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Onyx 15h
Parfois, j'ai tellement peur.
J'essaie de me cacher dans ma chambre.
Recroquevillée sur moi-même, les yeux fermés.
J'essaie de me cacher de mes peurs et de ma douleur.
Le monstre ne se cache pas dans mon placard.
Il n'est pas sous mon lit.
Il est à l'intérieur de mon cerveau, caché au plus profond.
Il est le fruit de mon imagination.
Il me laisse terrifié.
La cause de tous mes cauchemars.
Un monstre qui semble bien réel.
Je perds peu à peu le fil de ma réalité.
J'ai du mal à réfléchir.
Je vais me débarrasser de mes peurs.
Avec l'eau de l'évier.

(Sometimes I get so scared.
I try to hide in my room.
Curled up, eyes closed.
I try to hide from my fears and my pain.
The monster isn't hiding in my closet.
It's not under my bed.
It's inside my brain, hidden deep inside.
He's a figment of my imagination.
It leaves me terrified.
The cause of all my nightmares.
A monster that seems very real.
I'm gradually losing touch with reality.
It's hard to think.
I'm going to get rid of my fears.
With water from the sink.)
hello poetry meet my fav languages today lol
  15h Onyx
And then I realized

I'm not someone you remember in the good times
I become no one when you have everyone

suddenly, when things go south

I'm the one you seek
Your everything for a brief moment

It all disappears as soon as it arrived

The attention and care
Although meaningless to you
Is appreciated by me

I'm being used, I'm aware
Don't worry, I'm leaving
  15h Onyx
Bekah Halle
Lean in, more deeply,
When your instinct is to pull back (retreat/run)
Suspend your doubt,
When survival kicks in.
This path is known (well-trodden), and
It always ends with (in) love.
Onyx 15h
Mi voz es tranquila.
Mis sueños son grandes.
Me encanta leer.
Nací para escribir.
Hago lo que quiero. Pierdo cualquier pelea física.
Podría dominarte psicológicamente.
Sólo mírame a los ojos.
Soy un demonio en tu armario.
Adivina mi nombre y vive si tienes razón.

(My voice is calm.
My dreams are big.
I love reading.
I was born to write.
I do what I want.
I lose any physical fight.
I could overpower you psychologically.
Just look me in the eyes.
I'm a demon in your closet.
Guess my name and live if you are right.)
was in the mood for spanish but dont expect perfection
  15h Onyx
If you had to eat a cat,
What type would it be?
Would it wear a hat?
And why?


“a dead kitty,
is better than no kitty
at all”
yes or no?
NOTES - Please explain in the space(s) provided below if you really feel it’s absolutely necessary?

PETA, vegetables and "Save the whales" are on their way...
  15h Onyx
Jeremy Betts
Just slide the blade already
You're already killing me
Is it that you enjoy visual agony,
Carving up your trophy,
Watching the tragedy?
Maybe the key word in your kink is "slowly"
Like you don't want to catch up with destiny
But can't pull yourself away from the debauchery

  15h Onyx
I don't know where you go
I'm not allowed to ask
So I go to the dark corners of my mind
The same place that you were last
A place that you once ran from
Is where you're running to
as I fill in the time
like a martinet
always waiting for you
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