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The stage has always been my home.
The great curtains acting as a dome.
Memorizing lines, my get away.
Until you came and thought you would stay.
It was alright for a while,
You were everything except vile.
Soon you became by hope.
Turning my world into your  kaleidoscope.
You swept me off my feet.
I learned the kinetic theory of heat.
That was just what you were doing.
My heart you were pursuing.
The curtains acted as a dome.
Then I made you my home.

Olivia L Nov 2015
One cup of dreams,
Three tablespoons of midnight whispers,
Two pinches of starlight,
And a slice of the first story you ever heard,
Mix all this in a small bowl until smooth
And spread evenly on your mother's old cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees
For the time length of your favorite song from your childhood
Until a perfect golden color
Then let cool before serving.
Olivia L Nov 2015
Right now, one of you is singing and the other is still in bed.
So I'm taking the time to think about where you guys will be in a few years.
In two years, I'll hopefully be traveling, getting out of here.
But you, Jaida darling, you're going to be a sophomore..
And Celia, you'll be in your seventh grade year.
(Who knows, maybe you'll have grown)
But to what I actually wanted to tell you today..

You know I've been sad
I've been angry
I've yelled and cried
And mom has yelled and cried
And so has dad.

And you both have been through that too.
So please, please remember
That when you finally get to high school
And everything seems kind of terrible
Like it has for me
You have an older sister who's been through
At least some part of the emotions you're feeling.

And don't go looking for help
In shiny blades
And smaller portions
Because yes, yes they will give you momentary satisfaction.
The sting and the crimson beauty,
The rush of pride on the scale.
But in the end they're just problems.
Problems, not helping, but taking away from who you can truly be.

So remeber.
Life is temporary,
So revel in every minute of it.
Being sad, depressed, upset, or angry
All of those feelings are okay.
Just don't hide them.
Because I don't want to lose any of you

Olivia L Nov 2015
Chopin plays
In a dark room
As rain slowly falls
I love Chopin.
I'm going to play some when I finally get sheet music.
Olivia L Nov 2015
I stared through the glass
Around the museum display
And hallucinated your face.

You were looking blindly through the box,
Not at the art within, or at my face parallel to yours,
Seemingly deaf to the conversation of your companions.

I walked slowly around the glass rectangle,
And only a few feet separated us.
We gazed at each other
Recognition still not dawning on either of our faces.

Minutes seemed to pass
Before your eyes brightened
And we collapsed into the others' embrace.

I breathed in the cigarette smoke
That lingered on your jacket,
And listened to your heartbeat
As I refused to let go,
Barely believing your arms were around me again.

It still almost seems like a dream
Like a fantasy I've placed in my head
To satisfy my longing to talk with you.

But it's not
It really happened.
You wrapped me up in your arms,
Only letting go when it was absolutely necessary.

When we parted ways
After two hours of pleasant company
Chai and coffee in a bookstore
And huge grins plastered on our faces
The memory of a beautiful day stuck
As a protective blanket for the rest of the day.
I finally saw him again.
Its great to be good friends with yourself,
Not in a selfish manner,
In a way which can  accommodate others into your life,but also not allow them to take advantage of you.
Know yourself,
Love yourself,
Talk to yourself,
Laugh at yourself,
Its worth it..
Trust yourself,even just a can go a really long way,
Trust your instincts.
You won't ever know anyone,the way you can possibly know yourself.
Love yourself.
Its almost impossible to make everyone you love love you the way you love why not give some love to yourself atleast you'll be sure,you love you and you loves you back!
Olivia L Nov 2015
My dearest.
Words cannot describe how much I long to be in your embrace.
Your warmth that envelops me
And your softness.

Your tantalizing smell of clean laundry
And painted wood.
Your caress engulfs me,
Filling my dreams with peace.

I hate when I have to kiss you goodbye in the mornings
Walking out the door
With a final longing gaze at your beauty and snugness

But I can remember that you are always waiting for me
When I walk into the room
And dive into the warmth of the covers
And return to you
My bed
Found a cool writing prompt, decided to try it out.
"Write a romantic/love note to a mundane or everyday object or activity."
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