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Jun 2020 · 135
i am
Steven T Wellman Jun 2020
i am a poem
too broken to rhyme
crazy and alliterative
a repetitive rendition
i am a metaphorical mess
a sorrowful soul
bleeding brilliant words
a free verse
free falling
pieces of me
this is who i am
and how i roll
on a blank canvas...

Jun 2020 · 188
Throwing Stones
Steven T Wellman Jun 2020
So disappointing
what my windows
to the weary world see
i blink
and i blink some more
trying to clear
the melancholy mist
holding back
an ocean of tears
i try not casting stones
the only stone
i should be throwing
is the callous heart
barely beating
in my ice chest
i need to throw it back
in the pool
of humanity
watch the ripples
reach shallow shores
where integrity drowns
in high tides
of unsound rest
may these undulating motions
stirring small waves of love
penetrate walls of indifference
overcome all barriers
brothers and sisters all
gathering arm in arm
arriving at our destination
full of hope...

Jun 2020 · 122
Stoic Smiles
Steven T Wellman Jun 2020
As the steam rises
my hot cup of Joe chills
broken thoughts
turn to you
i often wonder
what shuts
a person down
is there pain
so deep
it numbs us
i suppose
it works
both ways
i have said
too much
never meant it
said too little
and meant
in between
and friendship
became lost
today we say nothing
stoic smiles spill
down my chiseled cheek...


— The End —