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  Aug 2018 Puds
Pradip Chattopadhyay
Grinning wide by the riverside
two bubbly girls click shots
between them whisper confide
share the secret thoughts!

The giggly cutes they walk like dance
caught in a sunlit pause
not mind the boys stealing glance
seems not worth a cause!

Their cells follow where they go
the lens beamed right on face
one more please and then one more
frames add up happiness!

I was watching the sun go down
pretty much in a fix
light was getting dullish brown
would turn darkish by six!

The urge was great surged the will
it grabbed the whole of mind
to have a photo me standing still
with the river flowing behind!

The butterfly girls in the sun's last kiss
they readily said o yes
each of them took a shot apiece
my joy you can easily guess!
The Strand, Raipur, July 18 2018 5.45pm
  Aug 2018 Puds
When you ask him
Whether he will love you forever
If he said
'I love you, always'
Or after a while of thinking 

A true love
Would search deep inside his soul for the truth, and say those
Lasting words

But if not
He will casually sing
Those words of emptiness
With no thought

Unless he is a man so true
He has thought of it through and through
And raked through his soul for eternity
And has already had the answer
Flaming through his heart
When you asked him.
Just those occasional passing thoughts....
It's one of those poems you write yet you love it so much because it's beautiful. I'm not being conceited, just a little mesmerized and comforted by the poem. I feel like I can see the difference. And that there is a difference.
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