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147 · Aug 2020
Dark Heart Dark Thoughts
Bryce Aug 2020
I been trying to express these chaotic thoughts
But that makes it worse
Been in a dark place
Lost my spark
Dark heart, dark thoughts
In a blacked out room
Knowing no one could help
That **** really hurts.

Sung a song of all my tears
Ocean deep like all of my fears resurface
Soul shattering
Spirit severing
Wavering on a thin line
Fleeting thoughts of mine
Roll around like a raging tsunami
Melancholic toll of a grandfather's clock.

Spiritual blight corrodes my sanity
Like an overwhelming emotional heist
No sleep most nights
Wandering geists hunt me continuously
I cant haunt a house
If it haunts me too.

Emotional comatose
Deprived overdose of sorrow
Hollow is the heart
Without my better half
Heavy is the head
With a broken crown
Heavy is the shoulders
With self comparison
Heavy is the heart
Without a cradle in the grave.
129 · Oct 2020
Valley Of Sundered Leaves
Bryce Oct 2020
The moon luminates the midnight valley
Reflecting off the glass like serene lake
Soothing like the melodius sirens call
Atop a mountain ravaged by time
A lone tree stands bearing the weight of the sky
Lightning shaped cleave marks leave their trace
Blood red leaves flap like a flag in the slight breeze
Pitch black clouds form above the tree
Thunder sparks hues of golden tint
The atmosphere grows heavy
As if a higher being were watching the scene
Thunder descends upon the tree
With a loud roar of *******
Another cleave is left on its bark
Leaves drop painting the valley and lake
Asundered from their mothers embrace.
124 · Dec 2020
Broken Bonds
Bryce Dec 2020
Broken bonds
Broken bones
Broken spine
Frozen lines I write
Can't explain myself,
Can't talk my feelings and emotions
That awakens all I wish to suppress
Internally I fight against my angels and demons
Let yourself grieve and cry son, the angel whispers
Be a man, men who speak out get called out
The demon whispers
Who the **** am I to believe
Wise beyond my years
Humbled beyond my age yeah
But its not always so easy
I see the world with different eyes
No one approaches without reason
Being kind leaves your back open to knives
Ripping out all that you are until you become bitter
Always been a pillar for those in need
Break my back to hold their burdens
Everybody crowds the pillar as if a choir
But when it crumbles all are gone the next morning
Like Petrichor after showers in spring
Everyday more bonds break
I put my guard up against those that are kind
Being burnt when you reach out for necessary help
Makes you change in ways others won't understand.

To friends, family, people I used to communicate with
I don't ask for much
Give me some time to balance myself
To find a comfortable medium between who I was
And who I am now.
Allow me to give further explanation. Fighting internally with my angels and demons are two groups of people.
1) Many on social media and other outlets/groups want men to talk about feelings, explain themselves, be vocal about our own weakness ( God forbid we have those.)
2) The other side is devils who also 'encourage' just as the angels do, but when you do they call you out for speaking out, being a human, stating your weakness, and leaving yourself vulnerable as you are broken down by social media for doing what they ******* preach lately.
Bryce May 2020
I see the longing in your eyes
As I show you pictures of your mother
I hear the sadness in your little heart
As you listen to your mother's recorded singing
As do I little one, papa cries inside
I hear your silent wishes in the rain
Tears pitter patter as they hit the ground
Staining the earth
As you lost your mother's love
Don't cry little one
Papa's not far
Although I'm not perfect,
Nor am I a proper replacement for your mom,
Reach for the stars little one
Mother will grasp your little hands
The night sky is boundless
Just like your mother's love
The enchanting celestial beauty
She graces us her presence at night
In the heavenly bodies
Don't cry little one
Your mom is always watching you grow.
115 · Aug 2020
And If I'm Not Strong
Bryce Aug 2020
And if I'm not strong
One day will my name
Be overtaken by vast waves
Washing away the traces in the sand
Like a kingdom built upon
Blood, sweat and tears
Will the being I have become
Through all of lifes tribulations
Topple like those vast kingdoms
Since when has longevity
Become a feeling of discontinuance
Sometimes illusions are like
The smoke in a room of mirrors
Spiraling upwards disappearing as if they were
The fleeting of lifes dreams
Screaming and needing
Yelling and pleading
Don't let my shoulders give out
Underneath this weight I bear
112 · May 2020
Cascading Skies
Bryce May 2020
I see the beauty in your eyes
Like the cascading skies
The solitary rain came
Before the despairing pain
As your eyes lost glimmer
My world became dimmer
Grey and white
My eyes looked for purpose
Heart shattered into pieces
I roamed the boundaries of abyss
As my tears reminisced
Demons hissed in my ears
Cruel words of temptation

Forgive me my queen
As you left our princess in my hands
I'm sorry for my inadequacies
She looks more like you with each passing day
I look in the mirror and ask myself
Am I really good enough?
112 · Jun 2020
Doors To My Soul
Bryce Jun 2020
I believe,
The night sky is a domain of wishes
Shooting stars are wished upon
At the cost of another's dying dreams
Believe me,
I have tried to drown my grief
Like an evil surprise
That we push down
Wishing it never to reveal itself
But my eyes are the doors to my soul,
Drowned ruins as far as they can see
Black thunder clouds hum heavily
The sky asundered at the boundary line
My body descends to the depths
With a void inside my chest
Memories play,
Drowning in the tumultuous waves
Cherry blossoms float adrift on the surface
The scent of hope wafts to me
Like the drowning man I am
In the emotional reflection of my soul.
105 · Sep 2020
Where Wild Flames Billow
Bryce Sep 2020
Been through a path of darkness
My candles flame was erased
****** foundations and worldly beliefs eviscerated
That's what despair does to a man
But the body is a cauldron,
Constantly being refined by life's tribulations
Spirit, soul and heart are the source fire
At the end of the darkness
A new man is reborn
Shedding the guild, self-hate, demons in his mind
Misfortune is a knife used by time
Engraving the legacy of ones pain onto walls
Eventually the heart recovers
Rebuilding a man from an empty husk
Connected once more, the candles flame rekindled
Three years of suppression
Turns into an expression of undying will
"Once a Warrior will always remain as a Warrior."
It is strange how the words of another can invoke the slumbering depths of ones being. Thank you Yang, The body is undying as long a steadfast mentality backs it up.
103 · May 2020
When Autumn Lost Its Beauty
Bryce May 2020
When the leaves fell
You were like a goddess in September
Autumn leaves covered your hair
Eyes bright like the sun
Loving smile like that of a mothers embrace
Bent through like a missile
Ripping through my heart
It was our paradise
Right out of heavens gates
Bestowed upon my very hands
Like sand running through my grip
Your beauty left me transfixed
One look too long
The next you were like a picture over melancholic fire
Turned to ash drifting on the wild wind out of my embrace
It's just like how the saying goes
All good things must come to an end.
I miss you dearly Jasmine, hope you're resting peacefully behind heaven's gates. Our daughter grows each day, looking more like her mother.
85 · Oct 2020
Bryce Oct 2020
I think we've all been there
In a solitary state of mind
In a world filled with singularly grief
I crashed and burned to cinders
Leaving behind my legacy to wuthering winds
Become someone who I am not
Distanced myself from friends and family
Like the great seas parting ways
The path becomes deeper
Blacker than midnight
In a constant loop of finite self hate
I learned tolerance for life
And the impact of a choiceful
Outlash of anger can lead to.

— The End —