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Aleczander Sep 2021
Why when I’m beat with sticks do I feel nothing,
Why when I’m beat with stones do I feel nothing,
Why when I’m beat with sticks and stones do I feel nothing?

Why when I’m beat with words do I fall the hardest,
Why when I’m beat with words do I hurt the most,
Why when I’m beat with words do I cry the saddest,

Your weapons are useless,
Your knifes,
Your swords,
Your hammers,
Your guns,
Your fist,

Your word are painful,
Your curses,
Your threats,
Your blasphemy,
Your sacrilege,
Your irreverence,

You say “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,”
But your a liar,
Words hurt more than sticks and stones,
Beat me with sticks and stones and I feel nothing at all,
Beat me with your words and I feel everything at once.
I was thinking about my birth mother and I remembered would she would say something hurtful and cruel, then about an hour later she would come back to me and say "sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you." I felt like a freak that her word made me so sad and heartbroken, but I always felt that mental scar can be so much more damaging than physical scars. Physical scar can just be on the surface, while mental scars you can't see, you don't know that they're there without talking to the person. Mental Heath is so important and need to be talked about more. Anyway I'm going to end my rant here and I hope you enjoy the poem.

Blessed Be!
Aleczander Sep 2021
Maybe if I disappear,
Maybe then your world will stop for me.

Maybe if I run,
Maybe then you would run for me.

Maybe if I scream,
Maybe then you would hear me.

Maybe if I self-destruct,
Maybe then you would see me.

Maybe if I die,
Maybe then you would cry for me.
I wrote this when I was looking back at all the poems I wrote, and this was the product.
Aleczander Sep 2021
My Rose,
The beat in my heart,
The water to my roots,
The sun to my bloom,
The light in my darkness.

My Peony,
The smile on my lips,
The sparkle in my eye,
The moon to my night,
The warmth in my arms.

My Carnation,
The blood in my veins,
The flush in my cheeks,
The butterflies in my stomach,
The love in my words.

My Chéri,
The holder of my heart,
The love of my life,
The road I follow,
The lover that keeps me.

My Dream,
The one I hold close
The one I adore,
The one I cherish,
The one I admire.

My Morning,
The soft kisses,
The delicate words,
The light touches,
The gentle ‘I love you’s.

My warmth,
The fire in the hearth,
The heat that warms me,
The blaze of passion,
The one I ardor.

My Loving Chéri,
The yearning,
The desire,
The hankering,
The urge for your heart.

I love you.
I found this in one of my notebooks and I remember writing it for my partner.
Aleczander Jun 2021
The light in Thine eyes has faded,
How I yearn for thee,
Thine eyes,
Thine lips,
Thine light.

Thee has been stolen from me,
Thine eyes,
Thine lips,
Thine light,
Thine Heart.

Thine heart is gone,
Thou is gone forever.
I found this in my notes
Aleczander Sep 2020
Oh my Ophelia,
My beauty,
My Angel,
Oh, how I love you,
My Ophelia.

I want you to,
Adore me,
Desire me,
Cherish me.

Oh my Ophelia,
Open your eyes!
Warm your lips for they are algor,
Hold me for you are limp.

Open your mouth,
Speak to me,
Answer me,
Oh my Ophelia.

Why are you,

I beg of you, my love,
Stay with me.
So I wrote a poem called 'Ophelia' 2 years ago but, I lost it so I rewrote it, so this is it.
Aleczander Sep 2020
Does it,
Make you feel better,
Make you feel like a man,
Make you feel big and bad,

You hit her,
You **** her,
You choke her,

Do you,
Enjoy it,
Love it,
Crave it,

You want to taste,
Her fear,
Her Pain,
Her tears,

How would you like to feel,
Her pain,
Her fear,
Her tears,

You wouldn't survive it.
I don't know where this came from but, I just let it out.
Aleczander Sep 2020
My love!
My love,

My angel sent from gods,
My Goddess,
My rose,
My dear,

She left,
Gone forever,

Oh how I miss her
My love,
Come back to me,
I pray to the gods,
To cure her illness,

But she's gone now
I pray for her love
And her heart back,
But nothing,
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