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Oct 2017 · 571
Shankar Puri Oct 2017
To heal my angst, I press play
To the melody, I sway.
A voice divine, close to my ear
Lyrics of love, I hear.

I float as pitch reaches heights
Holding on to words, I take flight!
I bathe in beautiful bars
A tiny gleam in my broken heart.

A warm gust of bass
Reverberates through that empty space
Where my soul once was,
Now lost to a lost love - a lost love.

The lulling blend of piano notes
(I shut my eyes, I dream, I hope)
Moves me right in front of you.
Where I say I do and you say it to.

We crash, you fade, a cymbal
Press your finger to my lips, a symbol.
You're gone. I weep as silent as your love.
And so I'm here, with music, floating above.

The bass clef notes wail
I hear... How I failed.
The treble clef notes shrill
I feel... The thrill!

And I bathe in beautiful bars.
That tiny gleam in my heart?
Burns brighter now with every drum beat.
And finally I'm standing on my own two feet.

Now. A new reality I can see.

Without you.

Without me.
Oct 2017 · 573
Coffee and Conversation
Shankar Puri Oct 2017
The aroma of, the aroma of your despair.
You draw back from my trembling hand
I say we were, we were the perfect pair.
Cigarette smoke, make me a ghost not a man.

The way I sob, I sob to silent sound
The speaker above telling me how to grieve.
Bury me. Bury me in those coffee mounds!
Murmur, mumbles, inaudible speech

But I can hear, I can hear all that you say
Your lips curve like a crescent moon
Falling from, falling from night into day.
Curious eyes passing over this darkened room.

I can't, can't dive into another's conversation
Her beauty cracks open. Spills
As all I hear, all I hear is her ululation.
I mourn the death of us; she killed.

— The End —