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Misty waterfalls
And mud trails
Mountains covered in green
Like the meadows
As you climb up the top
You savour corn on the cob
Roasted on charcoal
A zing of lemon, butter and herbs
While taking in the view of the valley down
Moments to minutes, gentle hours
Memories in old photographs
The woman on the street
Up and early, she sweeps
The litter off the concrete
A job to keep

Through the window
A world slows down, not sleeps
No traffic snarls, on the highways
The signal silently beeps

World at the moment, changing
Good and bad, the exposed pieces
In Unity and humanity, there is hope
Together, for the world to live in peace
Air is clean, there is pleasant breeze
Disjointed thoughts,  hoping for world peace
And free from crisis
The mind, minds no sets

Racing thoughts

The game

The heart all set

Changing mindsets
The signs read


In depth

Rarely read
An ocean to swim

An ocean to fill


To spill


The doors, open
The home somewhat broken

By the stream
The poems we read

Missing from the home street
By the stream, meet

Read many, some new
Some you always knew

Time forsaken
Doors open, somewhat broken

Missing from the home street
Lost, maybe found

By the stream
The poems we read
Hp pages, latest  home front
Two rows of seeds
Gift wrapped in ***** of mud
Two I had planted in pots
In a month’s time, I remember
I plucked a few lady’s fingers
Lovely the produce
Soon they faded
Gardening and growing vegetables not my forte
Love plants, but tending to them and nurture
Not what I can do
So I further gift those seeds
Where they are nurtured and nourished
And the fruits and vegetables
Well produced
Inspired by a box of seeds which came in as a gift

“Growing your own food is like printing your own money”

Inspiring words  :)
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