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Q Apr 2013
Your legs are shaking
And yet you stand
And when you fall
You try again
I can't help
This smile on my face
As your small mouth opens
Says my name
"Mommy." You say
The name you've given me
And a small tear falls
I am so happy.
Q Apr 2013
I ****** away
The knife in your hand
And you begin to cry
As I've betrayed you again

"How much longer?"
You'll always ask
"How much longer?"
And I answer, though this won't be the last:

Just a little longer
Maybe one day I won't stop you
Just a little longer
But for now I can't lose you

I turn off the water
Breathe air into your lungs
And your eyes are accusing
Because I've always won

"How much longer?"
You're screaming
"How much longer?"
Tears streaming, and I say

Just a little longer
What if this feeling fades
Just a little longer
And you want to live someday?

Not yet
Not yet
Not yet!

I wasn't there to save you
If you'd waited just a little longer
You'd still be here
And secretly I wish you'd been stronger
Q Apr 2013
She is radiant
Strong and loyal
And I fear for her
Because the good don't last

Chopped down for the 'greater good'
The best of people flicker out of this world
'Please stay' I beg
But she is set
Her will must be done

She is the queen of this palace
And I am but a guard
Dearest Queen, I've felt the lumberjack's axe
And I shiver at the memories
And I lose myself

Why must you put yourself in his path?
Why do you taunt him to chop you down?
He is cold and unfeeling
His axe will swing
And down you will go

Should you fall, I will too
And I will lose myself in the knowledge
That I could not protect you
Because I am a peasant
And you are the Queen
Your will is law

I am scared
I am so scared
It is hard to breathe
As my mind supplies all the ways
Your plan could go wrong

Please, dear Queen
Spare me the knowledge of your plots
Because I am weak
And I am prone to break

Lately I am prone to break
And my mind is not okay
So please spare me
Until I have healed
And I will chuckle at your deviousness
Once again.
This is why I don't write during panic attcks
Q Apr 2013
the cool pressure of the deep
presses down around her
the fish are her friends
the water is her home
beautiful princess
who lives in the sea
not quite alien
but new to humanity
naive and reckless
she swims so free
may she never be touched
by earth's depravity
innocent and loving
she swims away
and she will return again
every single day
she'll frolic, she'll play
until the sun leads her away
beautiful princess
who lives for the day
Q Apr 2013
Crimson and thick
Down my fingertips
With a coppery smell
Drip, drip

Oops, oops
I cut to deep
Oops, Oops
I bleed

Mommy, go away
I don't need your help; not today
I know I hurt myself
Go away, go away

Oops, Oops
I'm fading, can't see
Oops, Oops
I bleed
Q Apr 2013
I can't sleep on my back
As you've whipped it raw
And before you left
You told me
If I told your wife
If I told my mother
You'd **** me

Mommy, Mommy
I'd like to die
I can't sleep on my back
All I ever do is cry

Because everything hurts
When Father hits me hard
And when you leave for work
Help is much too far

So I take the beatings
And wait for the end
I treat others how I'm treated;
I wait with knife in hand

He enters with a hammer
You're asleep in your room
The knife is in my waistband
Someone will die soon

I run to your room
And I wake you, yelling
And you hold him back
For the first time since this began

And we leave two days later
Never to see him again.
This is dedicated to my dirtbag of a father
Q Apr 2013
"I love you" She says
And I love her
And I am terrified
So I escape
And in the distance
I hear her cry:
"I love you."
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