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K Wolff Aug 2018
Here you are -
frozen in time.
Here i have captured
The warmth of your smile

Lines speak experience,
Framing ageless eyes.
Your infectious radiance
Tells me no lies.

No joy is contained,
No emotion forced.
There is no need for restraint -
No need for remorse.

This moment will survive,
Unspoiled by time and wear.
Even after death arrives,
You'll always be there.
Felt compelled to write something after flicking through the pictures on my phone. I have very few pictures of the important people of my life. I also realised that my favourite pictures were the worst ones.
K Wolff Aug 2018
We are candle and flame,
In the darkness we burn bright;
Fragile against the cold wind,
But we'll burn through this night;
Ask not of tomorrow,
The wick is almost through;
There is no time for such sorrow,
Only for me and you.
This is dedicated to the special people in my life who are much older than myself. It's crazy that you guys will die a lot sooner. It hurts to think about it. So i don't.
K Wolff Aug 2018
Never forgotten,
Always in our hearts;
Here it has been written,
For those yet to depart.

Kind words starve sorrow ,
Fills lives left hollow;
Here to annul fears,
And dry the fresh tears.

Stone crumbles, and falls,
Chipped away by wind and rain;
Acceptance befalls,
Where there was once so much pain;

There are no more flowers,
The past is left behind;
Time and death devours,
Even the strongest bonds unwind.
I wrote this a few days after reading epitaphs at a couple of graveyards. It's an inexplicable mix of emotions i feel when I'm at those places. It's such a somber place, yet there is still some hope and happiness. It's hard to see from an outside perspective.
K Wolff Aug 2018
When I'm parted of your presence,
I merely exist;
To say I'm living would be a lie,
For it is you I greatly miss.

Days without you pass like years,
Every hour drags by;
As the end of the week nears,
I wonder if I'll see your smile.

Because no words that I possess,
Can quite tell you how I feel;
No words adequately express,
The love for you which I conceal.
I'm really bad at expressing myself with people i love. Somehow this is easier.

— The End —