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 Apr 2016 Rochelle Thomas
Heart oh! that heart,
Seeing them from the very start,
When time I write my own poem on this chart,
In hello poetry I been a part.

Every heart that I see it makes me proud,
Even just 1,2,3 it makes my heart shout,
Reading those inspiring comments makes me rewrite.

Go write , go write,
You're a Poet, right?
Turn on the light,
Writing poem even its night,
Go bright,
Express your feeling hold your pen tight,
Don't let the laziness bite.

Go write,go write,
Freely like a kite,
Since it quite night,
Activate your imaginative mind.

You can smoothly rewrite,
A new poem that makes the readers excite,
Go write on your paper side by side,
It's not a waste when you type,
Don't make your brain dried,
Let the first word you wrote be your guide,
In hello poetry now you tied.

When you're writing a poem don't deny,
Even other people love to  criticize,
They just don't understand us  cause their  mind are occupied.

Don't let your talent hide,
It's a gift from GOD,He gives you an artistic mind.

Go write ,go write,
Until your hand  gets tired.
#GOD #POem#write#poet
I wrote you a poem,
But you never saw it.
All those years ago,
Folded in my pocket.
It didn't say much.
It was short and it was sweet.
It said just enough,
Explained my thoughts complete.
I can still remember
Just how it goes:
I said that I loved you,
But now you'll never know.

I meant to be cliche,
Slip it in your notebook.
Something you could read
When you were alone, but
I guess I chickened out,
Or perhaps I just forgot
Because the next thing I know
I sent it through the wash.
Couldn't read a thing.
Ruined, had to go.
I wrote that I loved you,
But now you wouldn't know.

Never was the one
To discuss my feelings.
Couldn't open up,
Reveal vulnerabilities.
So instead I wrote them down.
It seemed safe that way.
But I knew if you read it
The result would be the same.
So I never tried again,
I let it go.
Still knew that I loved you,
Relieved you'd never know.

Perhaps it was fate
Or the things I couldn't say,
But we reached that point
Where you went your separate way.
Now I only write
For myself and strangers.
Anonymity means
Very little danger.
And I understand
Why you had to go,
But I'll love you forever,
Even if you never know.
Flowers make me...blossom!
Flowers emit the scent of optimism
Flowers and bees have the sweetest
Flowers, like children, should be left
To grow naturally
With the utmost tender Love and care.
Flowers are a visual feast!
Flowers Uplift , Inspire, Delight
Is a peek
Into Heaven.
Are God's floral symphony.
Inspired by Tiffany's poem -  ' Please, Don't Pick That Flower ' which is beautiful! Please go and check it out fellow poets!
 Apr 2016 Rochelle Thomas
we both had two different painting styles. he was into calligraphy, the bold and gentle strokes of black ink on white paper; i was into watercolor, the translucent colors slowly spreading to a gradient on a Canson. we were two painters with brush styles of stark contrasts.

three objects. a flower arrangement, an antique vase and grecian sculpture. we were asked to pick the most eye-catching one out of the three, paint it in our of style of representation. and so we began.

him: what will you be painting?
me: i can't tell, you might judge me for it.
him: alright, but promise me you'll show it to me once you're done.
me: okay. same to you too, then.

hours passed, and while i often discreetly glimpsed at him, he caught my eye sometimes and would make funny faces or just softly smiled at me. i could not deny that my hands were shaking as i dunked my brushes into the watercolor jar and continued to finish my painting.

him: i'm finally done. this is a masterpiece.
me: i believe it's the same for me too.
him: should we count down as we turn our boards to each other?
me: nothing better than a surprise of what's the most beautiful thing out of all the objects before us.

we flipped our boards to each other's viewpoint, and we were both shocked to be looking at ourselves, a painting of ourselves, one done by the other. he painted me in black and white, a figure-ground influenced painting, strong in lines, simplicity in its finest state, rendering me bare and raw. i painted him in pale colors, a positive reflection of him lighting up life, and soft shadings to give depth to the meaning of his existence.

after knowing this and scrutinizing our works, his cheeks turned pink as the pink on my palette, while i covered my eyes with my hair as dark as his ink. we burst out laughing and blushing at the fact that the most beautiful object before our eyes was each other.

sometimes, i wonder if he's my muse, the art or the artist. and i felt like a watercolor jar at that exact moment, as if brushes soaked with different colors were being dipped into me all at once, the tint, hue and vibrancy bleeding into the clear liquid, getting murky. it was like those colors are my emotions, and with every emotion mixing, my thoughts get murky. i guess this is how it feels to be in love with all forms of art at once.
wjh, you, and loving you, is the definition of my art.
you and only you are the meaning of my muse.
you and just you are the artist
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