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Sarah Maher Jun 2018
Me? I am "The One That Got Away," you say.
You? The one who took too long.
Us? Never going to happen; a thing in the past.
Do I ever stray away from reality and think about the "what ifs"?
Of course.
But that's in another life.
In another life, I might be yours.
But I think about the things I wouldn't have if I ended up with you.
Most importantly, my son.
He plays a crucial role in the woman I have been shaped into today.
I can never give that up.
Any children I may have had with you wouldn't have shaped me in the way my little boy has.
I love my husband. I really do.
Were we a wrong fit for each other at one point?
But in the two years he and I were split up, I prayed for him every single day.
I prayed that he'd better himself.
Not for me.
Not even for our son. (Although that was very helpful)
But for HIMSELF.
He was miserable with the life he was living.
I truly believe I was placed in his life for a reason.
As he was for me.
So, sorry.
For now.
And probably forever.
I will remain...
"In another life, I would be your girl. We'd keep all our promises. Be us against the world. In another life, I would make you stay so I don't have to say you were the one that got away."
Sarah Maher Jun 2018
I look in  the mirror.
I hate what I see.
I squeeze myself into my clothes.
I am disgusted.
They all say, "You're beautiful."
But why don't I believe them?
I should have control over the way I look.
But I don't.
I have no will power.
Time to buckle down and make some changes.
I WILL lose the weight.
I WILL stay active.
I WILL push myself to get stuff done.
I WILL continue to fight.
  Jun 2018 Sarah Maher
Abigail Sedgwick
what do you do
when the person
who hurt you
is also the one
who fixes you?
Sarah Maher Jun 2018
To the "friend" with the ratty red hair.
How dare you say that I was the one who was unfair?
Did I not provide shelter for you to lay your head at night?
Why are you always wanting to start a fight?
You are the one who disrespected me.
All I asked was for you to pay a small fee.
I don't know why I have chosen to rhyme.
This will probably be the very last time.
I am confident enough to say our season of friendship has probably come to an end.
I thought you were actually my very best friend.

Sarah Maher Jun 2018
" My first instinct when I see a cat is to say, "Hello".
My first instinct when I see a person is to avoid eye contact and hope it goes away "

"That's the things about introverts; we wear our chaos on the inside where no one can see it."

" I like cancelled plans. And empty bookstores. I like rainy days and thunderstorms. And quiet coffee shops. I like messy beds and over-worn pajamas. Most of all, I like the small joys that a simple life brings."

I definitely suffer from a form of social anxiety. I tend to keep to myself a lot. The only time I'm at all "outgoing" is around family. I never really understood why that is. I guess you could say I'm afraid of rejection. I find myself an "odd" person and I tend to embarrass myself quite often. I can't retain physical friends. Most of my friends are via social media. Because then, I have the security behind a [computer] screen.
Sarah Maher Jun 2018
My husband and I will be married a year on October 7th. I met him when I was only 19 years old. We are both 27 years old now. We have a 4 year old son, who is about to be 5 on the 31st of July. Whoever came up with the phrase, "The first year of marriage is the toughest," was no dummy. These past 9 months have been by far the roughest I could imagine. So people, believe me when I say this... MARRIAGE IS NO FAIRY TALE!!! We didn't even get to experience the "honeymoon" phase. Literally, just in the first 3 months of marriage, we had our car die on us TWICE, our well pump went out, and we had to buy a new car BECAUSE our car died. Then, 6 months after replacing our well pump, it quit on us again! We managed to get things fixed, and then I spider cracked my phone screen which cost $200 to replace. Life shows us no mercy.
Send Help.
Sarah Maher Jun 2018
Her death came and went just like any old“yesterday’s news”
Her Momma was gone and Dad already moved on.
A broken hearted daughter clinging to the memories.
But that’s all it was.

— The End —