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Half moon eyes before me
Illuminated my hidden means
I can see you, darling
Even in my highest vanity

Was there ever the need to worry?
We felt the fire of hell
Yet we picture it
In a heavenly way

Give me the soul at my fingertips
Give me the blood!
What a night with the bright stars
Burning all of my desires

We were once one,
But for tonight...
Give me the freedom of wanting you
Like how they want you too

Come lit my moonlighted skin
Come on, come close
Half moon eyes before me
Paint over my white collarbone
You screamed this morning
Now my makeup is running
Look. You ruined me.
Oh Clumsy,
Clumsy Child,
always falling
into wild
fantasies and
Mad Tea Parties.

Always stranded
in haunted forests
for endless days—
Tangled in
vines of hurt—
Covered in cuts
and open wounds.
Running away
from your own
shadows as the
raven echoes—

Drowning in oceans
of fragmented emotions.
So injured,
you can’t speak
what is spoken.
Astray in crowded
places where loud
souls breathe as
your voice fades.

Oh Clumsy,
Clumsy Child—
Where will you go?
Trapped beyond
The Hidden Hills,
lost your way.
Will you ever
find your home—
Or forever
wander along
the forest roads?
You can't put a crown on a clown and expect a king.
I stand in the road
Just a little longer
When I walk

Just a little tease for death
In our never ending game of hide and seek

It feels powerful
I’m fine
[people generally think blue eyes are pretty, but his were not.
they were not cornflower, sky, baby, indigo, azure. his were iceberg, squall, hypothermia, eventual death.]
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