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Your sun is laughing in my heart...
...خورشید تو در قلب من می خندد
Your eyes laughing with me...
...چشم هایت با من می خندند
A light on your lips, maybe
شاید نوری روی لب هایت باشد
I don't know...
...نمی دانم
The sky doesn't smell of you
آسمان بوی تو را نمی دهد
Wanting my young and happy ******* with you
من سینه های جوان و خوشحالم را با تو می خواستم
The frenzy of my eyes, will make you fall in love?!
آیا شور چشم های من, تو را عاشق خواهند کرد!؟
The innocence of your eyes, will take me to my childhood?!
آیا معصومیت چشم های تو, مرا به کودکی هایم خواهند برد!؟
The only place that I can be a bird
تنها جایی که می توانم پرنده باشم
Learning the flying freely!
! آزاد پرواز کردن را یاد بگیرم
I've brought your hands
من دست های تو را آورده بودم
Your eyes laughing with me
چشم هایت با من می خندند
Feeling the greenness of the trees
درخت های سبز را احساس می کنم
leaves, laughing
برگ ها می خندند
and the wind,
،و باد
whispering woefullest season in my heart
غمگین ترین فصل را در قلب من نجوا می کند
The sun, should be yellow?!
خورشید، باید زرد باشد!؟
The white clouds, should be far away?!
ابرهای سفید، باید دور باشند!؟
The air is young for me...
...هوا برایم تازه است
Your hands have two jasmine flowers
دست هایت دو گل یاس دارد
and I will taste them till the end of my life
و من تا آخرعمرآن ها را خواهم چشید
Loving your eyes ''The God of jasmine flower''
'' چشم هایت را دوست دارم ''خدای گل یاسمن
I love your voice and your guitar, the God of jasmine flower...
...من صدای تو و گیتار تو را دوست دارم خدای گل یاسمن من
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
Jim Davis
I spend a good
part of each day
Writing poetry you see
At times in words
Wishing vision to see
Perhaps I've found
A real life calling
Or just a little thing to
Play with all day

©  2017 Jim Davis
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
Pardon the way
that I stare!
reading your ink
leaves me weak
leading me strong
and bare
wanting to read yours dear
can't take my finger
off this cell mirror
keyboard cyberg

My words expressing
my hells
my paradise lands
all gone
madness is not an option to claim

courage and patience
are winning clues
others a must!
Going mis-understood isn't with the great sages reading this;

it's with cold
and timid souls,
knowng neither triumph nor defeat.

Poets across the globe
write much this way
and thrive
Our honorable metaphors
living in interesting times
poetic writers
all tuned in
diverse minds global united we are!

One single thought
our minds become
One single beat
our hearts sing
a tune

Here at Hello poetry
honorable metaphors
with likes and loves
heart throbbing poems
linking us all
at once
from Hello Poetry
across the globe
so that we may
linger on
By: Karijinbba
revised 01/2020.
Revised 07-20/20.
Thanks for reading even if you don't comment like or love. Stay blessed please pray for one another no harm in praying is there!?
Giving in to their pretences
Follow every word they say
Blame the heart
Knows the only way

The heart
Believes and trusts, so rust it must
Lies they give and shelf the truth
That’s their truth, and rust it must
Hazy muddy puddles
Glorious smiles brown and clear
Children frolic’n roll
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