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 Apr 2020 Sekhar
Alexandria Hope
Off-color, dun, waste in the tepid air
Keepers and thieves, we are,
With shovels and keys
Grace my grave not, love, I am not there
I know, I know you’re scared
Bile may rise and boil your tears-
Children are better at hiding and seeking,
We, we wretched few-
Follow the notes once sung through our blood
Dusty music-box time capsules
Back to when we couldn’t lose
Unloaded hand in hand, building bridges over
Quicker sands than grains in glass
You took my fingertips, we carved our names into the bark
with the needle-points of ribs

You, you told me we’d go together

I’m sorry it isn’t true
“Here lies, my lullaby”- the skitter of the leaves’ whisper
What did they whisper in your ear?
Of stars and galaxies?

Of a rotten fantasy

Ah, ‘twas the one, of our flat. Off-color, dun,
Baited wasted breath in the tepid air-
Was it of keepers of keys?

No, shovels-

-And thieves?

And thinking I was too young
To love you.
 Apr 2020 Sekhar
Rhea Paul
 Apr 2020 Sekhar
Rhea Paul
I am better with words
When they are in my head
As if the palette in my mind is clearer
For in your presence, I
More often than not, fumble
Finding the right colors of expression
Almost like how my inane paintbrush
Behaves on its familiar canvas
Dabbing colors at places where
They are not required or whimsically
Or adding streaks of hues to a
Flawlessly flawed hue
Hoping for articulation and
In the process my paintbrush and I
Ravage the art that had the
Potential of creating magic
So I leave it to you, if you may
To embrace me and
My myriad of unspoken words
Because the words
which are the most magical
are often the ones
Which are left unsaid.
Do visit my page on Instagram @poetrymusings_byrhea :) Happy reading!
 Apr 2020 Sekhar
Michael Stefan
I can hear your screams
in my dreams
as you tumble out
dressed in your Sunday's best
put my sanity to test
harsh sunlight
in the eyes of my windows
in my dreams
the mailman knocks
demons tumble from my mailbox
knee-high in woolen socks
to dance
a dance of delight
in my dreams
the faceless men
speak on my train ride in
their skin fading
to reveal snow
on an empty television set
I have been watching for years
in my dreams
I am never quite sure
if it was him or her
that served my dinner
of fig leaves and disease
snatching wishes
from a swelling breeze
in my dreams
I never know if you're real
walking knives up my skin
it all begins
to take me back there
in my waking nightmare
in my dreams
 Apr 2020 Sekhar
Corrinne Shadow
For a ride,
I'll show you
My darker side.  

Mild flavor,
Sweet to savor,
Untouched lips:
A lady's favor.

Innocent though I may seem,
Never doubt the wicked gleam
That's only ever once been seen
By light of eerie moor moonbeam.
 Jan 2020 Sekhar
Laura Duran
As night fades to dawn
Day breaks and the world carries on

When the sun lays his weary head to rest
Mother moon rises, to take a breath

Even as the stars dim away
And ready the skies for another day

Through it all, this much remains true....
My love for you
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