaping
onto a reindeer"s freight
all barging for Everest expedition
bounding by degrees
amidst the arena of swans
honourable Prime Minister legging
a doughnut, soaring
then stationing intact at the peak
as needles pricking my conscience
i rise a tempering shriek
while the reindeers bellow laughter
with ****** oxygen,I gurgle
freezing, airy, thicker, fatter
yet another needle ****** my conscience
blasts me on my seemingly calm bed...
Nov 2018 · 605
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
Frozen in daylight
Molten in glaciers
Loving is living
Beyond wildest adaptations
Flabbergasted in the fray
Of messy, mixed emotions
Face deep in downfall
Of kins' precautions..
Nov 2018 · 422
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
I intend not to have the faintest idea
That no leaf has swept away
No stone remain unturned
No fire blazed of trepidation
I seem to encounter the sensation
Almost as well-concerned as a tigress
I might be timid, inconsiderate for you
But why not declutter your chest?
Unfogging the future is structuring a clumsy log
Negotiations over present can't be disfigured...
Nov 2018 · 201
Unflinching faith..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
As the corner of my eye
Widened, gasped at the glinting Sun
Highest, above disfigured illusions
The infinite stretch of innumerable sighs
Yet closest twirls slinky eyelashes
The (in)visible identity seems to hide
As human denies vehemently
"The Supreme Personality of Godhead"
Flinching faith leads to unanswered revelations
Unflinching demoniac while innocent is shot
Yet unflinching faith in a barber
While he holds a razor against the throat
Nov 2018 · 208
Say you'll..
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
Say you'll be tempting me
Even I fall ******* a bed of roses
Wrap your arms 'round me
Even if I seep in assertive hopes
Say you'll be sweeping my tears
Even a fake smile, I wear
Immortalise our sand imprints
Even I build a castle in the air
Would you commit it to me?
Even if I'm perturbed and petrified
Say you'll remember me
Even behind the bars, manacled..
Nov 2018 · 192
Surbhi Dadhich Nov 2018
Nothing seems giantly huge
When your toothless grin eludes
My chronic adversities
After iconic, clownish endeavor
Our curtains, veils shattered
You anticipated me with lionese furore
I reckon it's highly due still
I prospered, pay due honour
Against the backdrop of your highly- awaited grin
Nothing truly seems monstrous huge
When your jawlines extend
Douse off my chronic inconsideration
My chronic adversities
While you shower herculean ecstasy..
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