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Nov 2016 · 578
10 A.M (A song for my dog)
Rip Lazybones Nov 2016
To the reader before reading: I did not write or own the instrumentals, I just wrote a song  to go with the melody.   For those of you that choose to listen along side reading, the written whistles in the song are there to help you keep the pace I had in my mind. I am not a musician of any form. This just made me feel at peace. The song I wrote ends at 6 minutes and 5 seconds into the melody. Thank you for reading.

10 P.M. (A song for my dog)

Watch where you aim that big yawn of yours, now
Yes, I know
That the moon is high above us
Do not let the dreams take you away yet
Just hold on
There are still some things you need to know
I should tell you these things every day
Time is rude
You should know how much I love you
It is measured differently for you
Or perhaps
That tool does not apply to you
Our time spent here was a bit more even
It's not fair
Why can't I give you most of mine
Of mine roll down your soft fur coat
I'm sorry
It does not even make you mad
Other people don't understand me
Or backwards
My words are just wasted in the air
Should I even be thinking of them
You're right here
I got all I need in my arms
For hearing all that was on my heart
It means a lot
I shouldn't keep you any longer
I will love you more tomorrow
Like each day
Sleep wonderfully until then
Oct 2016 · 765
Rip Lazybones Oct 2016
I have remained in silence and solitude for quite some time now. Yesterday, I encountered Pascal for the first time. I was so moved by him that I decided to murmur from the bottom of the well in which I currently reside. The following is just pointless minor thoughts about him and, the most hated form of writing. a haiku or two inspired by Pascal.

Hands over your heart
Belly facing the moonlight
Back riding the tide

Where do I belong
Does gravity have family
We get along fine

When I look out past the moon, the things I see have already occurred. From the opposite point of view, have we already occurred? They told us to prepare for our future when we were growing up. Our time here is quite short, to describe it generously. I like to think that staring into the night sky gives my soul a chance to get a head start.  I hope it isn't considered cheating.

We look up to space
It does not look down on us
But we are noticed

Truth is just a definition. I never took the time to look it up in a dictionary. Every dictionary was originally created by a human. That means somebody was the first to define truth. I think I need to read the table of contents, maybe even the foreword. Who has a signed first edition?

The sea pulls me out
Secrets splash into my  ears
The tide returns me

"One pascal is the pressure exerted by a force of magnitude one newton perpendicularly upon an area of one square metre." He wasn't named after the complicated equation. I doubt he even has a water proof calculator.

My rambling will seem utterly pointless to anyone, but myself. Worst part is that I won't even be able to see these from the stars, but I'll still understand my current self at some point. Maybe we can share perspectives, if you ever find me. Please don't search for me, search for yourself.

No double digits
The silence shall continue
Thank you for living
"Man, the point where the ocean meets the sky. I feel I could swim between the two. I want to swim through space and learn its secrets, but the universe is so heavy with endless knowledge. And knowledge can be a burden on the soul. The more you learn, man, the less you know." - Pascal

"Heroes aren't necessarily the dudes who run into danger, but the dudes who stop you from doing the same." - Pascal

"Don't bottle up your feelings. It's bad for you, man." - Pascal

"Today is totally righteous." - Pascal, everyday
Jul 2016 · 451
Releasing Carbon
Rip Lazybones Jul 2016
To the reader scroll down to skip: I have been posting from this account since 2012, I think. It is possible that I may delete all of this in the next couple days. I have no static readers, so it won't matter much, and this is not an emotional gofundme with words to stay here. This is just an explanation of choices before me. This is the last place on the earth that I exist. If this goes away, I'm sorry, and I thank you for all the time you spent reading me. Good luck to you all in either direction the wind blows us.

A lot of stuff has been moving for me
People fading and being swept out of my life
Tectonic plates beneath me are sliding apart
Vibrations shakes my bones, then rattle my organs
Tie up as many loose ends as I can
What else can I use to hold to steady
Do I let the maelstrom of inner fire consume me
Do I let clench the earth to keep things together
Do I release my carbonic form into ash to float elsewhere
Do I slide into the depths of the sea with new shackles
Unfortunately coins only have two sides
And I have only one life
That is possibly too few or more than I deserve
Depends on who you ask
All the people I have came across
The wanderers, travelers, lovers, highway men
Minstrels, talking shadows, the shackled, growers of moss
All of them and others that need mentioning
They have no say or choice
I am starting to wander if I do
The scale will tip in one elements favour
Whatever it is, it will be greeted by my coin flip
Rot with dignity or embrace life's next trip
Best part of the result
I am the only one who can read what gravity puts in my hand
Jun 2016 · 520
Bramble Rambling 6-20-16
Rip Lazybones Jun 2016
If you want to consider this as anything, I suppose you can label this as an open journal entry. To me it is just an anchor to the present, a gift to future me. Please use this in the event I have forgotten everyone and myself. Thank you for wasting your time with me.

In the past few weeks I have been strangely hearing a statement I have never heard before. "God will always take the side of the critters, because he was born a skunk". It may just be a cliche that I have never heard or something new floating on the wind, but that point doesn't matter. It keeps repeating in my mind like a dull shovel through clay. Does this statement explain my good luck? Does my soul reside in a zoo? Have all diced been rolled, is there anything I can do?

For the first time in my life I experienced anger last week. It wasn't toward anything or anyone. I was home alone when I just started to get hot. Felt as if my blood was going to rise as vapor through my pores. A vein in my neck and forehead was clearly visible. Never in my life have I felt real anger. There was two sides in my mind. A scared little animal and an enraged human.Would one half choke the other out? Would some form of divine intervention thwart the human?

After half an hour, it went away. It has not came back since. I didn't want to break anything or hurt anyone. It felt like what a paper jam in a printer looks like. I hope I never experience that feeling again unprovoked or otherwise.

Where does this place me in the universe? Highlight my dot on a map of the universe.Where are you located? What are you? Am I an insect, critter, human, or just fleeting organized carbon? What do I lack to be able to conform with the rest of my generation. Sobriety has given me no answers, maybe it takes more time.Who would want to love such a whirlwind mind?

I am beginning to tire and regret typing this out, so I am going to wrap this up before I delete it all again. To those who wonder if I'm among the living, this is your proof for now. This goes out especially to those also in the fog of the forest trying to figure out anything. Reach out and maybe we can reach the answers hanging high in the trees. Don't let the predators in clothes confuse or consume you. The forest is a vast sea of trees, don't focus or hide around just one. Doing that will only lead up to something finding you. Thank you for reading, and good luck out there.
Listening material as you read
May 2016 · 995
Mother's Day 2016
Rip Lazybones May 2016
Note to the reader: I give any reader permission to give this to their mother. Your mother deserves better than Hallmark. Although you should write your own, I understand not all have the ability. No need to ask or tell me you used this. Thank you for reading this piece I wrote for my mother.

To You

This isn't for you because this pales in comparison
For all the things you do for me, it is embarassing
Yet you endure me every sun and moon
Despite all the people in this world that thinks I'm a loon
But I don't want this to be about me
This is for all things you do, selflessly, for free
You don't deserve what the world has dealt you
Gold and jewels wouldn't be enough for all that you do
Maybe one day you won't have so many burdens
Or will be properly compensated
I can't promise either of those things
All I have are these words of gratitude
Thank you
I wish I could convey this sentiment better
I love you more than I could ever explain in this letter
Happy Mother's Day, even though you deserve a year or later
Mar 2016 · 551
Maybe We All Deserve Rest
Rip Lazybones Mar 2016
The following is inspired by an item, that was recently added, in my mental emergency kit.

From the gentle snore of the nearest animal companion
To all the minds dozing under flickering street lights
Also for all the eye lids that just won't stay shut
Intended for all the minds too hot to burrow under their blanket
And to those both hidden and lost in the moon's shadow
Tomorrow isn't quite here yet
Although to some perspectives, tomorrow never arrives
The sun isn't shaped to reflect the calendar's date
Just like the moon isn't a paper weight placed on "today"
That reflection staring at you in the water is casted from the present
Its source is also placed in the same place in time
Not every bad memory is here
Nor has every victory occurred
Both types of thoughts square dance behind those tired eyes
Maybe we should forgot about all of those for a moment
Prop up against your safest place
Begin to count the facts
Your imagination is yours and resides where it belongs
I can't be certain that I'll finish this piece or see you again
Your eyes won't catch on fire if you stop sleeping
But you might lose your grip on the torch you bare
Time's representative is never late for your fate
Even if it has to drag you there
When it comes to a mate, you may never find that jigsaw piece
But what is one missing piece to a life sized puzzle
Focusing on spelling piece or peace can make all the difference
Over the entirety of time, it has been spelled both ways
You won't discover a third way, many have tried
Someone out there cares about you
If you can't find anyone, then I must be resting in history
No matter who, where, or what you are or pretend to be
And if you are just too tired to message me to live in my thoughts
Then find a mirror, that person cares
Even if you both try to deny that fact
Your body may reside in time, but it doesn't share many similarities
Time is infinite
Your version of the world is finite
Time keeps going even if your watch battery dies
Your body needs rest
It isn't desirable to live in your dreams
Ask a coma patient
I can't guarantee how much time it will take to get that answer
Breathe out the hot dense air of the past
Cover up to avoid the chill of tomorrow's shadow
Take joy in restoring your only known vessel in this life
And remember that I love you all
From my starry wink to your weary mind
Sleep well, and I'll try to do the same
Inspired by Joe Pera:
Mar 2016 · 512
Rip Lazybones Mar 2016
Even on this soap box do I feel small
What follows truly means nothing at all
Political forces standing arm in arm
Together they chant "vote for me, I won't cause any harm."
Don't peek behind their wall
You won't sleep as well, maybe not even at all
The same named corporate boogeymen rigging the game
What a deal, they get cash and the fame
How about other spots on this rock we share in space
Children working to craft the shoes you lace
The crowned family of the sand gripping the bear by the coin purse
But at least it is cheaper to fill up your hearse
Wait, don't look outward, hold onto your bliss
Things aren't perfect, but they could be worse
Go get burned by the sun or moon light
Grow something from this rock, it is an utter delight
Don't sleep, experience the entirety of night
Leave your mind, temporarily give up your sight
The ground below will dutifully take all your fright
Empty your heart, dump all of the world out from inside
Find an animal in which you can confide
Live as you please, and don't listen to ramblers like me
I'm just talking from the bottom of a cup of coffee or tea
And I leave this purely as proof of the continuation of my life
Now if you will excuse me, I must hide from the sunlight
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Homo-Sapiens in the Mist
Rip Lazybones Mar 2016
My hair is growing back into a sea
It is about time to butcher my head again
The hair was flowing like water out of my hood in a dream
I woke up with such clarity
For several hours, I existed
But it is creeping back
Wish I knew where it comes from
The air above
Or out of my spine like a faucet
Who turns it off
Who would be willing to blow it all out of my head everyday
I hate combs
There is no style to my hair
It is just a painting of what lies beneath
Dampness is setting in
My body tries to burn it off
A looping cycle
The misty haze is sentient
Or at least I may be
Nothing left to say to this empty room
I'll be one with this mist once again very soon
inspired by
I could write poems about Baby Cakes all day and night,, but I promise this will be the last. My hiatus will continue
Feb 2016 · 311
One Eye Opened
Rip Lazybones Feb 2016
Skeletal frames packed with flesh
Cranial membranes trying to cover the former
I can hear you
I can see you
but not long before I can smell you
One half sees the outside that you have created
My other half sees the foundation that you cover
How can you relate to people when you know them before you meet them
The closed eye blocks out words before I hear them
I don't need comprehension to keep up with your plight
Where are the others that can see through the light
Or is it just darkness seeping like a mist from my mind
I'll just flip a coin to decide if I'm one of a kind.
Déjà vu shakes my spine as I read and rewrite this
But only so many words can I stutter out
Just caught myself rambling again
Just go back to waiting on gravity to bring that coin back to my hand
poem inspired by
Rip Lazybones Oct 2015
This is the last you will read from my mind
I'm grateful to all the readers of every kind
You never put my mediocrity in the sun light
Years of patiently reading when my mind is a little further from alright
Let's take one last trip together
Just the all of us
Do you believe in absolutes
Latches, laces, or velcro on your moon boots
Space navigation and life are a bit similiar to me
I have never chosen a direction in either
Does my thoughts jumping make you nervous
Then we have two things in common
Always being up late being the second
Seconds, I'm counting the ones we have left
There's something out there
Somewhere in the starry abyss
Hopefully it is some fuzzy creatures
No more dreams, no more panic
Finally can stop being labeled as manic
We are just here to talk about dreams
But where we plan to go is much further than it seems
That's it, that's all
Please let go of my paw
Find your own way because I refuse to share
I love you all and your wonderful hair
My last piece of useless suggestions
Take it slow there is no rush to get there
Please ensure I don't see you soon
Now would you kindly get off my moon.
Thank you
Jun 2015 · 413
Tropical Depression
Rip Lazybones Jun 2015
Find some shelter outside
Take your dog
Have a seat
Enjoy the rain
Keep it simple today
Jun 2015 · 337
Weighed down, way down
Rip Lazybones Jun 2015
Arms extended for a hug in the moon light
You can't reach it
But I swear I've been close
Look to the heavens and jump with might
Pain cracks through you as you hit the ground
What is hurting is what is keeping you down
Have you figured it out yet
Why be stuck here
It could be as easy as taking off a coat
We are made to fall apart
Find a loose thread
Dig a nail in
Get close to your heart, no one else will
Are you ready yet
Push both hands in
Savour one last breath
Split yourself wide
Face the heavens and jump again
Just thinking about it is the closest you'll get to me
At least for now
Maybe in some measurement of time, we'll meet again
Until you change your mind
Do what I never could
Find purpose on this rock
You are all wonderful and beautiful. Don't stop
Jun 2015 · 2.4k
More Beans
Rip Lazybones Jun 2015
Small and full of taste
Something I advise that you not waste
They come in many colours
Green, red, black, brown, white, yellow
There's a type for any guy or fellow
Some taste better and some are better for you
Some are bigger and some are small
Genetics is not fair after all
It isn't about making them all the same
But to appreciate each as they came
Mix with vegetables or eat them plain
Just savour them at a pace that is slow
Because they take a while to grow
Don't ya know
Rip Lazybones May 2015
If this emission reaches anyone acquainted, strange, or foe; this is where I currently am in the universe. This will be boring to anyone, especially strangers. Im afraid this will also be mostly depressing.
I'm tired of being ill. I know longer take or use anything to numb the pain in my legs from past worker's compensation injuries. My tibia is never not aching. The muscle in my right bicep has been stiff and rigid since my last steriod injection over a month ago.
I'm stuck at home mostly. I constantly disappoint my friends, or so it feels. It has nothing to do with them, but I have anxiety when I try to respond to pleas for visitation. Allie is the only creature I can talk to anymore. Although she is a dog, I feel, or personify, that she knows on days that I'm feeling depressed.
I still haven't been working regular jobs, I don't know if I could. I've been doing odd jobs and various things when I'm able. The vegetable garden is doing great, so far, this year. All the different plants are planted almost perfectly along what part of the lunar phase that they need. The flower garden started off well, but is going through a rough patch. One knock rose bush contracted a disease and died. About four more have been ravaged by ants, even though better food sources have been provided. Wasn't able to attract a colony of Martins again this year due to sparrows being aggressive to the scouts. Barn Swallows moved in instead.
This paragraph will just be miscallenous things. No longer do I have any social media accounts, besides this place. If anyone from Twitter still reads here, I didn't block you I just deleted my Twitter. I've started to make a habit of getting angry at myself and getting my head shaved. I'm still a vegetarian. I squee'd like a little girl when Eel Hamburger was crowned the Super King of the Spring season of  Fishcenter. It has been in the years, I think, since I have been photographed. My current avatar here is from age 19, and I'm now into my mid to late 20's. I have no romantic interest at the moment, but I don't think I have much to offer to a relationship besides vegetables, nonjudgmental attitude, and odd ramblings. I'm also not really "on the prowl" for ladies. I own a model boat now! I've also became a fan of saltybet. My anxiety for being touched hasn't gotten any better. I hate being touched or hugged by anyone, unless they ask. That is something that started and got a lot worse in the last year or so. I've been lazy about following this baseball season. Rain is something I still wish for more. My love for various beans is still growing. Eel Hamburger and Earthbound fan art are things that make me smile the hardest at the moment.
Now we get to the biggest turn off of the things I talk about. Where am I in the dream world? I'm still working on being an active dreamer. I have a few reoccurring dreams. No point in explaining those because they are uncontrollable and purely anxiety preparation dreams. There has been people that I know that are often in my dreams. One person that I always wanted to talk to in reality, but I don't force my presence of that person in my dreams. Often I try to get away from thrm to leave them in peace. Friends are often there with a few lines or in the background. The most frequent setting is the mall, which I rarely go in reality. That is also where I see that person the most, the next frequent is a field.
The most curious thing about recent dreams is the appearance of two items. One is a white fleece blanket, and the other is an eight speed mountain bike. The blanket first appeared in a dream that I felt cornered. I folded it neatly into a layered square and set it on the floor. After staring at it for a few moments, I sat down on top. I instantly knew what it could do. Without any physical effort, I began to slide across the ground at great speeds that I can control. I can't leave the setting, but I can go anywhere in the setting. This means I can think of what will be there when I arrive further in the setting. I have found this item in various places or in my hands in many recent dreams.
The second item is a little more unstable. I found the bike after grinding down an escalator on the blanket. Putting the blanket under my shirt, I got onto the bike. With this I was to pedal into the white abyss from anywhere. I could crash the dream there or channel my thoughts into making a new setting. I could then shoulder the bike on my back and ride around the new setting on my blanket. I had a dream in the mall that I was hiding from that person. I took a nap in my dream on a mall bench. I woke up and my watch said 6:04. Looked up to see two men running away with the dream bike. I have not seen it since, but I still have the blanket.
Nothing else in my life deserves any greater detail than what was given here. Sorry to the strangers that read this. Best wishes and luck to everyone out there. Remember to find joy in all the seasons. As long as it shines the moon or brings rain, there is no reason to complain.
May 2015 · 335
Rip Lazybones May 2015
Listless in a serene nightmare
But I'm not sleeping
Eyes peeled watching petals bloom
Looks so soft, but I'm afraid to reach
What if it isn't a dream
I don't want it to touch me back
Follow the golden rule
Just wait
The rain will wash the pollen away soon
Those red swollen eyes will clear
But I can't promise what will be here
Effervescent flesh
Will the rain take me too
Or will it leave me pure and refreshed
The die rest on the back of your palms
Gently blow on them or toss them to the side
Either way, the seed will be planted
I am what I began, always have been, and will be
Just soil, a decimal of the earth.
Mar 2015 · 335
Rip Lazybones Mar 2015
I'm staring forward out a window from across the room. Seems to be an average living room. Movement is impossible because I can't feel the presence of a body. My field of vision can pan left or right, but that is the extent of my abilities here.
Some time passes before I see an approaching shadow. Rough, scraping footsteps followed by a faint dragging sound is closing in to the room. A reptilian humanoid walks into my sight. Scales that are some sort of brown with red spots on his head, no shoes, a button up floral print shirt, green eyes, and blue jean shorts with a hole cut out for his tail. He seems to be sorting through his mail and mumbling about his day. My presence has yet to be detected.
After going through his mail, he sits down in a chair and releases a large sigh through his nostrils .He begins to slowly moisten his skin. Half way through he looks directly at me and scowls. Slowly he approaches me while rubbing under his jaw,  Our eyes are locked into one another, but he doesn't seem to be alarmed. "Who keeps tilting this painting?" he mutters while reaching past my field of vision and adjusting me on the wall. Everything seems balanced now. He takes a few steps back and nods approvingly.
What appears to be my owner, walks out of the room. He does not return at any point. I am left in the feeling of suspension while watching a wall slowly make and fill dents on itself. The shadows from the windows indicate that the sun never changes position. I am neither hot, cold, nor wanting. I just simply am while fulfilling my purpose to be seen not heard.
Rip Lazybones Mar 2015
I've been drinking far too long
I've been drinking far too few
I've been drinking for too many songs
My glass has a hand print stain
My mouth is jealous of the wet window pane
It's ok if my breath can catch flames
My hat could use a dry off anyway
I'll stop drinking when the ocean is no longer blueeeeee
In meantime, I'll drink one for me and youuuu
Mar 2015 · 309
Dream Sequence 3/5/15
Rip Lazybones Mar 2015
Buried in jade. Life returns to me. The sensation of a long sleep is slowly leaving my body.  A smile stretches across my face. The dream I had was one of the funniest things I have ever experienced. Mad cackling erupts from my dry throat.

After I catch my breath, I decide that I have to share this with everybody I know. Frantically I start searching for people to share this hilarity. Houses are dark and cold. Streets are abandoned. My yard is devoid of animals and flora.

There is nobody in my world that I can share this with, not even my dog. My legs begin to ache and I start feeling exhausted again. The smile slowly crumbles. I return to my former prison. Sitting ******* the ground, I attempt to cover myself back up in jade. It doesn't even want me now. Staring into the ground, I wait for myself to wake up.
Rip Lazybones Feb 2015
Like a rippling bicep flexing in the air
Fist pumping to signal new content to share
Protected by owls
The cure for the sun burnt scowl
Its colour and sky share the same hue
The only flag I'll salute, layered in morning dew
Feb 2015 · 576
Dream sequence 2-17-15
Rip Lazybones Feb 2015
I was walking down the street, but wasn't alone. The person in front of me  was myself, maybe it was him that wasn't alone. I was the shadow. Nervously, I asked where we are going. Myself told me we were going to this girl's house that I had long time feelings for. After answering my own question, we pulled together into one entity, as if my consciousness was playing catch up to my physical body.
We are now outside her house, I knock on the door and she answers. After inviting me in, she sits me down at her table and prepares tea. It was a dark blend, strong aroma yet a weak body. A few silent moments pass of us just sipping tea. She stands up and informs me that she has to take a shower. She request that I wait and relax here for her.
She goes off to shower. I notice there is a stack of small saucer plates in reaching distance. Slowly reaching, gripping, and pulling the plates to me, I hold them in my hands close to my chest. My arms slowly lift the stack of plates up to my mouth and I bite into the stack of plates. Chewing the shards doesn't cut my gums, but I can feel the pain in my teeth. After a hard swallow, I take another bite. This continues until the stack of plates are even halved.
Suddenly, I begin to worry what she will think or say about the debasing of her plates. Greater fear fills me when I begin wonder what she will think when she sees that I didn't finish eating them and they are being wasted. I convince myself to continue eating the plates. Before I can take the next bite, I begin to worry what will happen when these shards pass through my bowels. Anxiously, I set the plates on the table and continue to sip tea while I wait for her to finish showering. She never returns.
Jan 2015 · 434
Fever Dream 1-12-15
Rip Lazybones Jan 2015
The air and atmosphere is grey. Almost as if we are looking through a grey screen cap, can still see colour, but not as vivid. We are on a coast. Both of us are in the ocean water near the coast. We are spread out from one another on look out / guard duty. Between us is a row boat with a bag tied shut. Someone appears out of the water between us and begins pushing the boat to shore. I try to stop the boat with my body. You try to stop the hooded stranger with your words. I can gain no good footing in the sand and falter. You begin coughing on the salty air. The stranger manages to strand the boat on shore. He climbs inside of the boat. While removing his jacket and hood, he picks up the bag and throws it over his shoulder. We both then realize the stranger is a lost friend, but the items we were protecting belonged to him. He says no words and hops back off the row boat with the bag and walks off the beach and away. We don't know what to say to each other. You just sit in the boat holding your head. I lie in the water and let the tide decide where I should go.
Jan 2015 · 365
Rip Lazybones Jan 2015
What was there is gone, now remains an empty hand
You swallowed your ticket stub, have a seat on the sand
Preferably, for your pleasure, a spot where the sea caresses the land
I'll take your heavy coat and all that is bland
Stow your fear, it will only taint an experience mildly described as grand
Breathe out, forfeit all that you have planned
Soon we will depart from this strand
Don't fret if we are in an abyss, trench, or anywhere with fish
Just reach out to me if you require assistance to stand
Dec 2014 · 449
Rip Lazybones Dec 2014
My mortal coil's defeat
Running through my mind on repeat
Few months watching life from the side line
Other's lives continue to shine
I'm not selfish, neither are you
We will all be fine
Per chance might meet again in the big blue
Don't worry, don't make haste
Without the factor of approaching time
There is only one thing left to waste
Dec 2014 · 681
Terrible Rhyme Time #1
Rip Lazybones Dec 2014
My fingers be cracking
Signs of my skeletal frame compacting
Lines of words that I'm retracting
I'm getting old. Getting lonely. Losing vision
Tired of being told and judged for my own decision
Mired in the present
Staring up at the crescent
Daring thoughts bubbling in my cup
Oozing out staining my mug
Look inside and tell me what's up
If you spot my heart strings, give them a tug
Dec 2014 · 351
Rip Lazybones Dec 2014
A texture that is peculiar
A taste that, unlike time, becomes more familiar
In my younger years they did nothing but repulse
Now I find myself eating them on impulse
Plain, in a paste, boiled in a stew
I enjoy them all of any hue
Talking to them makes me feel like I'm dining with a guest
If you are lonely or judged try them sometime
I ensure you that they are the best.
Nov 2014 · 345
Short Horror Story #1
Rip Lazybones Nov 2014
This place, this laboratory offends all senses. Here I wait contained in a cell. My location on Earth, I can not tell. The sounds of moans, groans, and dragging gives me a fictional idea of where I am. I couldn't pay my debt down. From my bed I vanished. Now I'm here on a cold floor. Frost creeping across my flesh. Am I in the deepest inner ring? Was I that bad of an animal? All these questions I hear echo back through the halls of hell.

Jolted from my arctic slumber by the sounds of the door opening. A mishapend man stands before me, not taking a step closer. He reaches out with a pole and hook. Snags one of the hoops in my chains and begins to drag me legs first. Scratch marks line the walls. A well lit room seems to be my forced destination. Horrible pantings and droll ooze from the other sealed rooms. I can't take this any longer. Close my eyes and dream of better things and people. I'll get free, I'll escape. Good guys always have luck blowing up their pant legs. Just relax

I'm dragged through the door way and quickly hoisted and hung upside down. My eyes slowly adjust to the bright light. I didn't think it was possible due to the cold, but I had thicker chill bumps from the view of fright. Bodies hacked apart. Parts reassembled. Constructs living and obeying. These flesh rots aren't a disease. Before me they stand surviving with no soul. This is no fantasy, this is no TV show. This is my fate. Some are sloppily stitched, while some are finely done and fit. The hum of freezers drown out the thought process. Sensory overload is imminent.

A blunt strike to the back of my neck brings me back. Am I one of them? Chains rattle, and my back and feet land on gurney. I'm slowly wheeled to a clearing in the room. Some of these abominations stare at me while others seem hollow. My eyes stop panning across the room when they meet with a feminine figure standing in a stained lab coat. Those thick brown eyes size me up and down, pondering what her next piece will be. No explanations are given. No words are uttered. The coldness gets the best of me and takes my body and gives it to her.
Nov 2014 · 232
Rip Lazybones Nov 2014
My legs are cramped in this cell
Where else do I fit other than hell
There is no room for me between your arms
No place on this world for the thoughts in my head
Too strange, too different, you cause nothing but harm
Debasing the life of others
The sight of me only gives dread
So what exactly am I still doing here
Laughing at things no one else enjoys
Indulging in hobbies that few others employ
My life only brings me joy
I am the biggest fan of my laughter
I'll never be one for the cliché happily ever after
This piece is as scattered as my thoughts
Racing faster than can be measured in knots
Just another sober night
Melting away under the moon light.
Oct 2014 · 1.7k
Another short story.
Rip Lazybones Oct 2014
The wind always ****** me off. Tossing my hair from side to side, and usually on the opposite side the ship is swaying. Always so nauseating. Leaned against the railing I watch my ship mates joke, rough house, and drink. I would describe them as quaint, but Neptune forbid they hear me and I have to explain what another word means. Illiterate ******* . I gave one of them a dictionary one time in hopes they would be inspired. They returned it to me two days later with all the words about *** and female organs underlined and circled. Why do I have to be stuck with these people? Brain cells keep committing suicide every time one of these chumps rabble something to me.

**** it all, here comes one. Just go away, ****. ****, what could he possibly want. Maybe if I lean back now I can just fall into the water and drown. The wind gives me another fist up my nostril by blowing his stench my way. "We be landin' soon! Ye comin' wit us dis time or are ye gunna stay behind and work on your fancy doctor voodoo or trace your ***** in one of your books to **** it to lata?" They all start laughing and whoopin. "Well I need some things, and I can't trust you idiots to bring me anything back besides rotted meat and disgusting women! So I guess I have to get off the boat this time." He made some typical fairy joke toward me and went back to drinking with the others.

The spotter cried his typical thing about seeing land, as if we didn't have eyes to see that massive hunk of blot that isn't water coming toward us. Maybe this time I can get "lost" and never board this ship again. I don't care where I go or do. After she left, it doesn't matter. If I could find some decently witted science wiser, I'd give them my journals and let my soul free from this cursed rock. Until then, my studies are far too important to be lost to these mongrels.

On a brighter note, the island looked to be a dense tropical stage type of island. Perfect! My greatest chance to find some herbs in quite some time. Maybe they will even have a wild large cat these guys can fight. With any luck, it would eat them all then die choking one of their pieces of jewelry or **** it from their various ****** diseases. That would just be heaven. Rid me of these animals and I could get some ingredients from the majestic beast's corpse. Their eyes and blood are good for various mixes. My thought is disrupted by the sweet smell of the isle on the breeze. Sweet sweet hibiscus, we came just at the right time of year. My leg ticks on the ground with excitement. Moments like these make me forget all my misery, the rush of progress. The high of walking back with sacks full of goodies. Rushing to my mortar and pestle. Thank you, Neptune for surfacing such a wonderful place.

The captain's door kicks open as we pull up to shore. "Alright me hearties! Time to do what we do best. Let's go find some meat to eat and some meat to poke!" A cheer from crew erupted. I caught the last boat going to shore. I brought every empty sack and a few various journals to record. Each stroke of the paddle fills me with a little more glee. We all land on shore, but there is a bit of wildness in the air. None of the crew seems to notice. No birds in the area flying by or perched. A pathway of large trees are knocked down. I point out to the captain what I have observed. He gets the wild look in his eye and points over to the path. "This way, boys! We got something big to ****!"

Walking behind the group as I scribble doodles and notes in my journal. A lot of the trees that are downed have large slashes in them. Every now and then we come across and splat of blood or some feathers. The feathers are quite large and colourful. Ahead we can see a clearing to what looks like a cliff range. The lush green ground is now leading into red clay. Large talon prints are starting to appear. The captain leads us in the direction of the prints. As we go further, decomposing carcasses and skeletons litter the path.

Never in a hundred life times would I be prepared for what we were about to see. At the edge of the cliff lies a giant nest, and in it was a pure terror. It's back had more colours then I even fathomed were in existence. It's tail feather alone was larger than our ship. The crew seemed genuinely disturbed. "What the ******* is that?!" yelled one of the crew members. The behemoth was instantly awoken. It stretched it wings and stood up in its nest. The bird turned around and faced us. Holy ******* ****, this thing was some sort of massive giant macaw. Being the size it is, I doubt it eats the kind of pleasant things its cousins consume.

To compensate for being woke up, it looked as if it was going to make a quick meal out of us. This is perfect! Maybe all these idiots will get butchered and I can just slide away. I looked over to the captain, and his eyes were over flowing with wildness. With a saber and flintlock ready, he ordered the charge. With mighty yells they all rush the bird. The giant ***** its wings and uses the gust to blow down the crew. It hops into the air and comes down crushing several members under its blood stained talons. Even with dried, caked clay I could feel the vibrations from his force. The captain takes aim with his flintlock and nails the bird in the left eye. The bird let out a large screech before pecking down and reducing more crew members to a pile of protein and bone.

At this point in the battle, there are only thirteen of us left. ****, that is an unlucky number. Are they going to fluke this and **** that thing? ******* it, I don't want to eat bird for the next few months. I continue to doodle the beast as the battle rages. A quick swipe from his talons eviscerates a few more members. The crew has done nothing more than leave a few cuts on the beast's legs and a few bullets lodged in his plumage. The bird surges into the air in a rage. He quickly snatches up 3 members in each talon and tosses them off the cliffs. Five of us remain including the captain. Swooping down and gobbling up two more members, the captain doesn't even begin to bat an eye. There are only two fighters left. The captain is climbing up the leg of the bird as the last crew member gets pulled apart by the bird. The bird not noticing the captain scaling his back hops toward me. It turns its head so its unwounded eye can see me. The head snaps back to forward face and hops toward me.

The captain is now on top of the beast's head, perfect. I reach my satchel and pull out two full glass bottles. A loud squawk comes from the bird as it prepares to eat to me. I quickly pitch one of the bottles at the head of the bird. The glass cracks on its head and liquid goes all over the bird and the captain. Smoke begins to roll off of them as their flesh drips off their bone. Realizing I won't need the second bottle, I put it away and sit down as the bird's nerves twitch out its last moments of life. What is left of the captain is dripping down the bird. The corpse of my saviour collapses to the side.

Finally, as I deserve to be, I am alone. Alone on a giant island of who knows what else, but for the first time since she left me; I'm smiling. I can work and research in peace, and with any luck someone of worth will discover my remains years later and find my journals. I am left with what I was born with. Nothing, but what lies between ears. I both thank and apologize to you mighty fowl. My all the souls scattered on this island be comforted by my joy.
Oct 2014 · 355
Your Foreign Flesh
Rip Lazybones Oct 2014
It belongs to you
But you look so magical
Spending your nights tanning under the moon
Coyotes howl at the sight of your hue
What I'd do to feel your cold porcelain touch
With it you could rearrange my blues
Perhaps into something more appealing
Your flesh doesn't need ink, opinions, or me
Simple to see, what waits for you is so grand
But even if something happens to your beauty
There will still be a place for you between my hands
Rip Lazybones Oct 2014
I would personally like to thank everyone that reads my work. It isn't that great, it's pretty sad, and has too much moon and ocean it; but you all read it anyway. Thanks to every last one of you, I love you all. Life will keep happening, I'll keep writing, the moon will keep pathing, the tides will keep rolling, and if I'm lucky, you will keep reading. See you next time!

P.S. Don't forget your helmet
Oct 2014 · 991
Rip Lazybones Oct 2014
I can feel it rolling off my wavy hair
Sinking and saturating my brain
All different shades of thoughts floating there
Trap all of it in just to alter the heat
Steam fills what  space remains
Dwell in the fog for just a life time
It pushes in, out, down, and up
The water is boiling, time to drain
Tip me to the side and hold out your cup
It's tea time, baby
Clocked myself on this one. If I went over two minutes I was going to erase it all.
Oct 2014 · 446
Rip Lazybones Oct 2014
Struggling to fill the sacks in my chest
Losing everything inside
And not just one form of mass
Trading the contents of the hour glass
Just to stay afloat on the soil
I am the quintessence of ephemeral
Egressing back into the atmosphere
Anchors are only for those of worth keeping
Yet I still scornfully catch myself hoping
The hand coming to tether me
The loving cauterization of your arms
The hive minded beat of your heart on my chest
All these share the same neglect
As I drift away from this lonely rock
I only have time for one last wish
As I soar from here to next
Please Neptune, let your image be what the moon reflects
Sep 2014 · 284
Magic Man
Rip Lazybones Sep 2014
Proving to myself that others feel
But my mind eye is long blind
Whim like torment as the wind passes
What was and could is all I see in the fog of my mind
I don't blame any person in these tortured masses
Surviving on luck and living in the past
Only one to hold my hand is myself
But when they come together, it is not love I cast
Sep 2014 · 694
Mood check
Rip Lazybones Sep 2014
Losing faith
Running out of steam
Without a doubt, my soul no longer gleams
Being over taken by a cold shiver
Just an otter floating near the end of a river
Aug 2014 · 374
Drean Sequence #5
Rip Lazybones Aug 2014

Note to the reader: Before I detail this dream I would like to set it up a little. I share the same mental condition that Robin Williams had. Ever since his deed, I have been bombarded with links to videos on how to live my life and various over things. The past two days I have felt more inhuman than I usually do due to people telling me how to be a proper human.

     Another sleepless day has rolled by me. After spending another night covered in heat, but frozen to the bone; I decided to take a shower to attempt to level my body's humours. The water feels blissful on my flesh. I often wish I could live a life in the water. I open my eyes to see clumps of hair clogging the drain. Frantically, I touch my head to feel nothing; except skin. There is a giant mound of hair now in the shower. Frozen in horror I stare at my own hair. Sorrow nor anger has time to set in before I hear beating on the bathroom door.
     A sea of people rip the door of its hinges and toss it aside. They quickly flood into my bathroom. Hiding behind the shower curtain  I asked what they wanted. The crowd grabs and throws me out of the shower. I cower in fear of being lynched, but no more hands are placed on me. I open my eyes to see the people fighting over my hair. People are fighting and stuffing all the hair they can into Ziploc bags.
     For some reason I feel relieved, so I proceed to dry off and walk to the sink. I gather my daily things out of the medicine cabinet and shut the door revealing a fog covered mirror. Slightly perturbed, I take my towel and clean the fog. My face is not my face, but it is my face because my consciousness resides behind. I see not my own face, but Robin Williams. I claw at it hoping it is some sort of prank, but I am now the owner of this face. But he's dead or am I dead? Are we dead? Did I die? Did he live? We no longer have any answers in this universe.
     I try to find comfort in my towel, but I feel something metaphorically piercing my back. I turn to find that the hair has all been claimed. Some sit and count how many they got, some are hiding their stash away, some are selling what they obtained, and others are sharing. But there are still many people who got nothing, and those people are glaring at me. I manage to stagger through a joke to them opening to break the ice, but their glare is frozen deep. I ask politely if there is anything I can do for them, but the glare nor their silence is broken. I begin to feel cold again. Before I have time to process all these feelings, the crowd's motion catches my eye. They are all now holding razors and slowly approaching me.
Aug 2014 · 330
No title
Rip Lazybones Aug 2014
I lie here shivering in the night
Bones dull and body froze tight
I used to be so selfish to ask for help
But I much prefer choke on my lack of might
The cold aches deep
Its company I prefer
The alternative being debasing another soul
For that I no longer weep
Because my flesh feels so hot to the touch
Ice in my veins will surely never melt
I'll find a way to enjoy my plague ridden sleep
My spirit be preserved in its frosty keep
Aug 2014 · 672
Rip Lazybones Aug 2014
Only a few things and people left
Nearing the end of this loan
Estranged relationships
Evacuated job position
Apathetic excuses
Remember me not
Jul 2014 · 476
Morning Work Haiku
Rip Lazybones Jul 2014
Sitting at my desk
Dreaming of a lost song bird
My head really hurts

Skull splitting headache
Your sweet song would soothe my pain
Just wishful thinking
Jul 2014 · 353
The Brick Layer
Rip Lazybones Jul 2014
Hand in hand, keeping pace with a musical time
The closest thing I have to a grandfather is what sits in your hallway and chimes
I utilize this ******* family around me to construct all you see
My soul is collective. I am you, we, and me
I command these elements, but they too must be fed
A judge am I not, there are no fair rules to read to the dead
Idolize me as you desire, your time can be spent as you wish
Just know you aren't any different than any of your brethren fish
We all reside is the same universe, spinning in our small dish
Jul 2014 · 342
Brick 4
Rip Lazybones Jul 2014
You can compare me to your blood
I too am fueled by oxygen
When irate, I grow stronger
But my anger leave lasting scars
Flood from my body will leave nothing of yours
Nothing left but a skeleton, devoid of flesh, pure
Cleansing the earth of good and bad through a shroud of smoke
I see no colours, just the degree to which I'm stoked
I am the most checked by my brothers
Without them, there would be no others
Jul 2014 · 520
Brick 3
Rip Lazybones Jul 2014
Pliable body
Yet I reside in all life
None can match my might
Jul 2014 · 565
Brick 2
Rip Lazybones Jul 2014
Time is a wasted thought to it
Accustom to constant slow change
Lovingly repurposing the dead
Waiting for the next cycle to end
Absorbing all life and matter
Rippling ire crumbling cities
Trained by gravity
Jul 2014 · 364
Brick 1
Rip Lazybones Jul 2014
Down my throat and through my hair
Handed from my lungs to my heart to be pumped and shared
The baton is exhaled and grabbed by the wind again
Forever running the globe to continue this chain
Came close to going on a cliche tangent of each breath being borrowed time
But instead I like to underline that each breath is mine
Should I choose to accept it or decline and  turn blue
The choice is mutual for you all, the taking is up to you
Jul 2014 · 366
May Not Rhyme
Rip Lazybones Jul 2014
Never thought I'd take it for granted
This I realize as I sit alone for a meal
My only company is the chatter of the villagers on the screen
Not so sure I crave companionship
Maybe it's just a lost of lust for time allotted
My last consensual hug can literally be measured in years
But I don't think any embrace will bring warmth to my bones
Perhaps I am meant to be alone
Be more considerate, stop wasting this planet's air
A hand in my hair wouldn't even be worth a dare
This is what I ponder for a few seconds as I eat my cold food
Just swallow it all down
Jul 2014 · 575
Rip Lazybones Jul 2014
Ambiguously aged
Restless protuberances
Chilled tundra flesh
Timid breaths
Inclined emotions
Cold stranger, nothing more.
Jun 2014 · 294
Land Locked
Rip Lazybones Jun 2014
I blame my woes on the grass and underlying rock
In all reality I'm responsible for my mental block
The song of the sea still pulls on my rope
Even if I cover my ears like a big dope
Still a song sweeter than any lute
Often find myself unknowingly packing up fruit
Maybe it is time I clear the sand out of my clock
Bail my boat out of hock
Rid my soul of the taint of money
Find myself in dangerous situations I find funny
Or maybe fate or ole Terra will have me stay
For reasons they can not yet convey
On the wind or sea, I'll continue to sway
Jun 2014 · 501
Rip Lazybones Jun 2014
Talking about it makes me feel so vain
Comparing them puts me in a bit of strain
Can't run from problems with my legs filled with pain
Can't sigh with this corruption gripping my brain
What is left to possibly gain?
I say as my ink stains the sink with my name
Just another thought that escapes down the drain
Are my days numbered or few?
With the vastness of this planet that thought is misconstrued
I squint to see light of any hue
But what brightens my life can blind me too
What is an otter to do?
May 2014 · 299
Give it back
Rip Lazybones May 2014
My body is not yours to purloin
I want everything back
Stay your hands from my *****
Take back these panic attacks
Return my faith in the female gender
Why do I pray for a mender
I find no comfort in people, things , or tender
Your body, return it to sender
You had so many other options for ****** delight
Why do that to me on multiple nights
I never wanted this, your body , or you
The insults from others don't sink in well too
Just another few reasons to only sing to the moon of my blues
May 2014 · 475
White Flag
Rip Lazybones May 2014
Warm liquid running down my ribs
Down to my legs where my flesh is chunked in gibs
I waste my last potassium on a final lib
Tire do I of being society's *****
Time between hugs will be measured in years no more
Clocks matter not, neither do I
Silence the speaker of the meek and shy
No longer will I be kissed with a knuckle
Nor will anyone else have control of my belt buckle
Taken so much from this dying earth
Robbing it blind since my errant birth
Give back or give up is a relative term
The wording can be selected by the feeding worm
Celebrate what you find and catch my fleeting dream
May it spark you to travel up stream
Never again will you spot me on the shore
Forever yours aquatically, he who is no longer yours
May 2014 · 564
Depressed poem 9000
Rip Lazybones May 2014
"Who are you? Give me a clue"
A common question shared between reader and writer too
That is an answer held by only a few
I'm a man of few hues
I own no creatures that mew
The hands on my watch are bound by glue
Not too fond of things that are new
Blot them tears, on your face a smile I shall imbue
A simple favour only returned by a few of my crew
To find me, follow the flaming flat footed prints from my shoe
Get lucky and catch me asleep under a pew
Invade my dreams if you must answer your question of who
The skeletons there will whisper my name, "Rip Blue"
With bruised bones and a burnt soul, I'll pluck you from my head
Toss you aside so you can plan to **** me dead
Bury in my garden behind my white shed
Until you get the courage to do just that, I'll monger fear and dread
Up until the day I find my Shred Red
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