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 Jan 2022 Papaya
Felix Hackberry
A martyr, dead by his flesh,
with pink-red jawline,
and rotten lips,
has peculiar pull for me tonight,
so I make my way closer,
as he sizzles that snake like tongue,
and with my soft mouth, I make love to his,
bite away part to reveal few teeth,
just enough to pull them out,
underneath, I find the letter long searched,
but oh,
disappointed at reveal, as letter states:
what you search cannot be found, my friend
 Jan 2022 Papaya
 Jan 2022 Papaya
Fire, the burnt rubber smell and the reek of gasoline.
Suddenly I’m back in the burning car.
This time the seatbelt is stuck,
No matter what I do I can’t get out.
I can feel my face burning hot as the flames get closer and closer.
Unbearable and immense pain.
The agony and uselessness.
And there she is, Della.
Standing outside that burning car,
Laughing smiling.
“Gotcha this time.”
Then I wake up,
My whole body feels hot and my face is drenched in sweat.
Like the dream was in fact real…
The nightmares differentiate
First it’s the burning car I was in just a week before thanksgiving.
Second it’s running into her house trashed and her cutting herself with the glass from the mirror.
Third it’s a wedding with her,
As she laughs in my face and runs off with someone else.
Fourth it’s the empty dark room as she’s there,
Saying repeatedly every hurtful thing she could.
The only way I can make her stop is by saying I love you,
Then she becomes this happy person.
And brings her family and friends in,
Lies straight to their faces and pretends it’s a healthy relationship or hides it.
Either way these nightmares are getting worse.
They don’t sound as bad as I’m writing on here,
Yet in reality I am tormented…
Domestic Abuse
Emotional Abuse
**** talk about emotional damage
 Jan 2022 Papaya
 Jan 2022 Papaya
We got back together
and as we kissed
all i could taste on your lips
was regret
 Jan 2022 Papaya
 Jan 2022 Papaya
I idolise it here
And despise it here,

We rekindled our love,
Under the stars,
Looking at the moon
Yet part of me died in here.
 Jan 2022 Papaya
 Jan 2022 Papaya
Being short of
A healthy breath
Is the footfall of
Impending death
 Jan 2022 Papaya
the dirty poet
on a warm winter day
i was taping poems to a pole
outside a coffee shop at the edge of the city
as i got back on my bike
the barista sauntered out of the coffeeshop
with a cup and saucer
a panorama of undiluted allure
a storm of blonde hair
eyes from venus
smile like desert rain
she was, obviously, the muse
"hello darling" she said
and strolled to the pole to read my latest
 Jan 2022 Papaya
 Jan 2022 Papaya
embers slowly burn
pulling me ever deeper
in seductive flames
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