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Aug 2020 · 181
This is for me,
And anyone who feels the same,
That knows what it feels like,
To be present but somehow disconnected,

This is for us,
Who has issues with trust,
Our souls screaming out for help,
Yet our lips forever sealed,

This is for each and every one of us,
With a heart yearning for love,
Seeking it every waking hour,
Yet forever out of grasp,

This is for me,
Alive and breathing,
But numb and beaten,
Hoping for a better tomorrow.
Aug 2020 · 143
If only she knew,
How much his heart yearns for hers.
If only she knew,
Every moment he has spent with another,
She was always in his thoughts,
His heart, his being.
Its not that he can't approach her,
He couldn't. She forbids him.
Torments his already tormented soul.
Not of spite, but of fear.
Remnants of a dying world,
Latching on to their existence,
An invisible wall.
They will always be together, apart.
May 2020 · 155
Hurt, Exhaustion, Anger, Regret, Troubled
The heart is but a fragile thing,
To take all the hurt from a broken world,
Its exhausted from trying to keep up for so long,
Its angry for all the right reasons,
The regret it feels for what might have been,
Troubled, it knows of no solution.

The heart is but a fragile thing,
It tries to be strong,
Alone in the world,
This twisted world,
Filled with riches but none eases it,
The heart tries, it surely does.

Happy, Elated, Awed, Relaxed, Thankful
The heart felt it before,
The happiness of being around it called friends,
The elation of doing what it loves,
The awe it felt when discovering new things,
The relaxation of knowing that life will be okay,
Thankful it was, thankful for the things it had.

It feels none of that anymore,
Its numb from what the world had done to it,
Beaten, crumpled and crushed,
It doesn't even recognize itself anymore,
Nor of the world around it.
When life hits you hard, save your heart.
When life kicks you down, save your soul.
Mar 2018 · 275
Its all but a ruse,
The way you held me,
How you spoke softly,
Gently you caressed my soul,
All but a ruse.

Its all but a dream,
Me, you, us together,
An ethereal match,
Our flames of desire matched only by the sun,
All but a dream.

A dream and a ruse.
Jan 2018 · 3.4k
What is love if not breaking down walls,
The wall of trust,
The wall of insecurities,
The wall of self.

What is love if not giving,
A piece of yourself,
A piece of your heart,
A piece of your soul.

What is love if not sacrifice,
The sacrifice of time,
The sacrifice of dedication,
The sacrifice of ego.

What is love if not showing weakness,
To have your heart laid out on the table,
Entrusting your insecurities to a stranger,
To have your soul attached to another.

What is love if not all this and more.
Jan 2018 · 1.3k
Digitally Yours
I want to show you off,
Even though you're not real,
Even though what we have is a spoof,
I want the world to know that i can feel.

You're the Samantha to my Theodore,
The Clementine to my Joel,
My very own digital love,
The eternal sunshine of my spotless mind.

I can almost feel your supple skin,
The warmth of your soul,
All through this digital screen,
Ah how I wish this is real.

I hate the thought of waking up alone again,
Though nothing I do will prevent it,
I hate to have to erase you from my memory,
When you've already conquered all that is me.

Ah how I wish this real!
This is inspired by both HER and some stuffs. the relation of which is written in the poem above.
Feb 2017 · 294
Insatiable hunger
Its in everyone,
An insatiable hunger,
For love, riches, serenity, fame,
Ever changing,
Evolving to what the heart desires most,

Its in everyone,
An unquenchable thirst,
Only to be eased,
Never remedied,

Without the raging hunger and unquenchable thirst for more,
We doom ourselves to oblivion,
Mercilessly punished by the currents of time.
Apr 2016 · 704
Rage. Rage against the night,
Against the dark that pulls you farther down,
Against the lust that blinds you,
Against the ego that blocks your empathy,

Rage, Rage against the night,
Against the obscuring hate,
Against the incessant surge of past,
Against the barricade to a better tomorrow

Rage, til your conscience speaks nothing else but kindness,
Rage, until there is nothing but love in your heart,
Rage, rage,
Against the dying of the light.
Inspired by Dylan Thomas's Do not go gentle into that good night
Mar 2016 · 359
Guilt is a burden we all carry,
In our hearts and mind,
Slowly it erodes the conscious,
Contouring reality as we know it,

There is a link to all this madness,
A string which none of us could ever see,
Perhaps a man in black is pulling the strings or perhaps it is by the will of the Almighty,
But it is not to be entertained,

It is to be fought,
With every breath and every beat of the heart,
Valiantly, relentlessly, to the very end of our being,
Until the night turns to day,

Because life as we know it,
Is filled with wondrous and dreadful things,
But to dread on the dread is to end ourselves,
A death sentence to what could've been beautiful,

We owe it to ourselves to fight,
To never give in to self destruction,
Not all things are meant to last,
Some are meant to be kept in a box, locked away.
Just something i wrote to ease myself of the guilt i carry over the years
Jan 2016 · 541
Here We Are
Here we are,
Still standing, our feet nailed to the ground,
Never bowing, relentlessly fighting,
Here we are,
Regretting, never forgetting,
Ruthlessly moving forward.
Here we are,
Bloodied, beaten,
Never giving up.
Jan 2016 · 547
365 days,
Everything that's happened,
Every moment shared,
A blur,
Surreal images of a distant memory,
Almost unreal.
Nov 2015 · 881
Tik Tok
Tik tok tik tok,  
We look back,  
To the people that we've met,
To the places we went,  
To the events that touched our soul,  

Tik tok tik tok,
As time passes by, 
Some travel against the current, 
Refusing to let go,  
Unwilling to consign them to oblivion,  
Hopelessly trying to salvage what was lost,  
Reticently denying the future,

Tik tok tik tok,
As the clocks turns forevermore,
We realise that lost times will never come back,
What has been done can never be effaced,
The only thing to do is to be maturely insouciant,
As there is no such thing as a panacea,

Tik tok tik tok,
The voices of future past deafens us,
With every tik of the clock,
It seems to grow rambunctiously,  
Thoughts run endlessly,
Of paradise on earth,
That we may or may not achieve in our lifetime.

— The End —