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Apr 2017 · 664
He sees her body
Not her sore tears
Or her forced smile
She's afraid and crying out
But he only sees her flushed pink lips
Not her unhealed scars
Or her numb heart
He's blinded by her beautiful appearance
He doesn't hear her screams
He's too focused on what her hands might do in the dark
He'd be disappointed to know they only turn on lights
Because the dark scares her
Just like happy faces and crowded places do
Moral of the story she's broken
Like shattered tempered glass
And she has an excellent disguise
Like chameleons in the trees
So to the world she's completely fine
Apr 2017 · 371
I loathe that word
It's such a lonely word
Makes me feel empty
You know?
Sorry, got lost in the idea that people might actually care about me

It's so excruciating knowing you're unloved
Knowing all you got is yourself
I guess it's safe to say it'll always be that way
This world is unbearably cruel to think otherwise
So I'll just be isolated like every other pathetic and depressed being
Sep 2016 · 677
When you're tearless
It's the worst when you can't cry anymore
You're breaking and everything is gone
You're in a so much pain
Your heart races and the oxygen feels low
But you have no tears
So you just sit there staring blankly at the wall
It's like you're slowly dying and you can't scream for help
So you just sit there until you take your last breath
Sep 2016 · 327
I have feelings
I have feelings
I have feelings*

Why don't you care?
Sep 2016 · 573
How do I explain to people that when I say I'm tired I don't mean I'm sleepy
I mean living is exhausting and I need a break
But that's just it isn't it?
I can't explain it to anyone
No one will understand
The darkness I lost myself in has me chained and I will not fight for freedom
I'm weak and fragile
My demons refuse to let me baptize myself in the happiness that everyone seems to be drenched in
And the worst part of it all is my peers think I'm happy
They see my smile and hear my laughter
They are blinded from my trembling lips and deaf from my screams
And don't get me wrong I know I'm not the only one
But those who suffer as I am fail to realize it's not just sadness
It's so much more
It's like I'm burning alive with no one to save me
The struggle is unnoticed
And even though I have so many people who care about me I feel as if I have no one because the person I want to be here for me isn't
This battle to live when I want to die is breaking me
I only live so the one I love most won't feel alone
But that loved one fails to realize I'm suffering most
I just need the drugs and the pills
I'll spend my days smelling of ciggerates and sleep
But forever isn't promised and the bridge is sketchy
If I fall just know I held on as long as my insanity let me
Aug 2016 · 796
I'll tattoo a bandaid on my heart
So it'll keep the broken pieces together
Aug 2016 · 933
I've found someone
I've found someone
Who makes me feel alive
Who makes my heart skip a beat
Who makes me feel as if I'm not inadequate

He is the rose that bloomed through the thorns I was trapped in
And God crafted him just for me
But to say we'll last is an understatement
My insanity could always set free
Jul 2016 · 344
Sometimes when my heart is aching
And I'm all alone
I like to hold my left hand out and pretend God is holding it
So then it's like I'm not completely alone
Jul 2016 · 555
They say everyone has a story
And there's always people who want to hear it
But let me tell you something about mine
It's not a story
It's real life
It actually happened
And I'm haunted by it everyday
People expect others to just tell about our faults and tragedy like it's nothing
Like it's something sad from a story book
But it's not that at all
The pain
The battle
And the struggle was all very real
You can't just take words and put them together and expect it to be a story when it actually reality
Jun 2016 · 331
I cry at night because I feel like I have no one
I'm terrified of being alone
Yet when someone's tries to be there for me I push them away
Because I don't feel like I deserve them
Jun 2016 · 362
Living life is a struggle
I can't stand without falling
Jun 2016 · 618
What is hell?
Hell is when you relive the worst moment in your life over and over again
She made a mistake by getting too drunk
She was out having fun but it quickly ended when she blacked out
In the morning when she woke
She smelt of ***** and her ******* were missing*

She shouldn't of been so drunk
It's her fault
She should of made better decision
This is why you're not supposed to party
That's what she gets for drinking under age*

The things people have the nerve to say surprises me. Through out history people have always had a drink to celebrate or even to drink away the pain. Having a good day? Drink! Having a bad day? Drink some more! It's so common through out the world. People have been doing it for centuries. No matter what type of party you are at people are drinking to celebrate. Doesn't matter of it's wedding's or birthday party's. If it's a party there's alcohol. Everyone encourages drinking. Yet when something bad happens people say "Oh. He/she shouldn't of been drinking." ??? Excuse my language but today's society and the rest of society can *******. And what about the guy who was disappointed that he didn't get laid so he forced himself upon a defenseless, drunk girl? Oh wait that's right. It's okay because he wasn't drunk. And to think people get harsher sentences when caught with a joint.
Jun 2016 · 646

When he whispered those words to me I immediately hated him

And I will always hate him
I'm a hypocrite
A *****
A criminal
And a mistake

Those are the thoughts of my peers
I'm forever stuck between wanting to agree with them and wanting to disagree because I know the truth
But knowing the truth can mean so little when compared to lies others are blinded by
Jun 2016 · 675
Why I Feel Dead Inside
His lips felt so rugged against mine
More like a graveyard
His arms embrace felt so firm
More like the grip of a wild animals teeth when clenched down on its prey
His dominance can be so lustful at times
But when I'm weak and he's angry I'm trapped in every woman's nightmare
In that moment I am unaware if the hollowness of my body or the death glare he gives frightens me the most
Either way it's safe to say he is the reason I feel dead inside
Jun 2016 · 620
I'm an artist
I like to think I'm an artist
My body is the canvas
And yes my paint brush scars me
But at least it makes me feel better
Jun 2016 · 432
They say to finish what you started

Does the same go for the Suicidal?
Jun 2016 · 255
I once read a quote that stated people accept the love they think they deserve

But what about the ones who don't accept love at all?

How sad it is to think you're little less than nothing
They are so thirsty for me
The men I mean
They're like vampires that have been forced to starve
You'll never know which is thirstiest for my blood

The soft ones will soon back down
They'll quickly realize how my eyes show no sign of joy
My heart does not contain love
And my mind is over taken by the thoughts of death and ***

The others with stay
For they don't care about how broken a girl is
They'll only ever worry about how perky my breast are and how lustful the sight of my *** is
Maybe even see the brokeness as an easier way to take advantage
Jun 2016 · 273
My sanity is so far gone
That I'm in love with death
May 2016 · 339
Remember your mistakes don't define you
Yes they hold you a hostage
Yes you'll be remembered by them
But only your future determinds what you'll be known by
May 2016 · 361
And what if the princess had no hope
Only doubts
May 2016 · 346
She ripped a metal soda can
And used it to slit her wrist
Some thought it was odd what she used to committ suicide
I thought it was desperation for death
Apr 2016 · 360
I'm like a volcano
Soon I'm going to erupt
And destroy everything in my path
Apr 2016 · 422
I call it depression
The days are dark and cold
So I light fires on my skin to keep warm
Yeah it hurts and leaves scars
But I can't find the light
There's a hooded claw that guards my door
Sometimes it tries to hurt me
But mostly it keeps me a prisoner
I don't fight it
Because it's a ruthless and vicious creature
It can't be stopped
It can't be tamed
It can't be killed
I call the hooded claw... *depression
Apr 2016 · 301
I hate crying
And I hate feeling like I'm nothing
Apr 2016 · 280
Silence creeps in the mist of the night
Blood dripples from my cut wrists
A chill is felt upon my feet
The cold wet ground freezes me
Lost and forgotten for the night to keep
Gone and dead I haunt the streets
Apr 2016 · 351
Sometimes it's like my demons are battling
But only at night when I'm my tiredest
Sometimes they keep me awake
And other times they force me to sleep
Apr 2016 · 427
Who Will Remember Me
The world is a majestic place
Filled with love and beauty
So many secrets hidden within the memories
The series of moments shared upon the earth are forgotten so quickly
Buried beneath the dirt are the dead lost in someones memory
It's sad to know that one day you'll be forgotten
But I can't help but ask... what about me?
I am dying
And the question is not why am I dying
No one will care
I'll just be another dead girl
Just another body rotting six feet under
And the question is not why I chose death
No one will understand
I'm just another sad girl
Just another girl tied down by depression and anxiety
The question is who will remember me
Will my mother remember my warm hugs
Will my father remember all the I hate yous
Will my friends remember all the laughs
Will the earth remember my tiny hands the dug within the dirt
Or will they all go on and move forward to a future I did not choose to be apart of
Apr 2016 · 358
How sad
it is
to think
is an
Mar 2016 · 733
My Addiction
I have an addiction
I cut and burn myself
It's not that I want attention
But for those of you who don't know this
The world is a huge tragedy
Filled with sadness and depression
And alot of times you won't feel loved
So you'll hurt yourself to feel something
Or maybe this is just an exaggeration
Mar 2016 · 905
Don't Call Me Beautiful
Don't call me beautiful
Before you notice how much I read
Or how often I drown empty pages with words
Or even how often I light up a joint

Don't call me beautiful
Before you learn all my faults
Or my insecurities
Or even my death yearning addictions

Don't call me beautiful
Before you get to really know me
Even if my past makes you think less of me
Because I hate being identified by my body
Mar 2016 · 576
My Name Is
My name is Lonely
And I hate people
Because my social anxiety holds me hostage

My name is God
And I hate my creator
Because the temple he built for me is ugly

My name is Depression
And I hate happiness
Because it regected me so many times before

My name is Anxeity
And I hate to fear
Because I am afraid of living

My name is ****
And I hate my body
Because men sexualize it

My name is Nothing
And I hate everything
Because everything is something
Mar 2016 · 362
Is It Love?
When I haven't held your hand
Kissed your lips
But still yearn to be held in your arms

When I haven't slept a night without dreaming of you
Woken in the morning without thinking of you
But go through the day ignoring the thought of you so I don't breakdown in front of my peers

When my heart aches
When I cry myself to sleep
But convince myself the thought of you is worth the pain of not having you
Mar 2016 · 399
Their Minds Would Change
If they knew what she did behind closed doors
When the lights were off
And there were no sounds

If they knew what she did with the blades
When she is sad
And feels so alone

If they knew what she did with the fire
When she was in pain
And she wanted to hurt more

*Their minds would change
Mar 2016 · 754
And then he wrote
Wrote poems built from faith and wisdom

And then she wrote
Wrote poems built from heart ache and tears

If only he'd notice her suffer
If only she'd let him see her pain
Mar 2016 · 267
Is the exact time I held a blade against my neck for the first time
Honestly it felt so good
The thrill of it was invigorating

It's like for the first time I was in control
I had a choice
I was in power

*Now if only I got to choose if my heart was broken or not
Mar 2016 · 258
Never in my life have I wanted someone to stay
But now I do
And he doesn't want too
Feb 2016 · 305
Feb 2016 · 311
Dear Depression
People have lied to me
Betrayed me
Hurt me
*But you took everything else
Feb 2016 · 366
And then her eyes didn't shine anymore
They were blackened with anxiety
It hurt her to smile
She couldn't breathe
Her lungs filled with water
While she watched everyone live
And then she watched everyone be okay... While she suffered
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
I want to be a Firefly
When I was little I liked to catch  firefly's
I kept them in a glass jar just for the night
And then I'd let them go
Looking back at it now I think I made them suffer
Capturing them
Locking them away
Making them feel suffocated
I hurt them
It saddens me because I hurt too
So much that the pain becomes numb
And then it's like I don't hurt anymore
The difference is my pain is still there
I'm still locked away
The firefly's are the lucky ones
*They got back their freedom
You're strong. You're beautiful. You are enough.

no I'm not.

Let me hold you. Let me steal your tears. Let me heal you.

it's too late

**Sometimes you're too damaged to be saved. Sometimes love can't even heal you. Sometimes having a hand to hold isn't enough reason to live.
Jan 2016 · 344
I feel like the more I tell him I want to be with him
then one day I'll open my eyes and he'll be there
Dec 2015 · 269
I thought if I hurt myself
Then there'd be no room for people to hurt me

I know now that I was very wrong
Dec 2015 · 585
My Test of Life
I fear that one day my life will be controlled by substances
It's sad to say that I put myself in these situations
But my body yearns to feel numb and I know of no other way to make the pain go away
Maybe not feeling is okay but my bad choices could conflict badly on something amazing in my future
To decide which is more important and at the same time not allowing my body to be over taken by drugs is difficult
I always thought I was strong and this is my test
It will define the person of whom I will become and if I fail then I apologize
I apologize to the future me because I know you will suffer
And I know happiness will not be an option for you
Dec 2015 · 266
My voice yearns to speak

Only when it's incapable of doing so
Dec 2015 · 269
Internally stuck between

I want to be numb so I can't feel anything
I want to be hurt so I can feel something
Dec 2015 · 603
Happiness is the Enemy
Happiness is only temporary
It ends and leaves you damaged
It builds up and then it disappears

All emotions are good for is pain
It's like a disease that slowly attacks the heart
Eating it until it's gone and all you have left is an empty soul

I'm broken
And I blame happiness
It's the true monster that destroys our beings
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