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Rosas witten Jan 28
Morning walk with a smile
Worrying decision to make
But ! hey
I shall break the ice
Urgency of change
Scared as a buried man alive
Belief a treasure to possess
God willing...
Will see where it goes
I promise to go onward
I shall challenge mistakes
Even in the worst times
For a step forward
Rosas witten Jan 17
I wasn't this bad
Once a saint
Nonetheless, I prefer insolence
The ones I fed
Sabotaged, betrayed
Killed innocence

The worst kind of hurt is betrayal

I shall watch you thrive on streets
Worship most high for mercy

You'll be ignored
Wish come true
Prayers answered

Not a punishment
It's freedom desired

The next time
Might be lenient
The goodness I possess
Never allows evil to thrive

Today's moonlight
When it gets tough
Never reminiscence
Gates are closed
Rosas witten Jan 17
What if I said no

Weary in pieces
Talking with myself
Pain each bone
Walk paths troubled
Alone in a forest

Not a soul abandoned
Least is to ever see sadness
Safe haven , I was
Merry with everyone

I request assistance
All ran
Others chatter laughter

Oblivious of most hated
Adamant  to accept
Till too late

Will I ever forgive ?

Burden of regret
I should have said no

When I recover
Things shall change
Defend a heart

Self sufficient
Lesson learned
Rosas witten Jan 17
Said something dense
Breathe in, breathe out
Face crossroads with thoughts

But eyes don't lie

Frown like a fiery pulse
Cold turns hot

Eyes don't blink
Through winds
A straight gaze
Not obstructed

In rain
Still unbreakable
Five minutes of fierceness

Till exit
Deadly thoughts calm down
Glare to glow
Stiff lessens

Else around
On best behavior

When you ask what just happened
Don't know the answer
Rosas witten Jan 16
I promise its not a fling
Its not an experiment
Its a border less feeling of love
Yearned to experience
Till we say together forever
I plan to try
Live like its a vacation of love
Devour a soul
Like a yellow bright burn
Experience the sensation
Heart desire

Lemon zest
Can't feel its sour
When thoughts run for you
Explore love
Beyond trials
The one they say
They weren't crazy, they were incredible
Oh they loved each other

A craft of masterpiece
I plot to create

Manifesto is
Where the craziest curiosities take you
I shall be the answer
When it's dying out
When its the hardest
Chains of us ending can be broken
Love like never before
A story to start
Rosas witten Jan 15
Once glory is at my front
It vanishes
Faster than gale wind
Doesn't care of
Consistency, hard work, persistence
Doesn't care if your shattered
Whether you smiled today
It doesn't
When I come to glory...
It disappears

How is it at the peak ?
Tears need answers
Grasping to the last inch
Battling with rage
Pursued glory countless
At the doorstep, it disappears

Envy luck and blessing

At the foyer
Curled in agony
In a ray of sunlight
In silence

Shall it be a mystery ?
Rosas witten Dec 2024
Not the centre of the universe
How its like !
A chance that slips through
Like a quick sand
Each new move

A rail of misfortune
Thinking... goals should've been achieved

Questioning the path taken
I thought everything was on my side

The river flows forward
Never disperse
Wishing for a same clear path

Swimming all I knew
Is it a sign, convert
Indeed the sun doesn't only rotate in my world

Shall venture new domain
This one life
Find true purpose
Not to leave in vain
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