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Feb 16 · 34
Just Pretend, Again
Pyrrha Feb 16
You called on Valentine’s Day,
out for dinner with friends.
Their confused laughter in the background,
a soft ambiant noise of the world around you.

You said, Let’s pretend, just for fun,
that you’re here, sitting right across from me.
So I smiled, and I closed my eyes,
letting your words paint the moment.

I imagined the clink of glasses,
the soft rustling of menus,
I let myself be transported there,
as if this was a reality we could share.

And for a while, I let myself believe
that this was what it could feel like,
if we ever crossed the line between pretend and real,
between the almost and the never.

But as always, the laughter faded and the call ended,
I was left with the ache of what could never be.
Just another moment of ours,
in a world of make-believe.

And so, I sat in the silence
after we hung up, I felt trapped there
still only in the realm of "what if"
where love always lives just out of reach.
Feb 16 · 34
Just Pretend
Pyrrha Feb 16
You called the night before Valentine's,
a normal call, out of nowhere—like always.
Said, Let’s pretend, just for fun,
that we’re each other’s valentines.

And I played along, like I always do.
Like I haven’t spent years loving you
in the spaces between our calls,
in the silences after we say goodnight.

You told me to pretend you'd sent dark chocolates,
the only kind I'd like, you made sure to ask.
Along with of course, a bouquet of roses—
but curiously you said you’d kept one stem for yourself.

So I’d know that when yours wilted,
it was time to send more, you said.
And for a moment, I let myself believe
that love could be that simple, that beautiful.

But of course, it was only for fun, right?
Just the quiet truth settling in my chest—
that no matter how much love lingers unspoken,
we will always be something imagined,
always a story that never steps past pretend.
Pyrrha Dec 2024
The anger festers, bubbles and boils within
The steam rises off my skin
And I feel explosive
Why is it
Men always get the last word?
They pressure,
They guilt,
They can be so persuasive—
But the moment you show any sign
Of rage
You are suddenly the problematic answer
To all the questions never asked
Dec 2024 · 67
Safe Haven
Pyrrha Dec 2024
Old sanctuaries made of roses
Bright red, in full bloom
With petals unwavering and bright
All eventually sprout thorns
Growing briars so thick,
So sharp and strong–
That your hands can no longer
Push through to peace
And eventually old safe havens
Become just that
Something settled in dust
Letting rust and shade
Cover all the shimmer and shine
And you are cast from sanctuary

No longer fit to grow among roses
Oct 2024 · 97
Pyrrha Oct 2024
Wine tastes like I miss you
And whiskey tastes like I need you
The bottom of these bottles make me ache
Maybe if I drink my fill
The thought of you no longer will

Even if I drown it all away
You'll still haunt me all the same
No matter how deep I drown,
In the haze you're always around
A silhouette in the silence
A ghost that's louder than the quiet

Maybe time will heal what's broken
If not through words then through the unspoken
We'll turn the ashes into flame
And maybe we'll find love through the shame
Inspired by listening to ***** by Slipknot on repeat. This is an excerpt from a song I wrote.
Oct 2024 · 74
Morning Dew and Tears
Pyrrha Oct 2024
we could have been beautiful
like a sunrise shining
in the dew of a
morning flower in bloom
but something inside of me
was withered and ungrowing
sunflowers are said to bloom
and move towards sunlight
but I think I must be
something more macabre
i'm the tears on a
mourning rose on a coffin
after all, flowers don't grow
once they've been severed

and you deserve sunflowers
Oct 2024 · 79
Graveyard of Memories
Pyrrha Oct 2024
Memories bury themselves in my heart
A graveyard of all my sorrows and mistakes
I leave flowers on all the tombstones
If you read the names, you can relive the rush
Catching glimpses of shadows from the past

The flowers always wither, crumble and rot
But I believe there's magic in the remains
If you hold the petals they bring you back
You grasp the thorns and they take you away
Either way, there's beauty in both their pain
Oct 2024 · 69
12:19 am
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I wonder if you see my sorrow
And sunbathe in it
Do you feel more radiant
In the glow of my woe?

I bet it looks pretty on you,
The karma I bleed
Oct 2024 · 68
Pens prison
Pyrrha Oct 2024
Writing has always been my favorite hobby
I feel so much more through ink and paper
Than I do in my skin and soul
Oct 2024 · 413
2:12 am
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I was a natural disaster
A hurricane
Volcanic eruption
A tornado
And you were pulled in

You should yell at me
Call me names
Tell me all the reasons you hate me
And I'll still love you anyway

It's karma,
I want forgiveness
And I don't deserve it
Oct 2024 · 55
1:57 am
Pyrrha Oct 2024
You make me want to be a better person
I guess that's what love really is
How selfish of me to want that now
Oct 2024 · 67
Pyrrha Oct 2024
That's not who I am anymore
That quiet day girl doesn't exist
I forgot she ever did at all
But she changes everything

I was more than blind
More than a little unkind
I was an eclipse that shattered the sunshine
And while that version of me is gone
All her scars still remain

Run from me and never look back
And I pray no one else ever hurts you like that

My sorry's aren't enough, not to me
I wanted to fill the broken cracks with gold
But I was the one who put them there
Quiet day girl may be gone
But I'll never forget that she was there

Quiet day girl should have changed sooner
She should have changed for you
Oct 2024 · 55
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I keep playing my guitar
I feel you in the strings
Playing songs that remind me of you
You're in every strum
Every line
Oct 2024 · 53
Pyrrha Oct 2024
Do you know I don't want to drink to forget you?
I want to drink to drown in you
Oct 2024 · 44
Can't look away
Pyrrha Oct 2024
Coming back to you is the cruelest thing I can do.
Maybe I'm not hoping you'll let me—
I'm begging you to stop me.
It's a car crash, and I'm the one driving.
Oct 2024 · 62
Pyrrha Oct 2024
The world is falling apart,
but I would gladly live through an apocalypse
if it was side by side with you

I'd watch the last sunset
journey of the moon
and twinkle of the stars

If I knew you were watching too
Oct 2024 · 55
Blowing away cobwebs
Pyrrha Oct 2024
The memories feel like walking into spiderwebs
I try to shake them off but I still feel them linger
Beautiful and intricate but broken by my touch
No one thinks about the spiders that get displaced
When we waltz into their invisible silky homes
They'll never weave a web identical to what was lost
I wonder if they sit in their new webs sometimes
Dwelling on the ones they've lost
The same way I'm stuck in the memories
Like I'm caught in the ruins of their losses
And I wish I could feel like the fire in your hearth
But I know I'm the wind that blows it out

Just like the broom that clears the cobwebs
Definition of 'to blow away the cobwebs': If something blows or clears away the cobwebs, it makes you feel more mentally alert and lively when you had previously been feeling tired
Oct 2024 · 55
Im tired of canon events
Pyrrha Oct 2024
The vicious cycle of losing my job
Then when I finally get one
Blistering my feet from standing
Just to pay rent

Of fighting with my cousin
To make him fight for himself
Of worrying about my sister
Knowing I'll never stop

And when things finally get better
I find myself jailed
In my minds self made dungeons
As if being content is just too much
Oct 2024 · 56
1:55 am
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I was never frustrated with you
It was me
It was the pressure
All the eyes on us
All the hopes and expectations
And as I let those feelings suffocate me
Somewhere along the way I guess
I decided to drown you too
Oct 2024 · 37
1:43 am
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I used to believe in second chances
In lightning hitting the same spot twice
But then I became the one needing it
And I can't imagine someone as clumsy as me
Holding onto something fragile that I already broke once
Oct 2024 · 58
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I could turn you into poetry
But the feelings I have for you
Barely fit into prose
Oct 2024 · 45
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I can't stop wondering and worrying.

Are you over me? Of course— but do you hate me? Probably not, you're too sweet. But I'm sure you found rage in your healing, and gods, you deserved to feel it.

Are you seeing someone new? I hope not—but if you are I hope they are treating you better.

I hope they laugh at all your jokes. I hope they always let go last when you hug. Always answer your calls at the first ring. Put you first. Save you as their lock screen. I hope they keep you warm at night and make you smile.

I hope they say I love you before it's too late.
Diary entries as poetry 🤪
Oct 2024 · 54
October 7, 2024 12:04am
Pyrrha Oct 2024
So many things remind me of you now. Pool tables have especially been reminiscent. I desperately long to be back in the moment when we were at Divine Lake walking through the woods. When we were sharing stories, laughing, bonding. That was when I should have fallen in love with you. Sitting by the edge of the water watching the sunset. That was when I should have kissed you. Would I waste these beautiful scenes with you now? Despite the stinging of the cuts on my ankles from the vines, that day will always be the sweetest. How you used to always wrap your arms around me and hug me, not wanting to let go. I understand it now. How warm and safe, the bitter bliss of immortal memories. There's this picture I have you at the Japanese Tea Garden that's my favorite. You're so beautiful and radiant in it. You make all the colors of the fauna more vibrant with that grin. All of those times you held your hand out for me to hold, I curse myself for refusing. For being too embarrassed to be so vulnerable. Now I don't even have the memory hold on to.
Oct 2024 · 52
Things unsaid
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I should have said it back
It haunts me
I should have filled a book with words for you
But I couldn't even say those three
Oct 2024 · 45
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I never could keep one
But now I can't stop writing
Hoping to write you out
With the rest of my thoughts
Oct 2024 · 192
The Muse
Pyrrha Oct 2024
He wrote me beautiful words
And my pen had stilled so long
Took me to all my favorite places
I was so swept off my feet and didn't see

What kind of poet is blind to their own poetry?

Finally I was the muse and not the poet
And I didn't even know it
Oct 2024 · 49
Invoking gods
Pyrrha Oct 2024
Palms opened up
Rose incense burning
I asked for a sign
And she gave me yearning
Now I crumble
Like the ashes burning
Oct 2024 · 43
Pyrrha Oct 2024
They say if you love something
To let it go
And if it was meant to be
It will come back
But if I didn't let go
Am I meant to come running back?
If I let go now to spare
That golden heart I already broke
Do I deserve it if you come back?
Oct 2024 · 60
Pet names
Pyrrha Oct 2024
I never used them
Love, Darling, Sweetheart
Perhaps because they mean too much
And I'm afraid to mean so much
Afraid to love someone that much

But wouldn't it be so nice?
Oct 2024 · 47
Pyrrha Oct 2024
All I want to do
Is drink you all away
These feelings that I prayed for
They came too ******* late
Now you're gone and all that I long for

Aphrodite, you're too cruel
Like a genie
You always give me what I wish for
With a cost too much to pay

Apathy and loss
Then loss and longing?
It's a sick game you love to play

And I play it everytime
Failing the same level over and over

Hoping one day I'll be the winner
Jul 2024 · 94
It's Misery
Pyrrha Jul 2024
I was in a drought of words
They wouldn't flow like magic
Like they always did for you
I thought I felt so **** much
Yet I couldn't write a thing

And here you are,
A flood of words
An avalanche of feeling
And once they start to sprinkle
I'm left in a downpour
Jul 2024 · 90
Pyrrha Jul 2024
I'm delusional, that must be it
Because I still think we are soulmates
When we were hardly even dreams
Pyrrha Jul 2024
I'm tired of walking these parallel lines with you
Wondering if they'll ever cross again
I'm tired of moving on
Just to be drawn right back in
How is it fair
That I am doomed to fall for you
In a perpetual loop
A cycle that never ends
Why are you some labyrinth I can't escape?
I'm tired of loving you and losing you
But never really having you to begin

But gods, it really is just your voice
One phone call and the cycle starts again
Jun 2024 · 134
Happy Trails
Pyrrha Jun 2024
I'd love to fully move on to someone new
But it always leads back to you
To what I wish we were
And what we never were
All the fear I felt for you
All the love you never returned
It seeps out around me
Like an aura
I can't untangle us from me
Jun 2024 · 491
Pyrrha Jun 2024
You're still like drugs to me
I think I'm sober
Then I hear your voice again
A hit and I'm hooked
A hit and I need another
And another and another
You're an addiction
That I can't get clean from
No matter how many times
I wash my hand of you
Something always lingers
May 2024 · 103
Pyrrha May 2024
I thought the butterflies in me
All shriveled up and died

But I feel caterpillars crawling inside

Butterfly season's approaching
And perhaps something in me awakens

Spread your wings and make me falter

Out of your chrysalis I beg
For butterflies to flutter again
May 2024 · 113
Vampire Kisses
Pyrrha May 2024
Vampire kisses around my neck
Better than any jewel, brighter than any fire
Shades of purple, red and blue
Fading to yellow, greens and ***** dreams
Vampire kisses I wear like a necklace
Fingers trace them and I feel your lips
Evidence that they were here and there
A shame to hide something I hold so dear
Vampire kisses from my favorite ****** bat
I wear his love bites like an accessory
Pyrrha Dec 2023
I am a woman– forced to say it like a curse
Because the moment we are discovered
Evil eyes of all sorts gaze upon us,
Questioning and curious.
        “Is her skin like porcelain?”
They refer to us as pithos, jars
Containers of the worst combinations
Of what Pandora released
Transporters of life and miasma
The toxic pollutant that comes
With giving and taking life.
        “Her virtue above all else– is she pure?”
We are *parthenos,
with our coveted virginity
But once we are women we are spoiled
Once a jar has been opened and shattered
It can never become pristine and new again
Only lay in wait to crumble and expire.
        “Her hair, is it soft like satin?”
They who clamber out from our wombs,
Refer to us as stains of shame and burden
They call us impure and unclean when we bleed
A pollutant when we birth new life
Yet they are praised when they forsake ours.
        “Do her eyes shine like gems?”
We are like treasure, like silk and gold
When we are not yet broken, we are something desired
They say we are like pearls and gems; silk and gold
But these comparisons are not compliments– they are currencies
The closest they can get to shelving us, marketed to be sold
        “Is she beautiful?”
Be lovely like Aphrodite with unparalleled beauty
Be chaste as Athena and Artemis, a monarch like Hestia and Hera
Be obedient or become like Pandora and bring us to ruin
We are told to be and not be pieces of so many others,
That we can’t remember how to simply be ourselves.
        “Become unbreakable.”

Part of a three part series.
Dec 2023 · 132
II. Aphrodite; the bloody
Pyrrha Dec 2023
When I was given life
I was born into this world all alone
There was no mother or father to greet my arrival
There were no smiles or cheers of joy
No warm welcomes into life

From my first breath of life I learned
That in this world my beauty is my worth
If I am not desirable, I am nothing
I am beautiful because I must be.

Before there was me the world was glimmerless
It hadn’t yet learned to shine
I knew someone had to teach it
To cherish,  adore and desire
To caress, feel and yearn
To love the beauty in between the little things

I always chased that feeling to hold as my own
And everybody has chastised me
I’m the harlot of your stories–
But all I’ve ever been is a lover of love
And I chose love and love again,
But love never chooses me back.

I used to wage wars over my body
They bathed themselves in blood to win me
But no one ever asked “Aphrodite, what is it you want?”
Instead they gave me away,
Like I was theirs to give.

I know love is violent
Perhaps I made that way
Because doesn’t blood look so pretty
When it is spilled for passion?
After all it was my blood
That painted all the roses red.
Part of a three part series.
Pyrrha Dec 2023
Curiosity became synonymous with me,
I held a secret of the Gods in my mortal hands,
But I am only human, how could I resist?
Just a peek, a small quick glance–
An irreparable mistake.

I was given a box that weighed less than a feather,
Said to contain inconceivable things
From the hands of Olympians to me on my first day on earth
I knew no better than any other mortal woman–
But they say I should have been wiser.

I was made with curiosity in my nature,
And humanity forever scorned me for it.
I gave us terrible things, it's a truth,
One I can never change nor repent enough for–
But I gave us one gift we could not live without,
I gave us hope.

In every moment where the tables turn
Where the gods do not smile down upon us
But smite us with their might–
We still have hope.

You may blame me for many things,
But never forget I was forged by the gods
And it was they who placed that box
Into my eager hands.
Part of a three part poem.
Dec 2023 · 120
Blood and bone
Pyrrha Dec 2023
Love makes a home in your heart
Carves dens out of your
Flesh, blood and bones
Welding each vessel into itself.

It's a tapestry woven into the soul
Not a garment easily shed or replaced
No mere band-aid, but a sacred mark
Etched upon the very essence of your being.

Love becomes a parasite
And when its had its fill
Love begins trying to tear its way out
From muscle and marrow.

Though when those who mean well say “let it go, move on”
Something so intimately branded on your soul
Will never simply just release its grip
It’s like drowning on land– an invisible, silent killer.

As love finally loosens the hands around your throat
Those phantom fingers, slithering off your skin
Relief is never the feeling that follows
Love leaves lingering devastation in its wake.

Tearing out its roots from where it nestled in your core
Releasing its toxic venom into your bloodstream
A final wound to make your heart bleed and choke
On an internal murky bath of blood and tears.

The extraction leaves you feeling hollow
With love clawing out caverns deep within you
You are left with the remnants of a once cherished host,
And an emptiness that can never be filled.
Pyrrha Dec 2023
After Edgar Allen Poe’s “Bridal Ballad”

In a distant meadow lies my mind,
     To get there, I cannot tell you how;
Twists and turns make it hard to find
But if you're lucky and the path is kind,
     Perhaps it will open for now.

Fields of dandelions are where I hide;
     When spring blooms, come make a vow,
For on the wind our dandelion wishes ride–
Tell them only to the withered ones who died,
Be honest, the only rule you must abide
And only the weeds will know if you lied,
     Do you see it now?

It does not matter if you mean well,
     I sometimes make mistakes in who I allow,
Are you poison or passion? I cannot always tell,
So you may come to stay but do not dwell–
Don’t be the one to turn a paradise into hell,
(And of my secret garden do not tell,)
     If you do, I can see it now–

Wildfires— the flames I cannot tame,
     Confusion, pain and anger that furrows my brow;
Putting pesticides to primroses is such a shame,
My daffodils lament, they cry for who’s to blame,
     Oh, I see it now!
Does such sorrow, such grief have a name?
     You must see it now!

When you turn my meadow into a burial mound;
     Where seedlings will not sprout— they can't remember how,
You turn it into a place where no dream is found
Where no wishes or vows can be bound,
And where loves whispers dare not sound
     And I can't see it now.
Dec 2023 · 115
A Creature After Dark
Pyrrha Dec 2023
I walk through this world blindfolded,
echolocating my way with just your heartbeat.
Each pulse guiding me through blurry lines,
making the world around me pellucid.

And though your heartbeat fades so soft–
I follow the breadcrumbs you leave me,
reminiscing in the times it was deafening, now
ultrasound, hardly there at all,
perhaps only a dream.

I may be vampire–
But what I crave is something sweeter than blood.
Only you would do, my favorite chalice,
such a decadent delight, sweet honey on my tongue,
the taste of your love I used to drink till I was drunk–

Now my thirst consumes me, such hunger becomes me,
with no true beginning and no true end.
I glide across the starlight, seeking you out
with my echoes in the dark.

On gilded wings I soar to you,
no matter how your fickle feelings wane.
The sound of your heart is still brighter than any flame–
It illuminates my way, and like a moth I follow.

But all fires burn out in their due time I suppose,
no matter how eternal their light seems.
And when too close to the sun,
all vampires return to dust–
no matter how immortal their dreams.
Dec 2023 · 120
The Weavers Hands
Pyrrha Dec 2023
If loving you and losing you was in the strings of fate,
Then I don't care what the Moirai say.

As they spin
As they weave
As they cut–

The planets are aligned,
Somewhere in my mind.

Nonetheless they’ve severed our strings,
Such an awful thing to do–
For what is a poet with no muse?

I often wonder if they have fingers like nymphs–
Or talons like gorgons.

Do Clotho’s delicate, slender fingers glide
Over our sorrows, our joys–
Or do her talons send those shivers down our spines?

Just one moment longer I beg,
Like Orpheus got for Euridyce– I don’t ask for much.

Does Lachesis weep when she hears me,
Like Cassandra for Troy
Knowing all, changing none?

Neither deities nor titans, they answer no prayers,
No love breaks laws the universe has laid.

Though, does Atropos ever hesitate
To cut those strings
To sever ties and choose who dies?

Who is it who chooses for them I ponder,
If perhaps the fates themselves can’t escape their fates.
The couplets are meant to be italicized, the site refused to italicize properly so I just went with the tercets instead
Nov 2023 · 118
Pyrrha Nov 2023
We just watch
While the world slowly burns
Wishing for rain to cease the fire

Whilst others wonder
Whose body lay where
Which tomorrow they won't see

We sit in our mundane
Worrying for trivial things
While the world slowly burns

We don't think about the worst
Wolves won't be blowing our houses down
Why should we care?

We aren't the ones who mourn
Who stand in rubble and waste
Where once stood our homes

We just watch
While the world slowly burns
Watching wolves prey upon the sheep
Oct 2023 · 120
Drift away
Pyrrha Oct 2023
They say as you grow older the friends and lovers you held close to your heart drift away. They never say how slow it is. A phone call every day becomes once a week. Soon just a text or two, then nothing in unnumbered days. Months pass by until you realize you've lost track.

We used to be written in the stars–
I swear it.

And I can't decide; were the fates miserable to give us so much time only to take it away– or merciful to let us feel it at all?
Sep 2023 · 111
Hellenic Magic
Pyrrha Sep 2023
I. Drawing spell

I fill my jar with
sugar and honey
sweet and sticky
not to trap, rather
a lure to draw

I grind my herbs
add my crystals
my charms, pink glitter
and all my hopes

I write those wishes
on a bay leaf
draw my sigil
and charge with intent
I place them in my jar
of all things sweet

sealed with red wax
so our love can come
and last

II. Love prayer

On my altar
Aphrodite sits
surrounded by offerings
along with
a bowl of water
clear and clean
that lays in wait

I add salt and rosemary
hold my bay leaf
and set it alight
asking Pythian Apollo
and Zeus Melikhios
to cleanse and bless
I drop the burning leaf
into the water
and wash my hands and face

Now purified and cleansed
I kneel
burn my incense
and sit
palms up to Olympus
I close my eyes
and send my prayers
to Aphrodite

III. Love, the waiting

Intentions sent
to the goddess

In her hands,

I lie in wait
love dangles

She gives
and she takes

So we may love,

or we may lose
but in all love

We will learn.
A three part poem done in a quick write for class
Sep 2023 · 238
Stars tell no lies
Pyrrha Sep 2023
If loving you and losing you
Was in the strings of fate

Then I don't care
What the moirai say
As they spin
As they weave
As they cut

The planets are aligned
Somewhere in my mind
Sep 2023 · 115
Cord Cutting
Pyrrha Sep 2023
I tried love again
I put my best smile on
I pushed you from my thoughts
I let you go,
As if it was my choice

I turned off my anxiety
Pretended I'd be fine
Put a blind fold around my heart
Like the eight of swords
I lied to myself,
Like it were the right thing to do

I put on my favorite skirt
My favorite necklace and shirt
Did my makeup how I liked it
I dressed up my doubts
Looked in the mirror
And I felt pretty,
But I didn't feel me

I couldn't breathe
My heart took off it's blindfold
And begged for a second thought
When I had none to spare
I'd already decided
To leave my love for you
In the past where it belongs,
As if it was my choice

I cut off the cord that went
From me to you
That lifeline I held onto
Like a security blanket
I severed it,
Like it were the right thing to do

I went on that date despite myself
Smiled politely, talked sweetly
We shared stories
He was nice and he was kind
He called me pretty,
But I didn't feel me

I said before that I wanted
To fall in love again just to prove I can
Instead I learned just how hard it is
To sever my ties to you,
As if it was my choice
Aug 2023 · 175
Odysseus; home to Ithaca
Pyrrha Aug 2023
A siren call beckoned me
Through waves of endless murky blues
And over crashes of distant storms
Sweet and deadly like belladonna in ambrosia

Milk and honey dripped from her lips
As she cried out to me for a reply
Soft like silk carved into marble stone,
Strong like magic from the aisle of Aeaea

I was tempted, nearly ensnared
By that beauty somewhere near
If I followed that voice out to sea
I knew she would be the last thing I'd see

How could I do that to my Penelope?

So the siren sang her enrapturing tune
And I tied myself to the body of the mast
I would not be lured to my doom
Elysium will have to wait, I'm coming home
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