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 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
The ***** and the Lady
walked into town
She from the north
He from the south
She passed the boutiques
He passed the bars
She seemed like Venus
He was more like Mars

By chance they met in the park
On a warm winter day
She was feeling lonely
He with so much to say
They sat side by side
Beneath a worn out tree
She spoke of a broken heart
He talked of his life at sea

He learned of her way of life
How she’d been told to smile a fake smile
To marry a man for money
to keep her family within their style
She learned he wasn’t a ***, that he’d fought wars and saved many lives
How he couldn’t face the day light
So usually appeared at night

She asked how it was that today
He decided to strole in the park
He said he’d dreamt of a woman
Alone with a broken heart
The dream had told him to go
to the place that he felt most at ease
He knew just where the dream meant,
walking within the trees

They talked and found that their loneliness
Was different but also the same
She was surrounded by people
He was surrounded by pain
They decided that day to change this
And make up for all the lost years
They’d been given a second chance of love
To smile true and dry up their tears.

The ***** and the lady got married
And rented a flat by the park
No longer did they suffer from loneliness
They had each other
And warm happy hearts
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
thank you
for seeing the shining stars within my soul
when all i can see is
and darkness,
thank you
Under a shady Banyan tree,
i am a unicorn, my lone horn is shining,
front hooves raised, set to gallop, to help
dreams and desires to materialize...
on another day, i'm a silver-haired erudite,
amidst scrolls and volumes of  tomes,
pondering on THAT, which ruffles my waters,
and defies what i've known, what i believe in;
i'm challenged, i pursue the topic.....i write,
and when pleasance rules.....verses swell...
however, when my mind is drought-driven,
and my days fail me, i become a banshee,
wailing my inadequacy,
warning myself...of worst days coming...
there's nary a line, or a verse to celebrate
when exists, this poverty, in poetry......
i see a poet sailing on either one of two rivers
one always moves on...wind tiptoes on its
surface, its ripples are soldiers marching on...
the other river is snagged...flows off and on;
but, water always finds, creates new paths,
eventually, it times, it overflows...
the urge to write is water to the poet,
touching his/her toes...always reminding,
there's plenty to write, out here...
you suddenly hear rain hitting roof like nails
or, the neighbor's car revving up, the smoke
and noise ruin your morning irks you,
giving way to an angry 10-word....or haiku...

in poetry...bad and good days occur, whether
near, far, or under a shady Banyan tree....


Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
July 4, 2019
( "Under a shady Banyan tree" is a cozy, comfortable place,
   where i write, or just reflect..where inspirations are birthed.)
 Jul 2019 Pagan Paul
Golden trees with sun-kissed leaves
Wings of midnight cotton
Floating high in cedar hills
Are dreams inside a coffin

****** rose with sappy petals
Warrior wings with fewer scales
Coasting into deeper woodland
Are the graves of the lost and frail

My pen wrote of loss
And with an evasive tongue, it spoke
My quivering lips succumbed to terror
And so on the truth, I choked

Azure sea reflected me
Singing wading tunes
As I dipped the toe of fear
My fear hid in the dunes

Golden rays throw blinding flames
As the setting sun burst color
Broken shells still pierce my heart
As it yearns to rid this dolor

My pen wrote of drowning
And with an evasive tongue, it spoke
My quivering lips succumbed to terror
And so on the truth, I choked

My pen then wrote the face of cowardice
And with a change of tongue, I spoke
My lips would brave the words of reason
And the birds would fly in happy notes.

In your deep brown eyes
When I saw crystal clear
Cosmos skies and oceans
I found myself within
Your soulful creations

I swayed happily like a flower
As YOU rained over me
Lashing whips on my fragile heart
I poured our blood from my heart
Gushing into your heart streets

Till date, your voice
Plays music within my heart-beats
Like the eagerly awaited first sounds
Of a newly born baby

Like how the first rain soaks
The hot and dry desert sand
YOU effortlessly soaked & entered
My parched heart's land

Did you know that
Your feminine X chromosome
Has made a partnership with
My masculine X chromosome?
Let me tell you this
That is what has made us
Passionately insane in LOVE

Then how come, we are so far?
Then how come, silence is our cry?
Why do we still crave and struggle
To cover this distance between our hearts?

When two feet of yours
And two feet of mine
Will walk the distance of SOUL
The four alphabets  
L and O and V and E
Will ultimately be "L-O-V-E"

When you're not around
Nature creates your
Presence around me

Your breathing speaks
And my silences listens
That's the essence of our LOVE

Our ETERNAL yearning is a wonder
With every passing moment, we ponder

YOU've given me so much LOVE that
YOU are the final LOVE of my life
So let me LOVE you like my first LOVE
And fill myself with YOUR last LOVE

With all these gone
"I, me, my, mine, myself"
All I have been is become YOURS
I am YOURS and
Will always remain YOURS

From a seed YOU sow of a star
In the gardens of my dark sky
See I sprouted a full-MOON
Out of your single LOVE-glance

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