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Ray Jan 2015
Your side profile makes me think
Of better days or worse
I cant explain it other than
Your eyes are my fire
Your lips are my verse
Ray Jan 2015
For a month I had a home, our home away from home
neither mine nor his but we had our place
our little niche
our own space.

As the month drew near darker days came more frequent
I'd prefer to stay in bed, I'd let you tuck me in
but not even *** could make me forget
that the inevitable was quickly approaching.

Now that I'm here?
with no prospect of a home in sight
a place to call my own without
throwing myself to the dogs in the process.
The woman and her fangs sink deeper and deeper
the harder I try to run.
As each day passes I grow wearier
as to whether or not I'll even make it.
Ray Dec 2014
Pop three whenever you notice
The oozing and bubbling skin
On your arms in the morning
From being too close to hell
In one evening
Side effects may include
Yawning every 5 seconds
Not due to boredom or tiredness
Light headedness
From the lack of food you now realize you have yet to eat
May result in abuse of medication
Due to not wanting to feel numb constantly
Ray Nov 2014
Blitzed out of reality when the ball dropped
and he was there
good intentions turned sour as each day passed
but it was good for her
for what I thought was good, it was
when good finally came around though
that is when the fog cleared
Everything before September was a cloudy haze
and will stay that way
A year I partially forgot for good reasons.
Ray Nov 2014
Walls are melting
your ceilings third eye criss-crosses for eons before my eyes
and somewhere through the Nag Champa haze
I found your pulsating soul calling my name
without words our bodies meld into one another
My soul vibrating with your touch
my dead weight body coming alive with your kiss
our serpent tongues desperate for flesh
our ripened fruit ready for one another to grab a bite
My soul is whole
My flesh is flushed
Ray Nov 2014
Pacing your second floor bathroom with music blasting in the background until your legs give out or your eardrums go numb
is far from anything but stable she states as she flips through the channels.
I guess this means counting your scars and bruises from the night before and drinking until the lights go out isn't considered stable either.
Isn't it.
Ray Nov 2014
Dear god if there is a god
let this music drown the voices that scream at night
let the ***** sink in deep
let me be able to voice my mind yet still bite my tongue
when conversations get too deep
let me be willing to wait until tomorrow
to down the pills or break my vow
help me be strong for my mind is weak
help me be stable for my body shakes
help me get to tomorrow, help me see the sun rise.
Help me
Save me
Dear god I hope you're really there
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