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Aleczander Mar 2020
Storms in your eyes,
Storms in your heart,
Storms in the love you give me,
The storms you hate so dearly,

But you seem to be blind,
You can't see,
How your storms are cages,

Quite sad,
Because I love you,
I loved you............

Aleczander Mar 2020
People tell you,
To fear the unknown,

They say,
Be scared of,
The things that go bump in the night,

Why be scared,
Of the things that go bump in the night,

When there the closes thing to family I have.........

By a long shot.
Aleczander Mar 2020
When she smiles,
The world stops,
When I smile,
It keeps moving,

When she cries,
You drop everything,
When I cry,
You fail to notice,

When she's in pain,
You give her anything,
When I'm in pain,
You don't even bat an eye,

She's your,
Perfect Little Girl,

I'm your,
Perfect Little Mistake.
I wrote this poem 11/30/19 but I thought you would still want to read it.
Aleczander Mar 2020
I'm tired of the wight of your words,
Tired of the Chains of your cage,
I just want to be set free,

Even for a little while,
Even if it means I won't wake up forever,

I want to fly,
Across the sky,
Like an eagle,
Flying so high,

Even if it means I'll be gone.......

I wrote thins poem a year ago, But i still wanted to share it with the world.
Aleczander Apr 2019
My Wishes to the Moon,
My Joy of the Stars,
My love for the constellations.

I wish for them to never leave,
I love the way they smile at me,
The way they comfort me when I cry.

My Wishes to the Moon,
My Joy of the Stars,
And my love for the constellations.
I need help. I don't know how to finish it. Message me if you can help thx guys.
Aleczander Feb 2019
I'm different,
A freak,
I hate everything,
about me,
about my feelings.

But him,
The way his eyes glow,
The shine in his smile,
I love the way he makes me feel,
I think I love him.

But he won't love me'
I'm a freak,
I'm different,
And I'm a Boy.
So this is a poem that I wrote in the pov of one of my OC.
His name is Gabriel Bello Giordano.
The boy the poem is talking about well his name is Raul Dante Leone 3
the translated one
Aleczander Feb 2019
Sono diverso,
Un maniaco,
Odio tutto,
riguardo a me,
sui miei sentimenti

Ma lui,
Il modo in cui i suoi occhi brillano,
Lo splendore nel suo sorriso,
Amo il modo in cui mi fa sentire
Penso di amarlo.

Ma lui non mi amerà '
Sono un maniaco,
Sono diverso,
E un ragazzo.
So this is a poem that I wrote in the pov of one of my OC.
His name is Gabriel Bello Giordano.
The boy the poem is talking about well his name is Raul Dante Leone
Don't worry I will translate the poem.
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