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  Aug 2018 Puds
Mike Adam
How wonderful
When this language

Comes together,
Falls apart.

Happy coincidence
Of breaking walls

Of stone dissolving
With breath
  Aug 2018 Puds
AW Gray
Crimson tears crash
from the eyes of the Gods,
faithfully flowing through
the cobble-****** path,
I walk

in the direction of the fire.
The heavens burning,
and providing light,
dimming down this dwindling road.

shrieks of terror, shouts of faith
as the herd of sheep
fruitlessly phone.
Desperate for their burning bush
to reveal

Itself. Yet I Grin,
lips spread thin
cheek to cheek,
ear to ear,
such absurdity leads
to either laughter or fear.
  Aug 2018 Puds
Dawn Bunker
Let the music free your spirit
  when you hear it
   it takes control
    within your soul.

Let the music live inside you
  let it guide you.
   Each day a song
    you take along.

Let the music always lead you
   let it need you.
    Given a chance
     life is a dance.
my try at a minute poem. The traditional minute follows a 8444 syllable count.. 12 lines total and 60 syllables. ugh. strict iambic meter.. rhyme scheme is aabb, ccdd, eeff.
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