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 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Allan Mzyece
Yes I agree,
But if you're too focused on playing the starring role-
people will take advantage of you,
You have to be both the Director and the main character.
between the hat and boots
an old man stands
withered and totaled
with every breath taken
another months rent paid
and every time I blink
another decade passes by

but with each passing year
another candle stands
as the cake burns brighter
in the age of my doing
than the year before

while others await the
next coming attraction

while others rage
and never move on

while others drink
poison and wait

while others hold onto
an extreme admiration
for the total of their deeds

while others are out
walking and mingling
down the streets
and celebrating
their stupid existence

my piano tongue will
cope with the bottle
and write poetry
like taking a ****
it exits my body
and the weight
had being lifted,
but one is excrement
and the other is soul,
essentially the same thing
pending who you are
or who you were

and my two best friends,
loneliness and emptiness
will put on party hats
make some noise and
sing songs for me
under drooping streamers
where the living remain
physically present and
absent minded
once again.
It’s my birthday today
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Emeka Mokeme
That's just the way it is.
The way of the heart
is really baffling.
It keeps changing, turning,
swivelling, grappling,
peeping, checking,
evading, listening to what
you are not saying,
scheming and can't
keep quiet for a second.
Beautiful things happens
in the heart of a beautiful
soul that makes life brighter,
better and more beautiful.
Some committed crimes
of passion and become
prisoners of love,
how can we get to the
other side of the soul
where the heart cries
out to be loved.
Isolation and loneliness
invades the heart of the one
who never care to risk relating.
We are the extension of each other.
We can't get enough of ourselves,
we are smart, sharp and
intelligent and beautiful inside.
Love is the best for the moment.
A soul that never loved is lost
and it is definitely the one that
lives in hell.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Edmund black
They’ve said
If you write down
your problems
they might disappear ,
Wishful thinking
I tell you.
She writes
no one noticed
She screams
no one heard
She’s drowning
in herself
no one notice
her struggles
she feels like
she doesn’t belong
not a thing going her way
not a **** thing
She’s too full of life
too half live
She’s too full of love
to be half loved
Her heart fighting a raw pain
no one understand
no one even care to notice...
She’s an entire earthquake
confined in her own prison
of her skins
bones as bars
pretty flesh planted feet
waiting for someone to notice
the soil beneath her feet
is breaking...
Pretty face
so perfect in every way
yet no one notice
the sky above her head
is falling
no exit doors
nowhere to run
she can no longer hide
her pieces are falling
into darkness
though the lights are bright
within the dark roads
of a beautiful soul

Can you See her now ?
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Allan Mzyece
If you want to enhance your ability to write amazing poetry,
there is only one way to do that
and that is to:
Read whatever poetry you can find...
even if it's of less interest to you,
It will help you grow in a poetic way.
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Allan Mzyece
Infects the world with positivity!
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Dawn Bunker
Hiding away
a bear waiting for springtime.
A frightened songbird
not brave enough to sing the words.

Pushing it aside
a broom sweeping feelings
under a woven rug of emotion.

Crying inside,
smiling on the outside.
I fool everybody, even myself.
I'm strong as a bear,
but I'm really a frightened little songbird.
I want to sing!
Loud, sweet, and clear!
So much to say.
I've so much to say.

I'm a poet on the inside.
Everything I see makes me curious.
The look on a strangers face
makes me wonder what kind of day they're having.
Something always stirs inside me.
I feel this urgency,
this hungry need to feed
anyone willing to listen.

But I'm hiding away.
words won't come.
Then the bear in me awakens,
I have to conquer.
Spread your wings, little songbird.
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Dawn Bunker
That grimy young man who stands on the street
holding his old cardboard sign
it can't be that bad, he's still on his feet,
I'll betcha he could work just fine.

That worn looking woman who pushes the cart
my God, what a pity to see.
Look long enough and it might break your heart.
That could never, ever, be me.

That sad looking man who begs by the store,
he always makes me feel funny.
I'll give him a little, I refuse to give more,
I work too **** hard for my money.

That shabby young girl who waits for the bus,
not once has she had the whole fare.
She begs, and she's loud, and she makes such a fuss
that I have to pretend I'm not there.

We've all seen the woman, the man and the girl,
and we know there are so many others.
These are the people who share our same world,
these are our sisters and brothers.

Please don't look away, look straight on.
Can't we see that nothing is changing?
With each coming day, each new dawn,
let our hearts do some new rearranging.

Do one little thing, no matter how small,
it's only some time that you're taking.
But we've got to stop doing nothing at all,
there will be no change in the making.
 Sep 2018 Phi Kenzie
Emeka Mokeme
By faith all bowed down
to worship as they believe.
Fate drawing them along
their different paths
in pursuit of the divine.
Each in different form
praying to that same God
as they deem fit.
Some faced the wall
maybe to shut out the light
in their darkness.
Others faced the ground,
maybe they are looking for
the light in their darkness.
Some others faced up,
maybe they are drawn to
the light in their darkness.
Each according to the
knowledge of the truth revealed
with that which they know,
bow to the God they believe.
Others close their eyes,
as if blind to check if there's
any light within their darkness.
Still some others shout out,
to invoked some imagined entity
from the oblivion of their dark
emptiness to find the unseen
and unknown God.  
Others still now bow to the carved
wood they made for themselves,
with other sculptures of silver and
gold and some other things they
imagined in their ignorant mind
and in waste they worship them.
Many bow and worship frivolous
man-made mundane things with
monetary values.
In truth the greater light is within
the depths of the castle of our spirit
hidden away from the prowling eyes
of mankind.
We all seemed lost in our search of
the true God of our hearts that's within
reach infused in us and pulsating with
love and power,
calling all with a subtle voice to yield.
His love is shed in our hearts where
he dwells and lives in Majesty.
©2018,Emeka Mokeme. All Rights Reserved.
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