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I'm standing holding
Hands with you
And this love is
So pure and true
And in this moment
I declare my love for you.
True Love 💞💞
My sister made
A little rainbow out of clay,
It sits on my desk;
I look at it every day
Though its colours did fade.
It reminds
It’s just a matter of time
Before I’ll be able to see
The dust, the grey on everyone’s
Face, as if they’ve misplaced
Their joy and fun.
Still, I’ll wish that my
Rainbow will look Age in the eye,
And just have a good laugh.
My colours will stand
Through every wash, by machine or hand.
Won’t be whitening my hair.
Unfortunately, we're all getting older...
 Sep 6 PuellaGratiae
People say:
God's evil, or that He doesn't care,
but im contrary to them,
for everytime I pray, or when I cry, or when I call out to him,

He is there.
In the room.
Offering comfort in my soul and assuring me that everything's
going to be alright

He's the voice in the wilderness that says
'come this way to be sheltered from the storm'
I go gladly and I shelter myself
from my worries
Carefully removing posters from the wall
But the tape always catches
And rips at the edges,
Never careful enough
And like the tape
I never escape
Without a piece of them
Always with me
You build me with
turquoise and
the mountains of Taos.
Cerulean blue
serenity in my soul.
My heart chases
after you.
Even your chisel
helped me
grow through
the pain.
are the
grand artist,
The Supreme
Here's a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry from Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems, available on
They say
Endure the Darkness
To shine under the Light
But what if I
Shine in the Dark?
#light #darkness #shine
The clouds rise above heaven
And rain joy on dry lands
The trees bend to every breeze
that flows like water
Mountains have been wiped clean
Of all dust and now their beauty has clarity
The green of forests, even from afar shines
brighter now
As the monsoon has cleansed all earth.
The sky has been stolen from its sparkling blue
The brush strokes of grey are present on God's canvas.
The hills have been adorned with crowns in the form of clouds.
The rivers and streams have come to life,
Their youthful energy bubbling with laughter.
And across many lands, there lies an ocean, crucified beneath all thunder.
My dear Earth has now been rejuvenated.
I love nature. I hope nature loves me. After every rain, I breathe in clarity.
 Sep 3 PuellaGratiae
Dear beautiful evergreen
rooted down in the field
strongly upholding itself
like it has an impenetrable shield

The one that has experienced blazing summers
and freezing winters
not only seen warfare
but watched it from the center
winds blew it west and east
but it never went left or right
had blood on its leaves
but never got into a fight

Dear beautiful evergreen
That stands there all yearlong
keep your roots rooted
and continue to be strong
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