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Sep 2018 · 127
Seasonal changes
Brendon Khore Sep 2018
the leaves change colour as the season
Changes then eventually fall to the
earth as it becomes unbearably cold
The tree stands tall naked and stripped
Of its one lacious beauty that cannot
Be replaced but can be taken away by the
Bitterness of winter
winds of change back and forth they blow
the storms come and go and as it begins to
be warm the buds start popping up out of
nowhere and soon they bloom the beauty
that was destroyed Is restored and the tree
continues to stand tall like nothing ever happened at all
Sep 2018 · 186
Brendon Khore Sep 2018
I die inside every time I fake a smile
Gather my torn apart pride
Pretending I don't cry myself to sleep
Every night
Can't cope can't deal
Mental walls are closing in voices echoing
Within, what's the point of breathing
Heart lost it's function no longer knows
How to love became corrupted hate is the
Only thing coming out
Burden of pain has become too heavy to bare
If I fall I am not  coming back up
When it mattered only you cared
But I am not strong enough
I wish I could say that I will survive
But I don't think am coming out of this alive
Sep 2018 · 95
Brendon Khore Sep 2018
Days come and go and i am watching
My life passing by before my very eyes
A rose wilting before its prime
For a long time waiting for rays of sunshine
Not a single beam of light in sight
Am I blind or in darkness? Have I lost my mind to
The point that I no longer have perception of my senses?
Happiness eludes me like a distant memory
Trying to pursue it I become my worst enemy
I no longer have the strength or energy to fake
A smile and pretend that everything is fine
My life is not sunshine and rainbows its dark skies
And thunderstorms
I am cold lost and alone
Its weighs heavily on my soul wandering aimlessly
Like its a biological necessity I am suppose to have a destiny
The point of my existence is a great mystery
Jul 2018 · 89
Brendon Khore Jul 2018
You're my lighthouse leading  me out of darkness
My shining beacon of hope in my time of
Giving me hope that I will survive the battle
That comes under the stars at night
And sail through the raging rapids of
Turning and twisting tides that go back and forth
Seeing you illuminate from a distance
Gives me a peace of mind and maybe
Someday the scars will heal and the pain
Will go away
Once again we  shall be reunited and our hearts
Will rejoice but until then I continue to sail towards the light that will free me from the
Darkness that holds me captive and the waves
That thirst for my breath

— The End —