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Eleven eleven.
The time I heard a raven.
As the flock flies away.
The paladin is to stay.
Milady in her slumber
Safe and sound in her quarter
I stand my ground
Until morning is found
Hastily comes the servant
He most certainly is arrogant.
My princess stays in place
Where I guard shield and mace.
Our ties and fates interlaced
I wait for milady's embrace
Ever felt like you wanted to protect some one?
You wouldn't be proud of what I've done,
you'd be proud of who I've *become.
a note to my father.
Walked I along this winter's morn
midst trees with bright red berries borne
where once men stood with mighty shields
on England's ****** battlefields.

And in uncivil - Civil War
friends killed friends who'd lived next door
but lines were drawn and power revealed
where once such things had been concealed.

How many men and women died
for pious thoughts and English pride
whose wasted lives now lie beneath
that trampled o'er when we cross heath.

The bodies fall, the numbers rise
more victims of political lies
and yet some people still would fight
convinced that they are in the right.

‘twas ever thus and shall remain
the populace feel power's disdain
yet even now we fight their wars
with they as pimps and we their ******.

©Joe Wilson - The numbers rise...2015
 Jan 2015 Pushing Daisies
Compulsive thoughts and
Overwhelming emotions
Displace me in time
if I am to love you,
I will love without expectation
of return
or reciprocation-
neither acknowledgement
nor honey sweet affection.
I will love despite
brutal response
or dismal absence,
regardless of wounds and abscess,
and with no regret.
I will love every part
radiant and rotten alike,
leaving no portion of you out in the cold of night.

if I am to love you,
I will love with conscious intent,
not based in fleeting emotion,
but grounded
in purposeful action
and ever-evolving
spiritual awareness
of the pure metaphysical essence
of you-
and I-
as One.
I will remember that love is a garden,
and not an avalanche.
I will love in understanding
and trust that
there is nothing that separates us,
transcendent soul
immanent in each bone.

if I am to love you,
I will love in tranquil tracing,
in tender waves -
ascending and
candid caressing
peacefully pulsing pace of peeling
back layers
of my self-skin
to return to
the egoless origin.

if I am to love you,
I will love in humble gestures,
sacrificing all before me
not for moral glory,
but to recognize
shared sacredness.
surrendering desire and attachment,
equalizing all extensions
of the
you-me matrix.
I will love stepping over
and dancing into harmony in singularity,
entire generosity
sharing all the puzzle pieces of me.

if I am to love you,
I will love wild
and free.
letting the universe
wash my eyes in new clarity.
opening further
each golden morning
to share the light it has gifted me.
I wrote this after reading an amazing passage on charity, or pure spiritual love, from The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley. I am finding that I have so much to learn about interpersonal love through the concept of divine love: what it is, how to live in it, share it, embody it, and accept it.
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