After walking in a desert
Under the burning sun
With scorching heat
That peels the skin
As if one finds
An oasis in desert
As if one finds coolness
Of a GRAND Banyan TREE
As if one finds peace
Under a Bodh-Gaya Tree
Such is the happiness & bliss
I feel inside my heart & being
The day I realized your
That's the time...
I completely surrendered
Myself in/to your LOVE...
My mind had so many questions
My life was just
An aimless wander-lust
I was not getting anywhere...
I was seeking an anchor of LOVE
As if a canoe is fighting
A ravaging battle with
Surging oceanic waves and
Unable to sail to a shore
As if some sparkling-stars
In the dark-sky
Showed the direction
To the floundering boat
Towards a safe seacoast
Such is the happiness & bliss
I feel inside my heart & being
The day I realized your
That's the time...
I completely surrendered
Myself in/to your LOVE...
As the pitch dark nights becomes
Illuminated by your full-moon-shine
As if a thirst of desert
Since a millennium years
Receives dew drop messages of
Upcoming downpour of thunderstorm
Such is the happiness & bliss
I feel inside my heart & being
The day I realized your
And when
I completely surrendered
Myself to your LOVE...
I only walk on the path
That is leading me to YOUR SOUL
At all times....
In seasons of springs,
When flowers blossoms
In walks across thorns
During autumn leaves
In summers or winters
Over fires, over valleys
Without faltering or straying
From your LOVE course-call
To the one who was thirsty
For a single drop of water
As if
Destiny gave Divine nectar
To one's heart's content
To live & survive for Eternity
Such is the happiness & bliss
I feel inside my heart & being
The day I realized your
And when
I completely surrendered
Myself to your LOVE...
As the fire freezes to cold ice
Such is the blessing of your LOVE
As the cold ice melts into raging fire
Such is the blessing of your LOVE