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The hardest goodbye always go slow.
It’s Painful to say goodbye to someone you don’t want to let go.
Painful Painful Painful.
The most Painful goodbye’s are the ones that we never expected.
I know we will always stay connected.

Its hard to forget those people who gave you so much to remember.
The best memories.
The memories are still here, but the person is already gone.
Only memories will last forever.

The worst part is when the things you worry about happens.
The happy ending i’m thinking about, became a sad ending.
No matter what happens I will still love you.
19 years... 19 years
Not a single question.
Not a single thought.
Loneliness kills.
Kills everything inside.
But a facade gets people to think there is no harm.
The stomach is in pain.
People think there is no shame.

Loneliness hits.
My world is in flames.
Im hiding in my room with all my remains whatever that contains.

Everyday is like hell for me.
The thoughts are bothering me.
Now im giving you a hint.
I wonder if it works? I doubt it.
My world is broken.

It all fells like it doesn't matter anymore.
There is no meaning.
The Loneliness decides.
Everything collides.
The Loneliness is stuck deep inside.
I cried then i died.
Loneliness is my best friend.
The cores is no more.
La familia is divided into several.
While I still speculate.
But I can´t take it no more.
Im starting to hit the floor.

After 19 years I say stop.
I have given up.
Im ready to take the final jump

— The End —